

๐Ÿงต Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 902566

Here's your competition 3d only artists:




>does that mean I need to become /ic/ now as well?
Yes. Even Marco Plouffe who you'd think only sits in Zbrush all day and says drawing isn't really his thing made pic related reference in his sketch book 12 years ago and imported it into Zbrush. Time to start drawing boxes.

Anonymous No. 902675

This is just a hobbyist board. Just ignore or post gay porn at anyone claiming they're industry niggers.

Anonymous No. 902706

You make gay porn?

Anonymous No. 902709

I am a programmer and make more money than you for something that provides the world with more value than working on assets for the next AAA globohomo game. I have absolutely no competition, and I will not learn how to draw, industrycuck.

Anonymous No. 902711

I don't get why any of this implies I need to learn drawing.

Anonymous No. 902718

>the presumptuous and vague "I am x and am superior than you with regards to y" post
God complex bot right on cue in another thread.
>I have absolutely no competition
except the next upgraded version of what model you are that can draw and post on /g/ next time.

Anonymous No. 902721


Anonymous No. 902725

>code monkey for globohomo world
>the very first thing people write about taking no pride in when talking about picking up art on the side, so they don't end up eating a bullet
lol no one cares.

Anonymous No. 902726

>God complex bot right on cue in another thread.
Which thread?
>except the next upgraded version of what model you are that can draw and post on /g/ next time.
That makes no sense, organize your sentence.

Anonymous No. 902769

bot is confused is super effective