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🧵 /ueg/ - Unreal Engine General

Anonymous No. 902644

The general for Unreal Engine, arguably the best real-time 3D renderer available. It's also open source and free to use. If you have any questions, ask away.

What projects have you been working on lately? What features are you eagerly awaiting?


>UNREAL LIGHTING CHALLENGE (must be submitted before June 26th)

>Metahumans update, including mesh to metahumans

>Featured free Marketplace content—June 2022

>Automotive content has been updated for UE5

Nvidia Build of Unreal Engine:

Previous: >>875162

🗑️ Anonymous No. 902899


Anonymous No. 902915

I'm tempted to fuck around in ue5 and try to bring some of my dumb ideas to life

Anonymous No. 902930

>Unreal Engine
ah, yes.
the other popular chinese spyware.
the main one being tiktok.
you've been had by a lighting system, anons.
just let carmack do his thing and he'll make ue a yesterday.

Anonymous No. 902986

You are a complete moron

Anonymous No. 903031


Compile it yourself and gtfo you faggot

Anonymous No. 903032

Can someone confirm what an anon told me earlier about how good animation retargeting was in Unreal ?
I'm going to rig and animate a placeholder character that might be bigger in frame than the character I'm currently working on and I'm scared it'll fuck up all my animations when I'll switch the placeholder mesh to the new one.

Anonymous No. 903040

Anyone else thinks unreal engine insists upon itself and is insufferable? Its really not that good.

Anonymous No. 903042

>scanned rock formation #5977 looks good
>anything else exposes the shitty lighting instantly
lmao every time

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2022-06-13 00-47-31.webm

Anonymous No. 903046

The goblin is a store asset I retargeted onto, the mannequin is a bought animation, the elf is my own with the store asset skeleton scaled down and with the arms moved down and made less wide. The weight painting is also not much beyond blenders automatic.

Anonymous No. 903050


Anonymous No. 903058

typical braindead shill response

Anonymous No. 903108

>unreal engine
You misspelled Unity

Anonymous No. 903161

animation retargeting is so good that it successfully retargeted a sculpt

Anonymous No. 903162

>shilling free software

Anonymous No. 903166

free software != software that collects royalty after a certain percentage

Anonymous No. 903353

Can you make coom art with unreal?

Anonymous No. 903376

I'm a complete noob in rendering so does this mean it's easier for me to render out an animated scene in UE than in Blender?

Anonymous No. 903388

What is the recommended way to make animations in Blender then import them to UE?
Free, please.
I read Rigify + Uefy. Or Auto Rig Pro. But those cost money.

Anonymous No. 903407

why not just use unity?

Anonymous No. 903473

Because Unreal Engine is better.

Anonymous No. 903474

Watch this entire playlist:

and don't skip any videos. Watch every minute.

Anonymous No. 903476

What are the advantages of creating your own rig? As opposed to re-targeting the Epic Skeleton?

If I'm making a game in Unreal, should I be rigging my characters to the Unreal/Epic Skeleton? Is that the common indie workflow?

Anonymous No. 903535

I feel memey say this, but is there a good porn animation guide.

Anonymous No. 903601

>Nanite and Lumen not supported in VR
>No tessellation
>Empty project is like 2 gigabytes
>Huge stuttering because of shader compilation
>Need something that cannot be done with blueprints? Have fun recompiling the entire engine

Anonymous No. 903709

>Need something that cannot be done with blueprints? Have fun recompiling the entire engine
This is how I know you're an idiot with no idea what you're talking about.

Anonymous No. 903796

Is it true that renaming your project is a huge pain in the ass?

Anonymous No. 903926

>>No tessellation
This one seems to really be a problem, apparently it doesn't work in UE5? I've seen a lot of people caomplain about it. Did they decide they want to go full Nanite instead? How will that work with the terrain though, it loses flexibility. I ain't importing hundreds of small 500k ground meshes to build my terrain.

Anonymous No. 903934

They dropped it a few versions ago and pulled a unity depreciate without an alternative.
My guess is they want to tie it with nanite but that could be awhile.
You can displace a mesh with the modeling tools but it's a lot less flexible compared to shader tessellation.

Anonymous No. 904011

Is nanite good yet?

Anonymous No. 904014

I wanna make a game. Is this general good for advice? Or is there another one?

Anonymous No. 904048

Tessellation is a fucking meme. Its uncontrolled, and requires specific base geometry to even get good results. You can achieve most of the same effects with pixel space offsets or other options.

Anonymous No. 904081

what a dumb question

Anonymous No. 904153

How should I go about animating a character in first person perspective?
Should it always be just two arms and nothing else?
If I wanted to convert a fully modeled and rigged 3D character for first person perspective, should I just delete all the bones and verts besides the arms? Would that even work?

Anonymous No. 904159

youre going to need the full body because

1) you are going to be seeing player B doing the exact same animations with their full body when they go to attack you

2) reflections off of mirrors and water etc wont look right at all with only the arms

Anonymous No. 904162

This engine is trash... maybe its good for movies.. but for games this is garbage.

Anonymous No. 904224

Then explain why the Unreal Mannequin uses just the arms for the first person template.

Anonymous No. 904225

t. moron
Just because you put all your eggs into the Unity basket does not mean Unreal isn't a great choice for games.

Anonymous No. 904228


Anonymous No. 904229

So? They made it that way in the template for a reason. It's meant to serve as a basis for a first person shooter.

And who said anything about player B anyway?

Anonymous No. 904230


Anonymous No. 904231


Anonymous No. 904233

Good luck with your floating arms, retard.

Anonymous No. 904234

I already know you're a complete idiot with no clue what you're talking about when it comes to game development. No need to dig yourself deeper.

Anonymous No. 904235

I'm not the one struggling to comprehend simple words such as basis and template. Small clue: What they don't mean is "the entire fucking game".

Anonymous No. 904236

read >>904159 again. To add to that list, even your shadows will look wrong and if you ever even look down at your feet, well, they wont be there. Heres a protip : its not 1998 anymore. Also, epic for a lot of things has no idea what they;re doing. Dont trust them. Hell, half of their company is literally owned by one of the most oppressive, anti human rights governments in the world, the CCP. They simply dont care.

Anonymous No. 904237

If there was any reason to render the entire player character for a first person game, it would be rendered in the template you utterly braindead idiot. They only use arm meshes for a reason.

