

🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 902582

I'm pretty new to Houdini but can you guys critique my render?

Anonymous No. 902583



i know who you ar....jpg

Anonymous No. 902588

Hello Dominika. How are you?

Show us your tits or get the fuck off this board.

Anonymous No. 902590

Try better bait next time you sad faggot. Do you enjoy wasting space on /3/ or is it you prerogative after being born a talent-less fuck.

Anonymous No. 902622

No u

Anonymous No. 902631

try blender next time faggot. Weak bait.

Anonymous No. 902940

tops of the strawberries in the water also need a meniscus.

Anonymous No. 902962

Too much grain on bread and toaster metal is too reflective.

Anonymous No. 903276

Drizzle some chocolate on those croissants and then we’ll talk.



Anonymous No. 903343


Anonymous No. 903386

>Here's my Twitter filename

Anonymous No. 903437


Anonymous No. 904726

It's alright for a first try. Since you're new to modeling, and I presume new to this board, I would strongly suggest you never post here again. A lot of people on here who complain about other people's skills can't actually sculpt an accurate model themselves, so they take out their frustrations on people who manage to get somewhere, especially if they're less experienced. Some of them do know what they're talking about, but their skill in modeling is the only thing that makes them valuable as a person, so they like to tear other people down. Go get critiques on any other website, because people there will actually want to help you.

Anonymous No. 904745

This is what passes as criticism?

Anonymous No. 904746

>Too much grain on bread
Too much water in the ocean