
three dee tee shirt.png

🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 902201

Who is the most successful artist to ever visit /3/?
>half of this board are fighting each other over software
>the remaining two thirds are enjoying 3DCG as a hobby and like making things
>the other third makes money with 3DCG, though mostly freelance or if they're lucky enough, a job at a small bumfuck studio in their neck of the woods
This board has existed since January 19, 2005. Surely at least someone here had to have found work at a large and famous studio, if success is measured that way.

Anonymous No. 902202

>Somebody on /3/ actually having a job doing 3d...
>I must ask to confirm if that ever happened.

Anonymous No. 902207

>Who is the most successful artist to ever visit /3/?

Not very successful but I have a happy life with my wife. That puts me in the 0.1% of humanity.



Anonymous No. 902209

This is my mantra btw. Cliche but fucking true as fuck.

Anonymous No. 902226


...noone who get successfull will visit this place because you cant learn anything from this place.
everyone who is left with knowlege bleeds out and doesnt revcaived anything back.

/3 should be a place where you ask high end questions and get high end answers!

Anonymous No. 902243

the duck?



Anonymous No. 902248

most of the finished renders and animations made here are by cris.

Anonymous No. 902363

What’s wrong with being a freelancer? That doesn’t mean you’re doing crappy 5 dollar models for random normies. I make content for some of the biggest studios, as a freelancer.

>joining a large and famous studio is called “making it”
Why the hell would I want to do that?

Anonymous No. 902367

why are we having this thread, again? You should be working!