Anonymous No. 904238

>unitycuck crying about chinese ownership again
Immediate discard.

Anonymous No. 904239

You've already been given 3 out 20,000 reasons. Feel free to ignore them like the retard that you are.

Anonymous No. 904240

i dont use unity, i have a different, vulkan engine

Anonymous No. 904241

Reasons provided by tech-illiterate idiots like yourself don't carry any weight. You know absolutely zilch about gamedev and have no credibility.

Anonymous No. 904242

Thanks for your opinion, template guy.

Anonymous No. 904243

you sound exactly like that idiot who was trying to prove that people with 20 years production cg experience didnt know what they were doing, like 2 weeks ago. Get out of this board and get a life

Anonymous No. 904244

You are factually an idiot.

It's not my problem you're an engine-illiterate moron who thinks it's necessary to render an entire player character from first person perspective you stupid idiot. It's also embarrassing you think you know better than paid professional developers who actually make the engine.

Anonymous No. 904245

You will never make a game.

Anonymous No. 904246

No need to project your insecurities, idiot. You lost the argument, swallow your pride and move on.

Anonymous No. 904247

There is no argument, you simply can't see far enough ahead to develop your own game. It's ok to be clueless.

Anonymous No. 904248

You're still digging yourself deeper, idiot? You already got exposed as a moron. You don't know better than the Epic developers, or any game developers for that matter.

Anonymous No. 904249

So show us how it's done, champ. You won't.

Anonymous No. 904251

You've already been shown in the template by people far more qualified than an idiot like you could ever dream of being.

Anonymous No. 904252

No, the template shows how to do the most basic thing, mainly because retards like you need spoon-feeding. It's like the way the same template has the most basic environment, because again, a retard such as yourself could not handle any more information. But obviously a real game would have much more detailed environments and models, because they are made by real developers, not retards who think an example is the end product. You can go now.

Anonymous No. 904253

>No, the template shows how to do the most basic thing
If there was any good reason to render the full character from a first person perspective, the template would reflect that.
Alas, you're a complete idiot, and desperate to rationalize your terrible workflow practices. Not my problem, moron.

Anonymous No. 904255

>terrible workflow practices
>oh shit my game needs the full model for X reason and now I have to scrap 8 months of work and redo every animation
>so that's why they were laughing at me on /3/

Anonymous No. 904256

You lost, idiot. No need to dig yourself deeper.

Anonymous No. 904257

have you ever even made a single level of a fps game, not even a full game? Why do you ask questions, and when given the answer with multiple bullet point reasons, reject them and lash out? Oh wait, its because you are a troll, just like you were in your last thread. Point and laugh, everybody.

Anonymous No. 904258

>ask question
>get answered by complete morons doubling down on their own stupidity
If you don't know the answer, next time just swallow your pride and don't answer. No need to embarrass yourself moron.

Anonymous No. 904260

the only one embarrassing themselves is you. Respect your elders, son

Anonymous No. 904261

As expected from a pea-brained idiot like yourself.

Again, you have zero clue what you're talking about. Stop giving advice when you're a beginner.

Anonymous No. 904262

Raising the royalty threshold was a mistake.

Anonymous No. 904263

>Stop giving advice when you're a beginner.
>literal cut and paste from his last troll thread

lol, grow up and make something, idiot

Anonymous No. 904264

Ok, so on top of being a complete moron with no idea what you're talking about, you're also a schizo. Good to know.

Anonymous No. 904265

>claiming someone is a schizo
>when he is clearly the same poster that im referring to from 2 weeks ago who got so assblasted and BTFO with the exact same posting style and idiocy

you are done here, everyone can recognize your posting style you clown

Anonymous No. 904267

>claiming someone is a schizo
>when he is clearly the same poster
Yes, this is exactly what schizophrenia is, idiot.

Keep doubling down on your stupidity, you're still a beginner and a nodev at the end of the day, and you still don't understand anything about this subject.

Anonymous No. 904269

are you done yet?

Anonymous No. 904270

Imagine getting filtered this hard by a template.

Anonymous No. 904271

Imagine being too stupid to understand why the template uses arms instead of a full character mesh.

Anonymous No. 904272

Imagine you ever making a game. I can't.

Anonymous No. 904279

What is the best way to flood a room in real time in a 3D game?

Would I need something like Houdini to make this work right? Engine is Unreal.

Anonymous No. 904281


Anonymous No. 904282

>idiot is still giving people trash input

Anonymous No. 904283

>retard still hasn't made a game

Anonymous No. 904284

>enters the unreal general on /3/
>tries to answer questions you don't understand
>cries after getting BTFO
You are so embarrassing and stupid it's funny.

Anonymous No. 904286

I honestly don't know why you are so upset all these hours later, no one is stopping you from learning how to make a game.

Anonymous No. 904287

This is simply your projection.
All I was doing was correctly labeling you a moron who doesn't actually know anything about Unreal Engine or gamedev.

Anonymous No. 904288

I know you shouldn't be a retard and try and make an actual FPS with a pair of arms, so I'm at least twice as knowledgeable as you.

Anonymous No. 904289

>I know you shouldn't be a retard and try and make an actual FPS with a pair of arms
Except that's your word against thousands upon thousands of professionals.
You can cope all you like, idiot. You're still a beg and a no-hoper.

Anonymous No. 904290

>these 2 guys have been arguing on 4chan for 6 hours straight

Anonymous No. 904291

Hate to break it to you, but a template isn't an actual game.

Anonymous No. 904292

You were already destroyed on this point, idiot. No need to dig yourself into a hole again.
You do not know better than paid professionals at Epic. You're a loser and a beg.

Anonymous No. 904293

You're basing all your assumptions on a company that doesn't even make FPS anymore. How unfortunate for you.

Anonymous No. 904297

>t-they haven't made an FPS for a while, that means they don't know what they're talking about and i know better than them!
You're such a sad idiot lol.

Anonymous No. 904309

That's how it works when you appeal to authority, you have to actually appeal to an authority. It's like someone citing your opinion on the matter, you don't make FPS games, so what the fuck would you know? Now if you had cited Activision, you may have had a point. Except for the fact that Activision uses full models in their FPS. Because only a fucking retard wouldn't AKA you.

Anonymous No. 904310

>appeal to authority
Pffahahahaha, yeah citing the literal developers of the engine is a truly disingenuous logical fallacy isn't it?

