

🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 902153


Blender 3.2 was released on June 8, 2022.

Anonymous No. 902165

They completely broke geometry nodes logic again making 90% of tutorials useless, didn't they?

Anonymous No. 902199

>it's just refractive caustics
Between this and geometry nodes, why are the devs so keen on releasing half-baked features? Just like >>902165 said, the latter seemingly keeps getting redone in every new version

Anonymous No. 902228

This is how you tell me how you haven't used any version of the geometry nodes without saying it. Version 1 was unreadable trash. Version 2 with fields is logical and looks readable. There has been no version 3.

Anonymous No. 903645

3.0 was in a nutshell was just a big UI change that removed around 30% of the features in blender.

Anonymous No. 903757

>Muh game engine
>Muh blender-render



Anonymous No. 903776

>>Z is still fucking UP
the fuck? still?

Anonymous No. 905269

what else would it be?

Anonymous No. 905314

sơydevs believe that z should be the forward/backward axis, and y should be up. Most of them are manlets that use Unity instead of a real game engine like idtech or unreal.

Anonymous No. 905350

Y has been up-axis since forever, what the fuck are you talking about you retarded blendlet

Anonymous No. 905359

Yes, I enjoy all my settings being reset to default.

Anonymous No. 905362

z/y up should be in the preferences in the loading screen and not hardcoded in the program, I personally like z up.



Anonymous No. 905430

tell me my fellow blendlets how the FUCK do I extrude inwards

Anonymous No. 905433

Press E then without moving the new extruded vertices press alt s , or just alt e and choose extrude along normals

Anonymous No. 905434

have they fixed the texture painter being unable to reliably place individual pixels yet?

Anonymous No. 906248

Please don't import settings from previous version(a prompt during installation).

Anonymous No. 906369

don't care
just use old and good stuff

Anonymous No. 906370

>don't care
Well good job bumping this back up from page 5

Anonymous No. 906385

>The new hair system got pushed back.
It's a shame but it's manageable. I'd rather it get done right then sloppily.

Still, the light groups and ACES support are both nice.
I still just wish that the VSE let you render to custom formats, I wanna output 10-bit.


2022-07-03 02-38-....webm

Anonymous No. 906476

speaking of which

how do i fix this animation to be used in a game


cringe face.gif

Anonymous No. 906502

Stop being lazy, and do some basic ass googling, you useless piece of shit. If you can't even search for answers properly, you're ngmi and will never be a real woman

Look up root motion, or you could not offset the character while animating. See what works for you.

Anonymous No. 906508

1. i made the mistake and fixed it
2. it means i WILL be a real woman


2022-07-03 04-07-48.webm

Anonymous No. 906547

oh shit that's the 3DCG thread

Anonymous No. 906549

Y-up is used only by animators and other similarly "demanding" fields. because it's hard to them to wrap their head around something not being 2D.
Z-up stems from architecture floor plans with Z pointing upwards from the floor plane, as it should be.



Anonymous No. 906556


Anonymous No. 906701

Why did the asset browser fail? It's such a cocksucking piece of shit. It's been years and you still can't save assets on the fly, the developers should be executed by firing squad

Anonymous No. 906750
