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Anonymous No. 902632

anyone else had their life ruined here?

Anonymous No. 902649

No, i was redpilled about "art" colleges when I was 12 and took the self-study+STEM college pill. Universities teach you outdated shit/practices in general, so it is really bad if you do it for anything art related without doing any supplemental stuff. The costs for art school is really expensive and most teachers don't have recent experience in the field. Those types are the worst because they are very strict and rigid. They penalize you for not following their methods 1:1 despite teaching bad/outdated practices

some people here weirdly defend art colleges though. Sunk-cost fallacy so i don't blame them, but they need to do additional studying/networking on the side instead of playing vidya when they're free

Anonymous No. 902658

Can confirm, my retard professor used to fuck me over because I bind skins using Geodisk Voxel instead of Vertex Highrachy which no one fucking use since 2010

Anonymous No. 902676

>No, i was redpilled about "art" colleges when I was 12 and took the self-study+STEM college pill.

You did the exact right thing. did you get red pilled about the art college scam over the internet? Or did someone you know personally warn you/was an example.

Anonymous No. 902681


Anonymous No. 902781

Ai Atlanta "graduate" of 2010 here. Learned more on my own. The job guarantee ended up being a folder of fast food places. Yeah; fuck Ai.

Anonymous No. 902784

ITT: silly amerimutts getting cucked by their for-profit """education""" system

Anonymous No. 902786

Yep. Groomed for 3 years by reps that would come to our graphic design program and tell us about how we would be guaranteed jobs right and the like.

You go in. "Oh just sign these loan stuff. Huh? Nah, it'll be fine. Just sign here and here. No need to read." And of course you do because you're just a dumbfuck who's been told you should go to college since you were a kid and you don't want to disappoint.

That's just a generalization but fuck if they don't prey on ignorance.

Anonymous No. 902787

yeah, i went in 2011. we didnt get a professor who actually knew 3d software until 3 years in. fortunately we ended up getting a professor who was a serious industry vet from hollywood who was able to get the few of us who still gave a fuck by that point up to speed, so it wasnt a total loss, but mostly it was a scam.

the problem is, they tell you all the early courses are art fundamentals and math and science requirements and shit, and that the imporant stuff comes in the last few years, but then you get to that stage and realize they dont have anyone competent running the programs, but by that point you are likely already massively in debt so what do you do? cut out with tens of thousands in debt and no degree? or try to finish? all the while their counselors are feeding you false information and keeping you in the program.

also keep in mind this is before youtube was flooded with professional level tutorials. it was books or just messing around on your own if you wanted to learn 3D, or buying dvd tutorial sets. nowadays there is absolutely no reason to go to school for 3D or art in general, there is such a wealth of free education on the topics, the only thing you need to bring to the table is a little discipline to practice and follow through

Anonymous No. 902788

>blaming victims of a professional multi billion dollar scam for getting hooked by it

thats the chinese philosophy. what are you, chinese?

Anonymous No. 902791

the art institute has always been a ripoff. I left there not knowing a god damned thing about 3d. I had to learn on my own after graduating. Get this, they tried to charge me 900 dollars for a super late library book and they never gave me my diploma because I refused to pay lol. Luckily I got some work and ended up having a great career. But seriously AI is shit./

Anonymous No. 902955

Maybe you should've grown a bigger brain or idk, done your research? Retard LOL enjoy your debt

Anonymous No. 902973

yeah, they didn't help you get a job at all, no matter how good you were.

>And of course you do because you're just a dumbfuck who's been told you should go to college since you were a kid and you don't want to disappoint.
the whole society sets you up for the debt trap. Through TV and movies they make it seem like you have to go to college, then there's the whole "do what you love and the money will follow" no, it fucking won't. You end up in debt to your eyeballs and unemployable.

>the problem is, they tell you all the early courses are art fundamentals and math and science requirements and shit, and that the imporant stuff comes in the last few years
yeah they make you do all kinds of unnecessary bullshit to milk you for money, thing is if you realize the scam early and try to move to a real school their credit don't even transfer.

>also keep in mind this is before youtube was flooded with professional level tutorials. it was books or just messing around on your own if you wanted to learn 3D, or buying dvd tutorial sets. nowadays there is absolutely no reason to go to school for 3D or art in general
tell me about it, kids today don't know how good they have it. I would have never went to art school back in my day if the internet was how it was today. Just no need like you say.

Anonymous No. 903004

places like conceptart.org and permanoobs existed in that era, they just weren't on youtube because it had a filesize limit at that time

Anonymous No. 903029

>shitposting on a niche board that moves at 2 posts a day

what kind of live does this subhuman have that this is what they choose to spend their time on?

