
Why cant I git gud.jpg

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Anonymous No. 902633

What the fuck is wrong with me!? Why can't I gitgud after ten fucking years! Ten years and this is the best I can make! All my friends are now working in the industry so why can't I learn to make a god damn car tire or shoes instead of wasting time making half baked sculps in Zbrush!

Anonymous No. 902646

>What the fuck is wrong with me
focus is shifted towards booba with not enough attention given to the actual underlying anatomy

Anonymous No. 902653

Practice doesn't make perfect, perfect practice makes perfect.

> why can't I learn to make a god damn car tire or shoes
Have you tried measuring them, recreating them by dimension, then analyzing the way light interacts with them, and painstakingly trying to reproduce those effects? Have you researched physical light interactions and tried procedurally reproducing it based on the physics?
It sounds like you've been grinding, but you haven't done proper research or directed practice. Your sculpt looks very good technically, but some anatomical understanding is obviously brushed over. On a glance, the sternocleidomastoid is not parallel, it comes closer at the bottom, between the clavicles, and wraps around the neck on the way up. The clavicles don't come that close; there's a gap between them as they touch the sternum. Women do still have pectorals, which form the front wall of the armpit, where you just have a crevice and a big featureless field on the upper chest; pectorals are subtle, but it's one of those uncanny valley effects when they aren't there.)
Do some écorché work. Stop just grinding over and over again and actually dig into the theory and research side.
I know people keep recommending it, but if you've been spending 10 years and can't get the basics, it's because you haven't been grinding the right way. You're building a good eye for most of the visuals, great muscle control and technical skill, but you still have no innate understanding for your subject.

The good news is that the part you've already done is the most difficult part. Learn anatomy, and learn to actually analyze and research your subject, and you'll be incredible in no time. If you give up, it'll be an incredible waste. But if you keep doing what you're doing, you'll also get nowhere. Push out of your comfort zone. Try a different approach.

Anonymous No. 902655

At least you can actually make sculpts
I feel like I can't sculpt to save my life.
I've only been using blender off and on for like a year now though.

Anonymous No. 902710

I'm gonna second this one. This board tells people they have to grind anatomy references 100s of times before they can git gud, but all of that effort could be greatly reduced by developing good observational skills. It's no wonder some people here think anatomy is so hard.

Anonymous No. 902737

>big soft boobs
>hard angular angry face
raise by a single mother were we?

Anonymous No. 902739

Can't skip drawing with fundamentals. 3d only is a meme.

Anonymous No. 902742

You don't even know whether or not he can draw. Did someone in another thread make you mad?

Anonymous No. 902743

We don't know whether he's been sculpting ten years or not either dummy. It's called an inductive inference.



Anonymous No. 902918

Call me crazy, but I think that your problem is knowledge of bones.


Ryza 08.jpg

3DGuy !!XhQDOznbDw3 No. 902920

>Why can't I gitgud after ten fucking years!
This is 3D art, not Dark Souls.
Not hammering the fundamental key note here, since probably someone will (if they didn´t already), but we are a product of INFLUENCE and that changes with the times.
In the 80s, you would be struggling to draw superhero comics because, if you draw, and its a comic, it HAS to be a superhero, and so on.
Your pic model is good - althought incomplete - but if you´re trying to MIMIC a finished piece style, i strongly suggest to:
1 - Get all the art from that specific artist you manage to and analyze it;
2 - Try to blatantly copy his model, WITHOUT your 'touch', if you´re still 'learning', be the software technical part or the art skill on your part.
We suffer several pressures wen studying art and software - family, friends, trolls online, work/study enviroment... focus is a bitch but you NEED to steer on the goal: to be able to be a generalist and create anything you need yourself, in time and with quality.
Or you can just steal a 3D model already finished, change it a bit and say it is yours.

Anonymous No. 902921

If you can do that then maybe you should make a super hero porn game and collect money on patreon from it.

