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Anonymous No. 902938

Can anyone help me identify these architecture assets? Yes, i have tried asking the creator but he ignored me, i am guessing because they are ripped or pirated.

Anonymous No. 902941

why would they be ripped?
they're just cylinders with a few loop cuts.

Anonymous No. 902949

the absolute state of modelling on this board

Anonymous No. 902979

Fairly certain that these are scanned

Anonymous No. 903007


Anonymous No. 903107

I am looking for the architecture assets, not the knights. I am sure everyone knows the meme knights by now. Still, thanks my dude!

Anonymous No. 903134


If you look at the images at full resolution, you can see the columns are relatively lowpoly, and don't look to have very high resolution textures. That suggests he ripped them from a video game. I dunno which one, though. Maybe an Assassin's Creed game from a decade ago?

Honestly, they're not amazing assets, they just look kinda good because all that volumetric lighting is doing a fuckton of heavy lifting. Make a new environment and use that same rendering technique and you can hide however shitty you decide to make them. Work smarter, not harder.

Anonymous No. 903156

I tried finding decent realistic church columns for a personal project, alas so far these are the best that i have seen. I also quite like the wall on the far left.
I agree, it's probably a rip from a game, you can even see a low lod bench on the left. Appreciate your input

Anonymous No. 903342

holy god that floor texture needs better normals

Anonymous No. 903775

>ripped them from a videogame
You absolute fucking troglodyte, no one in the industry bothers with ripping other shitty artists' old videogame assets, what the fuck?
Just download one of the million of scans random people upload to sketchfab, or something.



Anonymous No. 903790

>No one in the industry bothers
>herp derp I'm a fucking retard and know nothing about the subject I pretend to be an expert.
Who was even talking about "the industry", you fucking retard? OPs image is from some rando doing practice shit, not anything "industry" related.

Ripped video game assets are everywhere. You rarely have to do the ripping yourself, and people who are still learning use the premades built off of ripped assets all the time. Nobody cares unless you try to make money off it.

Listen, I know being a retard isn't something you have any control over, but be a little more self-aware of your obvious retardation and maybe don't speak up when you have no fucking clue what you're talking about.

Anonymous No. 903903

tget are called pillars, you can box model them you know.