

🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 902242

I'm on my first day of learning blender. I'm following a chair tutorial but I went off script because I thought there was an issue with the dude's topology but now I'm a bit stuck.
You see in this first picture I have an open face and then a closed face on top with the loop cut abruptly ending on the section with the closed face.

Second picture follow sorry if this isn't the place for these questions.



Anonymous No. 902244

I'm trying to complete the loop and terminate it on the next line as shown. Here's what I tried to do. Subdivide the line, put in the correct position, then use f to connect the two vertices. IDK what the problem it but it creates a monstrosity because it thinks that the entire panel is part of one face which really does not make much sense to me.

Anonymous No. 902247

figured out the problem. Delete thread isn't working. Mods if you could please delete the thread I would appreciate it.


Scn 20.jpg

Anonymous No. 902258

No harm anon next time use /sqtddtot/.

I fucking love chairs. I see a chair I click.

If you want to talk about chairs and stuff just talk to me.



Anonymous No. 902259

Anonymous No. 902293

At least you posted something worthwhile and not some cris-tier cancer

Anonymous No. 902393

>teehee I already found what was the problem, you can all now go fuck yourselves xD uwu

Anonymous No. 902394

>tfw even complete beginners who don’t know what topology is doubt that your topo is correct
How will Andrew recover from this?

Anonymous No. 902396

I recommend to turn off the subdiv when modeling, but if you model with subdiv on make sure to click the edit button on top of subdiv modifier. This will make the model much easier to read. As it looks to me you can delete the edge that connects wrongly, then join the vertice on the left to the one below the vertice it was previously connected to.

Anonymous No. 902406

Not OP, of the chairs you've made, which is your favourite?

man, that's a mouthful.



Anonymous No. 902410

No chair is my favourite its a coping mechanism. I hate all of them. I've been modelling chairs all month for this particular client and I think I'm loosing my mind. I am at my 11th chair and I am slowly becoming allergic to even sitting on one. I thing I'll model the rest standing up for some rnr. Picrel is my cat helping on the 3d scanning process.

Anonymous No. 902411

Have i come to the chair fetish section?

Anonymous No. 902413

Yesss model it like of my french chaises longues.

Anonymous No. 902414

I bet your cat is very helpful.

Anonymous No. 902416

Yeah no. Heheheh



Anonymous No. 902436

>Polys: 0
>Tris: 0
>Verts: 0



Anonymous No. 902440

Sorry, I needed to delete and then re-fill the faces. I had just assumed it would recalculate faces towards the nearest edge automatically but I was mistaken and now understand.

To be fair he fixed it later I just got ahead of him.
Finished wireframe btw.

Anonymous No. 902448

If you know 3ds max you'd know what is happening.



Anonymous No. 902449

Nice one anon. Chair nerd here. Now texture it. Don't waste this thread and show us full render.

It's an opportunity to learn.
>Shader Creation
>Studio lighting

I always have my polycount set to current selection. Knowing the full polycount of a scene that has fotogrammetry reference models is stupid.

Anonymous No. 902470

desu UV unwrapping and to a lesser extent texturing seems like horrible torture



Anonymous No. 902477

Yes and no. I do pre-unwrap all the elements and I take care to keep a consistent workflow to conserve coordinates across deformations.

It's a bitch to unwrap in certain aspects but good workflow and some self made tools have made the process bearable. I always model and texture at the same time so the diffusion and the geometry work in harmony.

Inb4 >Why not make a wicker teccture and map it over a plane.

I've already done it for the low res version of this chair but this fucking models are also factory references of an artisanal process so I have to do the real deal in 3d. I think I could thread a real wicker chair after modelling so much of these.

Anonymous No. 902482

Are there other programs that are easier to do unwrapping and texturing in than blender or are they all about the same?

Anonymous No. 902485

I dunno. 3ds max has some powerful third party plugins that enhance the unwrapping process but I use a combination of vanilla 3ds max and self made scripts.

Blender seems to have a more robust set of tools but that is only because max is designed with a "manual" workflow in mind and use other mapping solutions in tandem with classic unwrapping like uvw xform, mapping deformations.

As for blender some things just take the press of a button but in max you have to use 2 or tools to do the same thing. Some prefer the sense of control, some prefer the ease of use.