

🧵 Help a person with ADD learn anatomy

Anonymous No. 902442

The other day /v/ anons helped me learn to sculpt with proper proportions(well at least almost proper proportions because I want to go for the coomer aesthetic). They drew over what I was doing wrong with paint so I could learn.

I'm trying to sculpt the bottom part of her body now. I think I've blocked out the thighs and legs alright. Are the glutes alright as well? Would it be possible for you guys to teach me how I could do this better? Whatever feedback you guys might have, can you like draw over it in red sketch in paint? I have a hard time learning from stuff. Sorry for the bother.

Anonymous No. 902445

what you should do is model the bones, then the muscles, then the fat. Run this through a muscle simulator like ziva and manually paint the attributes for the fat and sim over and over until it looks right. You no longer want to sculpt your fatty tissue by hand without simulation - its a fools errand.

Anonymous No. 902453

You're a nigger aren't you? That's African tribal statue anatomy for sure.

Anonymous No. 902461

Go look at pictures of fat ladies on the internet and sculpt based on what you observe.

Anonymous No. 902472

blacks have different body types from whites

Anonymous No. 902487


Yeah the proportion is something like 52/13.

Anonymous No. 902494

moar like 69/69 amirite?

Anonymous No. 902521

That's because they're different species.


venusowillendorf ....jpg

Anonymous No. 902732

pic related was found in england

Anonymous No. 902733

Yeah Brixton is full of those.

Anonymous No. 902917

slavs had those bbw statues too
but youre right to assume niggers as they tend to have higher test levels something thats becoming rarity in western whites

Anonymous No. 902931

looks proper for a 5'3" tall model.

Anonymous No. 902951

Everything looks fine except for the lats. Make her fatter, you see that curve on her sides? Fill it with fat. I know you think hehehe curves mmm but no if she has big boobers and big belly, she's gonna have fatty lats

Anonymous No. 902989

*wrong* as if right is just the way someone else would do it.

Anonymous No. 903205

Zarins Anatomy for Sculpters goes into detail on how the more common places fat tends to build up on the body. I would suggest learning the basic underlying anatomy and then adding on with their desired weight.

Anonymous No. 903211

I am sub-saharan African and can confirm that women here generally look like that when they age.

Anonymous No. 903226

Abandon anatomy! Texure paint it in bright/dark/inhuman colors and sell it to the furries.

Anonymous No. 903238

austria, idiot.

Anonymous No. 903240

why are you modeling obese women

Anonymous No. 903340

Kids dont do it for me

Anonymous No. 903341

Nigga I told you on /v/ already, nips need to point outwards a bit more.

Anonymous No. 903347

this model looks like every disgusting negroid I see wandering the aisles at the grocery store.

Anonymous No. 903348


Anonymous No. 903559

That's not an obese woman, it's a breeding machine

Anonymous No. 903570

it's stomach is sticking out over a foot in front of the hips. unless it is currently pregnant it is just a failure of being human.

Anonymous No. 903965

I thought it was from africa

Anonymous No. 903983

I’m new to sculpting and I found a guy named Speedchar on YouTube really helpful, he breaks out references and highlights important anatomical landmarks while he sculpts, his paid courses are worthwhile too, I think he greatly undercharges for them cuz he’s ESL
Also Proko on YouTube, his focus is 2D art but he’s an amazing resource for anatomy

Anonymous No. 904072

I thought that as well, went to look it up and it was found in austria. apparently they are found all over europe. looking around it seems the africans didn't make any venus figurines.

Anonymous No. 904336

Pick up Morpho: Simplified Forms

Anonymous No. 904339

The best advice I can give you and nobody has fucking thought of is by touching yourself. Seriously why are you not touching yourself? You jack off everyday and not once you considered to feel the form. This is only provided you are not a fat pig living in your mom's basement.