I mean holy fuck, you're such an idiot it's actually insane. Your brain is literally broken beyond repair.

Anonymous No. 904313

But we're not talking about creating engines, we're talking about developing a specific game. It's like pretending a guy who makes boots could manage a football team because footballers wear boots. Another logical fallacy to add to your list of copes.

Anonymous No. 904314

Not using the reply function just further illustrates your insecurities, idiot.

You tried to claim you knew better than Epic's own developers, and you embarrassed yourself. You're a colossal fucking idiot with absolutely no idea what you're talking about. It's hilarious watching you crash and burn, desperately trying to rationalize your idiocy.

Anonymous No. 904334

>Then explain why the Unreal Mannequin uses just the arms for the first person template.
Some games have floating arms (Unreal, Half Life 2) and some have floating arms + legs (Halo since Halo 2, GTFO).
If the game is multiplayer there's a whole separated character model rendered only by other players, if the game is single player that model might be useful to cast a shadow and make everything more immersive.

Some games just use one model for everything (I guess Kingdom Come Deliverance, Mirror's Edge).

It's a design choice and I like the latter.

Anonymous No. 904350

>he now retreats into strawman arguments
Guaranteed (You)s

Anonymous No. 904354

bottom text

Anonymous No. 904356


Anonymous No. 904494

Can Unreal handle as much geometry as Clarisse?

Anonymous No. 904498


Anonymous No. 904713

I am in the market for a new graphics card. Should I get a amd one with lots of vram or a nvidia card with like 8 at most?

Anonymous No. 904723

Get a 12gb 3060.

Anonymous No. 904948

Which version of UE is the best?

Anonymous No. 904951


Anonymous No. 904971

not a 6700?

Anonymous No. 904992

Vanilla RTX 3060 here. The 12 gb is definitely worth it and you can run all shit with it.

Anonymous No. 904997

It's a bit of a tradeoff for gaming.

Anonymous No. 904998

not really, no. According to the latest steam survey, only 2% of all gamers use 4k displays. When you develop games you have to develop them for the main target audience (1080p)

Anonymous No. 904999

I mean personally too, it struggles with raytracing games and [spoiler]warhammer 3[/spoiler]

Anonymous No. 905001

Not really I use 1080p and can run modern games on ultra without raytracing.

Anonymous No. 905006

Well, looking into I am starting to think the pros outweigh the cons. I don't see any reason for it to be a bad match for ue5 either.
I don't know much about production cards so I assume substance and zbrush will like it more than amd or a low vram card?

Anonymous No. 906101

Any tutorial on making advanced splines ? Stuff like to manage when two spline cross each others and things like that?

Anonymous No. 906108

ultra is a meme, there are many many videos about that.

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Anonymous No. 906138

Is there an easy way to put dicks and tits on "metahumans" and make porn with them in unreal5

Anonymous No. 906139

>just let carmack do his thin
Carmack hasn't been #1 for 20 years.

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Anonymous No. 906140


anyone doing motion graphics with unreal 5?

Anonymous No. 906199

The 3d industry is always planning for the future and how to improve and optimize pipeline workflows to stay on top of the game. The main technology they are whispering about more than ever is Unreal 5 in terms of heavier adoption beyond gaming. Ultimately is matters what makes life easier for artists in a back and forth pipeline environment at a big studio.

Anonymous No. 906260

How important is the value of an albedo if the entire scene blends well together value-wise, even if the albedo of individual assets may be darker (or lighter) overall than it should be. Would just correcting the exposure to balance it out provide the same results? Would a higher lighting exposure on an underexposed albedo be the same as a lower lighting exposure on an overexposed albedo?

Anonymous No. 906261

The albedo has a strong influence on secondary bounces. If your albedo is to dark it'll mess up the Global Illumination.
Its better to keep the albedo physically correct (neither too dark nor too bright) and then mess with the light intensity or exposure.
>Would just correcting the exposure to balance it out provide the same results?

Anonymous No. 906262

Thanks, that's what I assumed. Changing indirect lighting intensity in PP wouldn't work either then? I wish I could find a good visual example of these behaviors, though, to truly understand how it affects the bounce. I might have to do it for myself.

Anonymous No. 906538

is it possibel to make a game only from default materials and not using a 3d modelling software?

Anonymous No. 906665


Anonymous No. 906738

What would be the best way to create a water firing effect in Unreal? Like if I wanted water to be blasting out of a large pipe.

Is this best done using Niagara's toolset alone? Or is it better to outside it into something like Houdini? Obviously the flooding water simulation effect would need to be baked.

Anonymous No. 907036

Some neat Game VFX

Anonymous No. 907071

Do you guys know any good Unreal Engine tutorials for a newbie?



🗑️ Anonymous No. 907083

What do you guys think about the Epic Asset Manager for Linux? It's supposed to be an alternative to the Epic Games Launcher for Unreal Engine users on Linux since Epic never bothered to make a Linux version.

Apparently you don't have to compile Unreal Engine for Linux anymore since it can download and install Unreal Engine using the official UE Docker container packages from Epic's GitHub repo (as with UE's source code, you'll still need to have a GitHub account with access to Epic Games' repositories to access them though).



🗑️ Anonymous No. 907085

What do you guys think about the Epic Asset Manager for Linux? It's supposed to be an alternative to the Epic Games Launcher for Unreal Engine users on Linux since Epic never bothered to make a Linux version.

Also, you won't have to compile Unreal Engine for Linux anymore since it turns out Epic has prebuilt Docker container versions of UE for Linux on their GitHub account and you can use EAM to download, install and manage them. As with UE's source code, you'll still need to have a GitHub account with access to Epic Games' repositories to access them though.

Here are the Docker containers:

Anonymous No. 907122

Reddit animation.
Reddit vfx.

Anonymous No. 907182

show your work then

Anonymous No. 907183

not him, but he is right.

Anonymous No. 907269

I want to easily create some more or less realistic terrain, put all my shitty models I've made into it and then check them out first person. Is this possible in UE? Basically limited scale world-building in which I can then walk around.

Anonymous No. 907279

Not him but I did the castle thing already, its about creating an enviroment and not a game
Where do we go from here? Just start prototyping?

Anonymous No. 907280

Yes, it even has a first person template you can use so coding isnt required
I would even say Unreal is overkill for what you are trying to do desu

Anonymous No. 907281

Nice. I've checked few videos, it looks great.
What else to use though?