Anonymous No. 902945

I have been trying to get this into peoples head by mentioning it often in the hope it sticks.
Obviously, good observation skills are part of a solid art foundation, without it people are lost.
I have been to photography and drawing/painting lessons and my teacher had to drill this into my skull first -that's why I know, I had a real "opening of the eyes" experience.
The next step is learning aesthetics - there are tons of artists who are technically good and they have good observation skills, but they have a real shit-taste and wonder why they only produce shit.

Anonymous No. 902950

God I want to cum all over her tits

Anonymous No. 902987

you don't wanna lick and suck her nipples?

Anonymous No. 902991

>receiving advice from someone who's work is subpar compared to him.

Anonymous No. 903035

tits not reacting to gravity enough -2/10

Anonymous No. 903038

have you heard about sillicone?

Anonymous No. 903041

i, for one, prefer 3dguy's

Anonymous No. 903097

>off and on
That's your entire problem.

Anonymous No. 903169

you should imagine them like a bag of sand conforming to the curves of a woman when you are delicately sculpting them.

Anonymous No. 903203

nice booba, add physics pls

Anonymous No. 903329

not him but I as well feel like I just study the wrong way, how can I make sure I perfect my practice? should I think about each inch of my model and what's happening beneath the surface?

Anonymous No. 903338

if you think about whats happening below the surface you take the MODERN approach taken by every major studio. You can accomplish this with Ziva Dynamics and Houdini muscle simulation

Anonymous No. 903344

>Ziva Dynamics and Houdini muscle simulation
isn't this shit much more advanced? surely this is not the way to learn the basics

Anonymous No. 903350

ignore him, he's the resident ziva shill

Anonymous No. 903352

there is a learning curve

i dont shill ziva, i inform you of the way that its being done in ziva, houdini, and in house solutions across the industry. If you ignore me, do it at your own peril (you wont get far)

Anonymous No. 903370

I don't know what the problem with the Ziva shill is, but he does this every so often. You don't need a muscle simulator unless you want to create truly realistic muscle deformations, but thinking about where the muscles go when designing a character helps.

Anonymous No. 903505

but is this what it takes? Is this what the other anon ment by "perfecting practice"?

Anonymous No. 903558

I didn't mean that you can really "perfect practice", but that to be perfect, you would need perfect practice. Perfection is unattainable, so the only point is that some practice is better than other practice. It's just a pithy and memorable way of phrasing that. It's important to know this because many people end up with the impression that "practice" just means pounding thoughtlessly at the same thing forever, and they stall or completely stop their progress and improvement as a result.

Proper practice involves examination, introspection, experimentation, research, learning theory, and proper experimentation that pushes you out of your comfort zone and challenges and polishes specific weak points. If your "practice" is just doing the same thing over and over again without really thinking about it, you're short-changing yourself. This applies to every art and every skill.

Anonymous No. 903719

Looks decent to me. If you're able to maintain that level of quality for the rest of the body, and the hands and feet in particular, then I don't know what you're bitching about.

Anonymous No. 903728

the problem is when you go with a "realistic" style like this and go to animate it you will extremely quickly come to realize that you dont have the skin sliding over the muscles and fat and proper FEM jiggles which are essential for the the realistic look in animation due to your inability to take a few months to learn how to set up your pipeline with muscle simulations. Let me reiterate - skin sliding and proper jiggle is not possible with corrective shapes and skincluster. Muscle simulations replace skincluster and require you to model the actual skeleton, muscles, and fat. Im not pulling your leg, guy. Just look at the ziva community forum for examples. Its not exactly hard to do, either. Most people are going to have more difficulty taking timed math tests in high school and college than they will taking a few months learning how to use a muscle simulator.

Anonymous No. 903915

why does ziva spend resources to shill on this god forsaken board?

Anonymous No. 903919


Anonymous No. 903972

because its a psyop, all the youtube tutorials and udemy courses and whatever piece of shit you use to learn is fake its put there by the companies to make you get worse and use absolute retarded methods that slow you down.

Also Nepotism. i know about 10 whores working in the industry who cant model but the absolute incel retarded simps that gave them the job thought they would open their legs for them. fucking bitches have it so easy

Anonymous No. 903973

doesnt look too bad whats the problem?

Anonymous No. 904725

Learn to draw.