Anonymous No. 903056

t. got scammed of his money because he is STUPID and an UMEMPLOYED PERMABEG
stay mad retard

Anonymous No. 904514

>hahaha you got scammed while trying to better your life as an inexperienced kid. you deserve it!

eat a dick you shithead.

Anonymous No. 904521

>doesnt do basic research on something youll go into debt for
>goes baby mode when others shit you for it

Anonymous No. 904533

Yeah, because growing a bigger brain definitely helps most 3rd world corrupt countries from getting out from under their corrupt dictatorial governments. Oh wait. The populace of 99% of countries have no say in anything and if they do it's usually just the illusion instead of something concrete.

I feel like you're not blaming the actual people but yourself for your own shortcomings somehow.

Anonymous No. 904549

>Oh just sign these loan stuff
haha yes i remember the old lady fast tracking me through the loan forms
then i remember looking at that sheet of all the classes i would be taking for the next three years and realized i got scammed
then i left
laughing to this day about them being sued into oblivion
fuck those faggots

Anonymous No. 904552

>choosing a college = living under a dictatorship
Keep coping your low iq is showing

Anonymous No. 904831

Forgot to mention that I'm in a well known tech uni that has CGA section rather than an art school, so even at the worst scenario I could still work in coding related carrers

Anonymous No. 904865

hope you die in a gasoline fire, would be nice.

Anonymous No. 904990

Yeah. Seeing Chuds infesting this board ruined my life. No quality boards.

Anonymous No. 907336

>>902632 Went here because my parents couldn't afford Art Center. Lot of teachers there are not good enough to work in the industry anymore or burnt our, and teach ancient workflows. I did have a good teacher near the end. Got a job offer for a studio before finishing, and he told me to take a job. Best decision I ever made. When I went there, most of the students were lazy, didn't end up getting jobs and got mad at the school. Probably all work at Arby's now

Anonymous No. 907375

> They penalize you for not following their methods 1:1 despite teaching bad/outdated practices

yup I experienced that and told her she was fucking stupid while in her class and she always gave me D's. She was stupid as a bag of rocks.


>also keep in mind this is before youtube was flooded with professional level tutorials.

Yup, went in 07-10 there was literally nothing on the web, you had to school.

>the problem is, they tell you all the early courses are art fundamentals and math and science requirements and shit

yeah went to state college for that. That saved my ass,

>Nowadays there is absolutely no reason to go to school for 3D or art in general
eh, getting a VISA to work overseas. They are anal about that.
Literal doppelganger over here.
> parents couldn't afford Art Center.
Same I got into Ringling but my parents couldn't afford it; I went to a state school a year and half before that. It was much worse than AI but still
> Lot of teachers there are not good enough to work in the industry anymore or burnt our, and teach ancient workflows
Yup, one teacher got pissed when I used photoshop instead of drawing shit on paper; she was a cunt to me my entire stay there because I wouldn't use traditional mediums.

>I did have a good teacher near the end. Got a job offer for a studio before finishing, and he told me to take a job.
Same, he hooked me up. near the end

>When I went there, most of the students were lazy, didn't end up getting jobs and got mad at the school.
Many just fucked around or did class work, it was only myself and another classmate who did shit on their own. We both got first and second place at the award ceremony and still work in the field.

Anonymous No. 907399

ruined? they still haven't solved any real problems with it, last time I checked I still had to do UV's and topology manually, art / design was and has never even been a problem and you don't need AI to do it for you cause it's never been an issue.

Anonymous No. 907403

I went to one and graduated in 2013, but I guess I got lucky because my teachers were all pretty good and several of them were also working at studios or actively freelancing. The main 3d generalist instructor at the school was really plugged in to modern tools / workflows and pushed us to experiment and work on projects that genuinely challenged us. For the last several classes that focused on building portfolio work, he also got us working on collaborative projects along with our individual stuff which seems simple but it's a big deal in terms of learning to work in a studio environment if that's where you choose to go. I struggled to get an industry job after graduating, but I kept in touch with him and he helped me figure out how to get started as a freelancer.

Funnily enough a few years later I got a gig teaching some rendering classes for architecture students at the Academy of Art University in San Francisco when I was considering a career change and got to be good friends with the staff at the game dev school and the animation school. That place is legit and I realized how hard my own college experience leaned on those instructors we had, with comparatively little support from the school as an institution.

I think the biggest issue with the schools is that they didn't have a program director guiding the programs, it was just a bunch of instructors doing their own thing.

Anonymous No. 907408

By the way, if any of you aren't active on LinkedIn, get the hell on there. Artstation too.