

๐Ÿงต Photogrammetry of faces

Anonymous No. 902748

Say I've decided to recreate a family photo and have numerous pictures of the people in it who are inconveniently dead and unavailable for posing for me. What's the preferred method for getting a basic head mesh from photos I can either use as-is or transfer via something like shrink wrap to another figure? Everything I've seen about video as a source points towards deepfakes which afaik can't spit out meshes, but if I'm wrong there correct me.
FaceBuilder seems to have problems with deep nasolabial folds and the more pictures you throw at it, the worse the results are unless the subject is completely neutral expression.

Anonymous No. 902755


Anonymous No. 902760

It's okay to say you just don't know the answer to the question anon.

Anonymous No. 902928

for what you want you might need to just combine a multiple passes from different progs.