Anonymous No. 907282

Dont know of any alternatives besides Unity which is arguably even more overkill

Anonymous No. 907285

fluidninja is free this month

Anonymous No. 907638

>GTX 1060 is slow as dirt with Lumen in the UE5 editor

Looks like this is finally it for the GTX 1060 isn't it?

Anonymous No. 907685

you do anything special with the lighting?

Anonymous No. 907686

socket them to the model

Anonymous No. 908155

>unity is now malware
Unrealchads just keep winning.

Anonymous No. 908195

What is it? What can I use it for?

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Anonymous No. 908199

...should we tell him?

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Sad Striker.png

Anonymous No. 908595

unrealbros, real question here. how long it takes to master this engine?

Anonymous No. 908603

That stands in direct relation to your IQ and your general motivation.
Its not less but probably more than an average DCC like Maya which is already twice if not more complex than Blender.
I am using it for 5 years now and I have only scratched the surface, but to be fair I am only using it as an realtime renderer, I have no intention to make a game with it. Even with this limited use-case, I still feel like there is a deep end that I haven't explored.

Anonymous No. 908633

Why can't I download my Metahumans? Bridge says do it in Unreal 5, so I tried through Unreal 5, but I still can't download anything.

Anonymous No. 909141

Is there a general rule what should be the skylight intensity with Lumen? Seems like I should just change the sunlight value and leave the skylight on default.

Also what about changing a default indirect light intensity, what's the most correct value?

And a third thing - what do you think about using real world values for lighting, e.g. sun should be 120,000 lux afaik.Not sure I see a difference if the camera exposure is auto. Maybe the bounce is calculated better from some forum posts I've seen, but others are not sure it really matters either.

Anonymous No. 909194

After the recent update, it seems that virtual shadow maps don't work at all for me anymore. I can't get soft shadows by increasing the radius. Anyone else with the same problem?

It might be due to my old drivers, but I can't really update laptop drivers with generic ones and there are no new ones to install.So probably it's a very specific issue. Nanite doesn't work for me either. Time to upgrade my desktop again I guess, it's gonna hurt the wallet.

Anonymous No. 910428

What are pros and cons of vertex painting vs an RGB mask (or a splat map as it is also sometimes called)?

Anonymous No. 910580


Carmack hasnt produced anything groundbreaking since he turned 30. That brain of his had 10 years of superpowers in it, then he got old.

Your IQ peaks at 21 slowly falls from there.

Anonymous No. 910585

Funny that in my 20s I was addicted to drugs and alchohol and doing nothing and unemployed and now in my 40s I'm employed and have moved the industry forward

Anonymous No. 910628

>Your IQ peaks at 21 slowly falls from there.
Dude, with 21 most people haven't even started to become intelligent, that's like the low threshold.

Anonymous No. 910796

>insists upon itself
Have you been watching family guy? I have only seen retards spew that line after having watched it.

Anonymous No. 910811

Most people didn't invent the FPS genre.

Anonymous No. 910813

>thinking Carmack invented first-person shooters
You must be at least 18 to be here

Anonymous No. 910879

is unreal good enough for rendering
how does it compare vs redshift, octane, arnold, etc??

Anonymous No. 910886

he *basically* did

🗑️ Anonymous No. 911334

what is the best 3d program to use for importing to unreal? if export fbx from blender will it be ok? if i cough up the dough for commercial is maya or houdini better? i used c4d in school, but there's no indie pricing and i don't wanna cough up three grand.

Anonymous No. 911335

the ultima underworld engine was superior to doom by far, but he didn't build a cult of personality around himself like carmack, so you never heard of him whoever he was.

Anonymous No. 911340

I'm not worried about IQ given zoomers are dumber than a boat full of a Somalians

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Anonymous No. 911361


Anonymous No. 911428

First fps game was Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare. Stop photoshopping wikipedia articles mkay

Anonymous No. 911429

What even defines a "true" FPS? The genre's origins go way back before that.

Anonymous No. 911430

The first FPS was Unreal by Tim Sweeney and the first game engine was Unreal Engine, also by TS

Anonymous No. 911644

How do I learn UE5?

Anonymous No. 911645

should i get maya indie or houdini indie or just use blender for unreal? i used c4d in school but there's no indie pricing.

Anonymous No. 911849

Do you know if there's a course on lookdev with Unreal but trough C++ programing (preferably). Like something that teaches volumes, materials, particles, virtual textures, etc... but not basic stuff, I'm after more advanced manuplating techniques.

Anonymous No. 911851

I've done a few tutorials, can someone throw me something intermediary?

Anonymous No. 911855

It's kind of just an arbitrary choice based on older industry trends.

Just arms was really common in the past and had some advantages and reduced some computation. Skyrim for example is arms (and maybe legs I don't remember). It works but it's not as worthwhile as it once was and arguably introduces more issues than it's worth, as others have pointed out with mirrors, other players, shadows.

You can do what you want but since it's not too much more to implement a full body why not do it and save you some trouble down the line.

Why ask for advice then reject it?

Anonymous No. 911856

Anyone have an answer? I want to know too. I just want to know how to make some enemies and make a basic sword or gun game.

Anonymous No. 911863

This guy is good.

Anonymous No. 911985

thanks man.

Anonymous No. 911990

The ultimate shooter course is a great grounding in a complete (very basic) game. This playlist is good for adding to that, although you'll also need the free plugin it is extending.

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Anonymous No. 912001

Or I'll ask in another way. Can someone please make me a list in order of logical priority on what to learn for lookdev in Unreal? Not interested in making movies but on gamedev but I'd like to know how to make textures animations, use volumes, materials and custom material (procedural, etc.), VFX, etc.

Anonymous No. 912005

There's not much C++ material out there. Your best bet is learning Blueprints to C++ and then translating the Blueprint courses yourself.

Anonymous No. 912068

So uh what are you using Unreal to make?

Learn anything neat or new?

Anonymous No. 912163

I'm going crazy with this: how the fuck do I create a simple sky box that doesn't have lighting in it ? basically I've been using the hdri backdrop and using a cloud cube map but the cube map always have a sun in it. It too much brightness to my directional light. I just want a cloud texture in the sky and that's it. Do i gotta find a cloud texture with alpha channel ? help

Anonymous No. 912172

I recommend you to check PrismaticaDev youtube channel. He'll give you an idea of how to make shaders, some vfx. Then you can learn more about shaders in Artstation courses for free. Once you have a better understanding. I recommend to integrate Houdini FX into the workflow (You can bake pretty complex effects into flipbooks and use them in Niagara). Also check Fluid Ninja VFX and Fluid Ninja Live tools.

