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Dr. Doom No. 902163

What is preventing me from learning 3D, was supposed to have a model a week ago, but nothing has worked?

I haven't been able to finish a single tutorial since there's always one issue that pops up and fucks up the whole thing, like here, can't merge like the video did since mirror fucks itself.

Anonymous No. 902164

kill yourself

Anonymous No. 902166

Doesn't say which software. Doesn't post the video.



Anonymous No. 902172

because is one of those things nobody can teach you the secret sauce.

There's not secret sauce.
It's just practice.


Here's some tips.
Learn to make some good ortho references, by drawing or just photobashing the references.
Model a lot.
Learn to use modifiers, specifically use the multiresolution set to 1 division with a cube, this creates a nice sphere with basically a cube, I use this to quickly create the base mesh for heads, core, hands and feet.
Set a certain number of faces or vertex as challenge and practice a lot, like do #fes256 challenge.
Study models in the style you want.

There's nothing else to learn 3D modelling, specially low poly.

And yes, practice everyday for at least a year before asking if you have talent or not or how to do it.