Then you can also learn about substance designer (procedural textures), trim textures and tiling textures for speeding up your iteration times.

Anonymous No. 912182

Is there any reason to use ue4 instead of ue5 for archviz?

Anonymous No. 912212

You can make a sky sphere model that surrounds an entire level and place an unlit sky hdri texture on it.

Anonymous No. 912395

What should be the intensity of skylight in UE5? I feel like previously it mattered more to control the ambient with it, but now since you get all the bounce from a directional light I just keep it at 1 and am not sure if it needs to be tweaked. What about indirect light intensity of directional and skylight? Would it provide more realistic results if you increased it or nah?

Anonymous No. 912401

Get a photo of cloud, desaturate and pump the levels to get a clear black and white image. Use that as an layer mask on a solid white layer, cheap cloud

Anonymous No. 912430

Anyone know where I could find reading material on unreal other than the documentation?

I've got a lot of hours I can't watch videos but I want to keep learning relevant stuff to what I'm working on. I'm having a hard time finding anything to read online other than the documentation though.

Anonymous No. 912439

I have 2 books for UE4. I read them both, and I find the advice of some random hindu guy in youtube to be more concise and helpful. God fucking help me.

Anonymous No. 912480


Anonymous No. 912596

5 hours of Carmack

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Anonymous No. 912610

Does anyone know what might be causing the messed up texel density and weird normals in the cliffs?
They look fine inside of Marmoset and Substance Painter but in-engine it looks very different
Is it a UV, Baking or lighting issue?

🗑️ Anonymous No. 912618

>asks for help with texel density
>posts a clay render

>different normals in dcc and engine
>doesn't say what engine

Don't be like this retard.

Anonymous No. 912628

Have you built the project yet?

Anonymous No. 912635

Built the lighting and it improved a bit.
Cleaning up the UVs on the low poly will fix the remaining issues, thanks anon

Anonymous No. 912636

Have you tried this?

Anonymous No. 912637

unreal 4 ran like fucking garbage outside of fortnight in every single game that used it for how good the graphics were, is unreal 5 the same way, fastly disportionate worse performance vs what things look like?

Anonymous No. 912691

Did it really? I never experienced any issues and I played plenty of UE4 games without a powerful PC. Shitty performance is still something that I subconsciously connect with Unity, even though ultimately it depends on developers and not engines.

Anonymous No. 912719

which driver works best with nvidia gpu for UE5 and Redshift

Anonymous No. 912754

only epic really gets their games to run well on unreal 4, damn near everything they put out looks better than you would think given the visuals, meanwhile nearly every 3rd party developer for it the games for some reason shit themselves performance wise in comparison.

I mean yea, if you have an overkill pc setup you can mitigate how bad it performs but I don't think that should be a requirement. unreal 3 had the same issue at its launch, but over time the hardware to run unreal well became below minimum specs.

I really want to see how unreal 5 ends up performing, is it crap that runs like hell for reasons unknown to a consumer, or did they do something that makes it near impossible for devs to not get the game working right.

as for unreal vs unity, there are unity games that preform well and ones that preform shit, that engine is 100% on the developers to make the most out of it.

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Anonymous No. 912782

>compiling shaders
>compiling shaders
>compiling shaders

Anonymous No. 912791

Does high end processors like the 5900x/5950x speed up shader compilation significantly? Looking to pick up one now the prices are so low since the new gen is about to launch. No, I will not be able to afford zen 4 since launch prices will be high as shit in my country for a while, kys before suggesting that.

Anonymous No. 912813

I've been going back and forth between Unity and UE5 for half a year and can confirm that UE is a slow, bloated piece of shit not really useful for making games as it is for rendering pretty videos

Anonymous No. 912815

So are all game studios absolute retards for switching to UE5 now?

Anonymous No. 912919

Probably. Obviously unemployed retards here know better than people with years of experience in the field.

Anonymous No. 913011

Maybe? We have to wait and see how their games turn out and if they share similar problems.
At least they can pay for support which will help them get over any issues

Anonymous No. 913048

what is the most kino gpu+cpu combo for having UE5 not run like shit

Anonymous No. 913055

My i5 and RTX 3060 suits me just fine. You can get something nicer with newer, fancier models.

Anonymous No. 913062


Anonymous No. 913097

Thanks man. Really useful.

Anonymous No. 913179

I want to add a floating/falling debris/dust/particle vfx or mesh to a dark cave I made. Is there a term for this I can search for? Or, does quixel bridge have anything like this? Something like when you see sunshafts through a window and can see the slow floating particles of dust within the shafts

Anonymous No. 913307

Redpill me on Unreal filmmaking, can I leave SFM behind?

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Anonymous No. 913473

>UE5 audience

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Anonymous No. 913477

This bitch giggles too damn much. Gamedev is a serious bidness

Anonymous No. 913481

How did you guys learn to get where you are now?

Just online? Classes? Tutor? Documentation? Trial and error?

Anonymous No. 913484

Depends on you, for me, purely online, downloading every class I can from cgpeers, being active on discord communities and learning from other critiques, reading articles on 80lv and a lot of trial and error.

Anonymous No. 913558

please, anyone, where can I get a working Zbrush torrent?
this is a cry for help

Anonymous No. 913565

Cgpeers, maybe rutracker

Anonymous No. 913567

no, you're just stupid

Anonymous No. 913572

wow proved me wrong despite how many cases where thats what happens,

Anonymous No. 913601

anything that isn't a stupid gatekeep like Cgpeers?

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A still of Kermit....jpg

Anonymous No. 913764

can megascans be used in commercial projects outside of unreal?
if not if I render it in unreal but do some post processing work in after effect or resolve, is that ok?

Anonymous No. 913794

You can always buy a subscription and use them anywhere. They are free to use only if the final product is rendered in unreal engine.

Anonymous No. 913808

Not wasting my time on some faggot who doesn't even have a cgp account.

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Nike Fire.jpg

Anonymous No. 913868

Can UE5 rendering compete against offline renderers like Redshift and Arnold?

Anonymous No. 913875

Compete in what - that is the question. It depends. Quality? I think never, but the question is how good do you want it to be + how much do you benefit from realtime rendering. In some cases it can be great, but again, it depends on what you want to achieve and the project type.

Anonymous No. 914472

when will they fix raytraced translucency and volumetric fog working together, the rt translucent materials always render in front of the fog and it means you can't get a scene with everything at its best appearance because you have to pick and choose whether to use raytracing for you glass, or volumetric fog for you lighting. so annoying.

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Anonymous No. 914546

My mouse keeps appearing in-game just like pic related. But only when I scroll to the left. How do I fix it?

Anonymous No. 914589

Anyone knows a tutorial that goes deep on UI/Widget/UMG stuff? Preferably with C++ please. Couldn't find anything beside this Udem course:
I'm downloading it as I'm posting this but I don't know if it's worth it.

Anonymous No. 914592

Have you tried a different mouse? Could be a problem with the mouse you're using.

Anonymous No. 914650

I tried. I think I may have found the culprit. When I hold the right mouse button down the mouse disappears!

Anonymous No. 914695

That's not it. The mouse still appears in-game.
I tested it with other unreal games and it reacted the same way. I also changed mice and the problem persisted.

Anonymous No. 914699

with some compositing, yes

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Anonymous No. 914787

Are you ready for true Unreal Engine kino?

Anonymous No. 914807

epic. reminds me of this mario concept. also made in unreal iirc:

Anonymous No. 915182

How do you do cel shading?

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New Project (42).jpg

Anonymous No. 915343

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Anonymous No. 915349


Anonymous No. 915350

the distinct divide between the tech and the pr

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State your Pronouns.jpg

Anonymous No. 915446

my pronouns are he/he

Anonymous No. 915449

How to balance colors in a shot where a lot of props are colorful? I find that my lighting looks really nice in detail lighting view when everything is light gray, but in lit mode it's a mess. I've been testing things by getting the values more similar to that gray shader in detail lighting mode and trying to desaturate them so it's easier to balance it out, but I think that's not it, there has to be something else. Because if I change saturation too much, they don't look right anymore on their own, albedo doesn't match to real world ref.

So another obvious thing would be to try to change the layout, but all of the props are red, blue, yellow, brown etc. I can't just get rid of them from the shot and grouping them by color won't make sense due their fixed position and function. How do others balance shots with lots of colorful props then?

Anonymous No. 915527

what should i use for ui if i want to make a template i can use for multiple projects in the future? umg always used to be the ui framework, but now there is common ui and slate. is umg still getting updates? is it going to be deprecated? what makes common ui better? is it one of those react style models like swiftui? i hate that shit t b h. is slate mainly for making unreal editor plugins and not worth using for game ui? why don't they just update umg instead of coming out with all these others?

Anonymous No. 915538

Nobody ever answers any questions here, it's a dead thread

Anonymous No. 915553

Nobody cares about your worthless noob problems idiot. Fuck off to the questions thread.

Anonymous No. 915571

>noob hands typed this

Anonymous No. 915592

Lol that's the problem, people actually keep answering noob questions, but as soon as it's a bit more complex, nobody responds. Just look at this entire board, basic ass threads are always on top, /3/ even gives attention to schizos no matter how many threads per day they post.

Anonymous No. 916308

I plan on making a short film using Unreal Engine. I have no experience in Unreal Engine. How fucked am I? I will buy the assets and not make them myself.

Anonymous No. 916359

Do you have experience making short films? Using game engines? If you're a veteran Unreal is easy to pick up, if you're a newbie it's the best place to start, it's both feature-rich and well-documented, with plenty of up-to-date tutorials that are easily accessible.
If you don't have any experience with engines or filmmaking you have a lot of learning to do, though. I'm speaking a couple months to get started, and a couple years to get decent. But that'll be an issue no matter what you make your short film in.

Anonymous No. 916410

>if you're a newbie it's the best place to start
that would be unity. Unreal is only good if you are working in a large (100+) man team
> and well-documented, with plenty of up-to-date tutorials that are easily accessible.
errmmm about that....

Anonymous No. 916467

any courses?

Anonymous No. 918232

How do you guys handle exporting from Blender to UE5? I just can't seem to get things right save for the most basic of objects.

Anonymous No. 918274

What is the issue? Default export settings should work fine.

Anonymous No. 918407

Missing textures for the most part. Or the textures assigned to the wrong body part.

Anonymous No. 918450

Only thing I've had to do is invert the green channel on the normal maps. Otherwise, justwerks.

Anonymous No. 918462

source: 4chan

Anonymous No. 918466

you misspelled custom made too.

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Anonymous No. 918539

any shader experts here, can you take a look at this for me please?
I ripped this model out of a game, all is fine but I cant use the model's hair textures. It look like pic related. I know it has something to do with material instance because its labeled as MI.
Also the hair is supposed to look brown-ish.

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Anonymous No. 918540

and this is the hair alpha map. It has only two textures. Do I have to desaturate the D map before I can use it?

Anonymous No. 918543

You need to set up the shader in unreal again. Just import the textures normally and connect them appropriately.

Anonymous No. 918545

I mean I want to use the textures outside of the unreal engine.

🗑️ Anonymous No. 918569

what do you dudes think of the "unity/unreal engine complete course" bundle on humble bundle? yay or nay?

Anonymous No. 918572

Shut up.

Anonymous No. 918583

You said you want to export from blender to ue5, that means you already have the textures outside of the engine, no? If you want to export out of unreal, you should be able to do that as well, but again you need to set up the shader in your software of choice.

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Anonymous No. 918635

I used a tool called umodel to extract the textures. I want to use the textures in blender, but for that hair's textures, I dont know how. For example, this face textures from the same model, it was compressed to save memory, so I just edit it in photoshop, and extract the R/G/B channels. The unreal engine use R channel for specular, G for metallic and B for roughness. And for the hair's textures, I dont know how they do it to make it work.

Anonymous No. 918657

You sure the channels are in that order? Do you assume they are or is this particular texture set up that way? Because usually it’s ao, roughness, metallic, OR it is roughness, metallic, ao. You usually don’t want to touch specular value and I doubt the texture contains a specular channel.

For the hair it depends on the style, I don’t know how the model looks like. If it’s some realistic type of hair you will probably need an opacity mask for it, it may be a separate texture or in the alpha channel of the albedo.

Anonymous No. 918678

Yeah I think the order is wrong. Anyway, holy shit, this >>918539
Is just a glossy weight map and they just use material instance to give it q color. Goddamn man, this guess work is driving me insane. Anyway thank for the help bro.

Anonymous No. 918902

Not only is epic launcher a buggy piece of shit, even bridge recently has been slow as hell. I have multiple second lag when I type something in the search field, wtf. No, it doesn't happen with other programs.

Anonymous No. 919117

I'm not seeing it, anon. My complain with the launcher is that its XML parser they use is slow.

I fucking hate how developers nowadays think that NoSQL databases are a good idea.

Anonymous No. 919331

kinda in a pickle, i want to get into unreal because I want to pursue environment art but then the whole concept of adding the mesh then re-applying the whole textures though another node based system inside unreal doesn't sit right with me. Is there an easier way to import models along with textures to unreal from blender? also are decals really that good?

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Anonymous No. 919368

>re-applying the whole textures though another node based system inside unreal doesn't sit right with me
Lazy, but understandable. There are quasi solutions (basic Maya shaders to fbx, USD and Material X) but you'll need to make things look good in Unreal, which means learning its material editor. This is especially true with environments where you're going to need stuff like tileables and instance scattering variables. It's actually a lot easier for characters where you'd only have 3 or 4 materials and won't need a ton of overlays and variations. Stuff like decals. A lot of Unreal cowboys on youtube just reuse materials from asset packs and learning libraries. That's fastest way to get something half decent on screen.

Anonymous No. 919388

What's the advantage of using unreal for environments? Better at handling geometry?

Anonymous No. 919389

I mean it's material editor isn't that different from blender just a bit more expanded ? I mean in blender the mapping node is a single node while in unreal you have to append parameters and setup various other nodes to get the same result. Also is there any rule of thumb for the amount of tris a model can have to make it game ready ? For instance a house or a coconut tree.
It's rendering everything real time and lumen looks really fucking great. I want to pick it up because i want to be a environment artist for games and it only makes sense that i learn unreal to get a job. I wonder if there are any other jobs related to making environments.

Anonymous No. 919496

Is it possible to import an Unreal scene into Houdini?

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Anonymous No. 920172

How long until they buy Autodesk?

Anonymous No. 922164

How does one get a cgp account?

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🗑️ Anonymous No. 922189

Trying to make this
How do I make this?

Anonymous No. 922352

Do you guys see all of these big budget realtime music videos made in Unreal with mocap and Metahumans? All of them look like badly animated dolls. We're all going to cringe at this one day.

Anonymous No. 922668

what in the fuck is fox invincible on his head

Anonymous No. 922955

My 1070 runs Unreal 5 perfectly fine. For now at least lol.

Anonymous No. 922956

Intel 8 or 9 core with a 1070 NVIDIA, oh, also have a couple hundred tabs open in both Brave and Google Chrome.
For whatever reason everything has been running fine for me.

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Anonymous No. 923460

How to atmospheric perspective?
Are there multiple ways to implement?

Anonymous No. 923461

Unreal engine 5 can run fine on a potato but the rub is you will only be able to compile a few times a week because it simply takes too long whereas with unity you can compile hundreds of times per day

Anonymous No. 923698

it's just an painter term for fog, that's it

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Anonymous No. 924234

why does it look so shit? i am still working on texturing the model but why is lumen so hyped up? it kinda looks shit but i assume i havent enabled some kinda option. any help will be appreciated

Anonymous No. 924244

There's barely anything in the scene to light and models and textures can be improved. Lumen won't magically make everything looks amazing if you don't know how to set up lighting, colors and make good models t b h.

Anonymous No. 924302

What's the option that has the less cost in performance when trying to make clothes move. Let's take the example of a long vest:
- Make some joints for the long vest lower part and bake/make some animations directly on it
- Create clothing data for the lower part section (wich will simulate clothing physics but I saw that sometime it looks weird)
- something else

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Anonymous No. 924326

>Lumen won't magically make everything looks amazing if you don't know how to set up lighting, colors and make good models t b h.
could you link me some tutorials for lighting and colors? i am still working on the models

Anonymous No. 924332

Lots of paid content on cgpeers, but you can check out this guy on YT:

And this:

And just search for lighting articles on and experience points, there is knowledge everywhere. Search for some books about lighting for film, those can be very useful as well later on.

But anyway, first actually populate your environment so you have something to light in the first place, get rid of sharp edges, improve your textures etc. They will also affect how the object is lit, albedo, surface details, it's all important. Make the sun shadows softer if you're trying to match these references. Have elements that will block the light and place parts of your bridge in shadows like in the bottom example. Check out cloud shadows and light blockers as well.

Anonymous No. 924510

I am a brainlet, newfag, and poor. What's the best way for me to get some wandering NPCs with realistic foot movement? Root motion? IK? Is this already part of one of the demos? I'm trying to mock up a game to see if the idea is worth pursuing and this unironically is an important part of core gameplay.

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Anonymous No. 924515

/sci/ here, wondering if I could use UE for some physics visualization stuff:
Does UE support polar coordinates over cartesian, out of the box?
Would I need to modify the source code to add support?

Anonymous No. 924520

Any way to get the visible size of an object or material on screen?

Anonymous No. 924966

Motion Graphics coming to Unreal


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Anonymous No. 925082

“BECKONING” Feature Film Proof of Concept Trailer by Sava Zivkovic

Anonymous No. 925083

William Faucher's work always looks like it is in the immediate aftermath of a nuclear explosion. He's terrible.

Anonymous No. 925084

Care to explain why do you think that?

Anonymous No. 925094

That's a badass short.

Anonymous No. 925132

How would you create realistic boob physics in Unreal?
I just want to recreate them in Unreal like in Maya/Blender, but the physics skeleton doesnt react and work the same way.
Cloth system maybe?

I would post a video showing the reference but sfw board

Anonymous No. 925287

>it's slow!
>muh project size!
>it won't run on my 2500k!
Why are thirdies so mad about UE? It's not made to run on your poorfag rig, runs just fine on my 5950X.

Anonymous No. 925557

>download and install ~40 gigs of UE5
>wait 40 minutes for it to compile shaders
>crashes upon start
>another 40 minutes to recompile shaders
>import my vehicle model with just basic 2k textures
>gpu fans hit 3000rpm
>cpu temp hits 89'C
>download and install ~6 gigs of unity
> shaders compile witing 1-2minutes
>import same model, setup textures
>gpu fans idle
>cpu temp 31'C
Thanks, but Im sticking with unity. Better perfomance, less reasoures are needed, and I have ayyemdee card anyways so wont be able to use UE5's new fancy features like nanite and lumen. But I must say, UE you can figure out UE shader nodes just fine, but Unity's nodes are so retarded you migh need 10 tutorials to explain them.

Anonymous No. 925566

The fuck kind of toaster are you on?

Anonymous No. 925583

now I understand why every unity game is indie/lowpoly/basic shapes/low cost

Anonymous No. 925621

It's not an engine problem that indie tards can only do shitty 2d pixeljunk or lowpoly trash for quick cashgrab. Yeah, unity editor is more optimized and needs less computing power so it attracts all sorts of shitters just like rpgmaker does. UE5 is a fucking disaster for personal/small studio use both as game engine and render engine. Why do I need a render farm of 10x4090ti to have smooth performance in UE5 editor? Only corpos can afford that, so here we are: it's either AAA souvless sjw corporate goyslop on UE5 or lowpoly cashgrab on Unity.
Me? I don't give 2 fucks about games, I just need a nice fast realtime render engine which is not blender EEVEE and Unity has that.
RX590, 32gb ram. It still can run AAA shit fine.

Anonymous No. 925629

>UE5 is a fucking disaster for personal/small studio use both as game engine and render engine. Why do I need a render farm of 10x4090ti to have smooth performance in UE5 editor?
I have absolutely no perf issues, what's your CPU?
>RX590, 32gb ram. It still can run AAA shit fine.
Why aren't you listing your CPU? That matters way more than the GPU for this.

Anonymous No. 925645

Ryzen 3350g

Anonymous No. 925646

Anon, that's a very low spec CPU for production and content creation. No shit UE5 isn't very snappy with it.
>b-but Unity works fine
Nobody denies that UE5 requires more than Unity, but even an old 3700X will run UE5 silky smooth.

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Anonymous No. 925648

I will die a poorfag, man. If only those fancy advanced cpus/gpus were affordable for an average dead end wagie. Im just using whatever tools are available. It aint gonna change my opinion that UE5 is targeted at big gamegev/cgi studios

Anonymous No. 925685

Then work on Unity or RPG Maker if you must. UE is heavy because of all the shit it has available for those who know how to use it.

Anonymous No. 925696

I have an i5-8600K.

Should I upgrade my CPU for better UE5 performance? Also, should I be looking to get an unlocked K-series CPU?

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🗑️ Anonymous No. 926458

How good is the AMD RX 6900 XT for Blender? The price has come down quite a bit and I've got my eye on it.

Anonymous No. 926482

dude, you don't even need a pc. ue5 and maya run great on my macbook pro and they aren't even compiled for apple silicon yet.

Anonymous No. 926499

Got a question about animation retargeting in Unreal. Let's say I want to retarget a walk animation from a detailed skeletong to a much less detailed one. So less spine bones, no fingers and maybe a single bone for neck and head. Will it do the trick?

Anonymous No. 926556

No mention of this yet?
Astonishing number of improvements over 5.0, fucking fat update.

Anonymous No. 927028

Will be in the new thread.

Anonymous No. 927104

I feel stupid even asking but will I want to kill myself if I buy a 6800xt when it comes to /3/ related applications? I wanted a 3080 but it seems I missed the boat and now I would have to pay nvidias disgusting gouging prices and I'm not sure I'm up for that. I've always heard AMD is always awful but I do my blender shit and ueg shit on a GTX 770 and it isn't really a grand experience either but it is passable.

Anonymous No. 927115

Are there any FOSS repos of real world use of Unreal engine for C++ projects?
Like an actual app or game on github / gitlab done by a third party?
I learn the best by studying other people's work, not really by tutorials.

Anonymous No. 927116

can I somehow save groups of nodes when i'm doing materials? I'm tired of remaking POM setups over and over
also what's the best way to add ambient occlusion to materials? it feels like the only way to see any AO is if I add it to the diffuse through a multiply layer

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🗑️ Anonymous No. 927136

>can I somehow save groups of nodes when i'm doing materials?

Yes. Check out material functions.

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Anonymous No. 927137

>can I somehow save groups of nodes when i'm doing materials?

Yes, I believe material functions is what you're looking for.

Anonymous No. 927149

nice, thanks guys

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Anonymous No. 927247

Anon, if some guy in a 3rd world country like myself can afford it, so can you.

Anonymous No. 927250


confirmed ngmi

Anonymous No. 927256

Integrated soundcards are serviceable, but I enjoy having a good sound system.

Anonymous No. 927257

>a good sound system
>inside an electromagnetic echo chamber

🗑️ Anonymous No. 927258

i decided to play some tiny tina's wonderland over thanksgiving. wanted to check out some recent triple ayy unreal engine shiz. when you load it up guess what it says? "compiling shaders"!

Anonymous No. 927262

Genuinely looking for any critique in terms of lighting and just general mood. Characters were not a priority, they'll be re-worked when everything else is done.

Anonymous No. 927283

Are you going for the XBOX1/PS2 age feel? Just a few things:

- Movement of the camera when looking at the dude on the bed is unnatural. No human moves their heads like that.
- Grainy TV screen effect needs work. Study Silent Hill.
- Maybe just a nitpick, but the light sources are too bright and stable. An encroaching darkness with few "safe" unreliable light sources would help, unless nothing has gone wrong in your setting yet.
- Looking at a security camera is not scary.
- The "Road Closed" wood looks too clean for the already fading text.

Anonymous No. 927300

Solid spotting, thank you very much. All points super valid, the video is almost 1:1 to an original PS2 game intro hence why the scene choices like camera were in it.

Ultimate goal is to turn a PS2 era style original into something playable and modern.

Anonymous No. 927322

Would a 3060 be good enough for archviz?

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Anonymous No. 927338

It is serviceable, in engine emulator can show some minor stuttering, but compiling shaders is ok. You may get better results with a beefier card, but the 3060 can hold its own.

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Anonymous No. 927754

Anybody here has been working with translucent materials? Is there a way to stop the flickering?

Anonymous No. 927883

New thread:

