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🧵 I want 1K and i will get 1K

Anonymous No. 902963

Hello /3/, I am finally ready to do it.
You see, I have flirted with 3d for a long time, even though I was never getting anywhere..
But now, as I am failing my exams, and no longer having money, I have finally become motivated enough to spend time and get some money with 3d.
I will use this wish as ground for all my ambitions, from passing all exams left, to earning money, to set my filthy zoomer life straight.

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Anonymous No. 902964

>What's your portofolio?
I have done this potato

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Burger .png

Anonymous No. 902965

And this burger based on a tutrial online

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Anonymous No. 902966

>What other preparations have you done
I have washed my peenis and lurked online
(maybe that's why i am failing my exams)

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add pool table to....png

Anonymous No. 902967

>How do you intend to make money with no experience, you faggot?
In all this time browsing the net, youtube, reddit, even 4chan, I have come to the conlcusion that is imposible... Almost.
Hear me,
It is true creating textures, materials, models, etc. is what it should be the mai course i am obviously not prepared to do such a thing, a 3d pro might be able to to do in an hourwhat it would take 1 week, but i am not doing a 3d pro's work.
For you see... If I learn one thing from this place, it is shilling.

I plan to make bizzaro art, funny videos, intersting 2.5d shit.
I plan going on reddit and spreading my shit everywhere
I plan on going on discourd and spreading my shit everyhere
I plan on going on youtube and be posting shit all day long till the algorithm learns to love me.
I plan on taking pictures with my phon of every shit I see on the street with intent of making niche textures
I plan on using every AI and online [insert bs] generator I can find
I plan on doing everything under wahtever alias or face I would belive it would make me profits
I pan on doing everything exept porn, for i don't have the gut for that.

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Screenshot 2021-0....jpg

Anonymous No. 902968

Mark my word, /3/,
For I will do it
The game starts now.
And the finish line is 1k this Christmas.

Anonymous No. 902969

you're PAYING way more than a thousand dollars to go to uni/college, or at least your parents are, you should focus on not completely blowing that instead of making dime-a-dozen "SURREAL" shit

Anonymous No. 902974

Cool, a schizo thread!

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Anonymous No. 902985

If I blow every exam I have left (that's like 4)
And admitting I didn't do shit to all that came befor (which I didn't, because I'm not Really that)
1k will cover my college taxes.
And I already have raised that money (let's say I don't smoke/drink)

Therefore, all that money will compensate for some of my failed exams, and the other (assuming I won'tspend it all on school taxes) will go towards my new PC which I plan to buy next year.
That being said, I will keep you guys updated with my educational situation, my 3D progress and the money goal.

Any questions you'll have, I will answear gladly during my procrastination sessions, where I browse everithing from /int/ /pol/ and /b/ to /wsg/ /ck/ and /p/.

Anonymous No. 903822

Why did you fail your exam?

Anonymous No. 903833

how did you fail art class, unless it's animation you shouldn't fail art class.

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Anonymous No. 904121

I was lazy, tought to give up at some point; then went back to being lazy again, not fightng for that bare minum grade in order to pass.
Yeah.. it sucks, but it is my mistake that I must fix.
Therefore i'll struggle to acquire that 1k.
1k pays for a full year of college in my country

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Screenshot 2021-0....jpg

Anonymous No. 904123

I am studying engineering so the exams i have failed had to do with math and physics.
I do believe I can manage those next year, I will study for real this time.

And next time I'll post an update I will also post more than these funny 2d to 3d face abominations.

Anonymous No. 904199

$1k? What a joke.
Why so low? I made $1k in my first month at a minimum wage job working as a lab monitor back when I was in uni.
All that wasted "dedication" on your part for the equivalent of a week for me, sitting on my ass playing vidya at school, making sure the retard students didn't fuck up the printer.

All that time you're gonna be grinding for $1k isn't even going to pay out for the time you put in. Value your time a little more. You're essentially saying the time you're spending learning your craft is worth pennies. Aim higher.

Anonymous No. 906247

Has the OP given up like a faggot ?

Anonymous No. 906287


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Anonymous No. 906336

good luck OP

Anonymous No. 906421

A president of my country probably earns less than you, if you're from US or west EU. Is it that hard to understand 1k$ could still be a good salary in some places?

Anonymous No. 906424

so how do i get rich with this without making much effort?

Anonymous No. 906465

kys schizo

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Anonymous No. 906468

You don't
Neghter will OP.
But let's see what's he gonna do.
Perhaps he'll manage to do something.
I wish him good luck too, but i am skeptical about this wole thing.

Anonymous No. 906472

Ranjit and Mohammed liked your comment.

Anonymous No. 906473

They have to learn from >>906421
We must be more humble! With $317 per month anyone lives well if we manage.

Anonymous No. 906479

I had the same idea. I'm about to go to uni for comp animation but 90% of tuition is covered by scholarship so it won't be much and the rest I can afford. I started a tiktok account that has already gotten 500k+ views in the past 2 weeks or so and I've been slowly funneling people to my Twitter (500+ clicks in less than 20 hours) and once my patreon acc gets approved, I'll be advertising that non stop. I just use other people's models and mostly other people's animations but sometimes I mix it up with ai motion capture with basic clean up. If it keeps growing at a decent rate I think I can get at least 500$ a month with about 10 hours of work a month

Anonymous No. 906482

instead of stealing, why not make stuff yourself. You cant get away with basic cheap animation people will find out. You should at least take challenges to not rise questions on your stuff. That's what they want, not a person using computers to make models.

Anonymous No. 906483

Earning double of the average salary, for 20 hours a week, working for US based studios remotely from a low cost of living EU country? I think that's pretty nice, but if you can do better, good for you.

Anonymous No. 906484

I'm doing this completely separate from my actual 3d career. Also by stealing other people's animations I meant taking it from the game that has it. When I create art for my portfolio it is original and mostly modeled/photoscanned by me. I want to do environment art so perfecting animation for porn isn't really something I want to sink too much time in to

Anonymous No. 906485


Anonymous No. 906496

So? Who fucking cares?
Why limit yourself to your surrounding area in terms of wages?
You're making money online, get that fucking US wage, bitch. No one knows where you're from or cares. As long as you got the skills to pay the bills, who cares what country's bills you're paying. Pretend you're living in a well-to-do country and charge like you're from there.

Anonymous No. 906511

Apparently a lot of companies care and will adjust the salary based on the area of a remote contractor in way that it is just above the usual salary for the contractor, but still peanuts for them. It sucks.

The worst offer I got so far was from a US luxury brand selling products worth millions of dollars - expected weekly 8-10 hours MINIMUM, fixed worktime based on their timezone, with a ton of responsibilities that would honestly require a full team of people based on required software - up to 1k usd, depending on your skillset. I unfortunately don’t work for US wage neither and would like to change that. I don’t for now because the studio itself is well known, has great projects from various AAA clients, and I have a ridiculous amount of flexibility with them I doubt I’d get anywhere else. Money is at mid to senior programmer-tier in my area so I’m doing fine + I’m not greedy and don’t spend much on anything. BUT that being said, ofc I would love to earn the same amount as them if I bring the same value, and I especially started feeling it recently because I noticed I’m getting ahead of a lot of my coworkers in terms of art quality and clients always love my contribution, nobody handholds me with critiques since I usually do it right the first time.

But I experienced it on my skin as well, one client from Canada ended up going with a different guy I know because I was busy with other projects. Later I found out that guy asked for literally double of what I asked for - and they accepted it. That hurt a lot and I’ll definitely increase my asking hourly at least by 80% in the future. I have much more experience now as well.

Anonymous No. 908206

>1k pays for a full year of college in my country
Oh you're from Europe.
Anyways. Always funny to read of people who cannot even pass exams that are mostly designed for the general public to pass without much issue, but then think they have the drive, discipline and ability to make it as an artist.

Anonymous No. 908237

>>1k pays for a full year of college in my country
>Oh you're from Europe.

But this doesnt make sense since 1 euro == 1 dollar and 1k usd gets you fuck all

Anonymous No. 908351

Please don't embarrass yourself like this.

Anonymous No. 910839

Hey guys, OP here
Yeah... I hven't posted anything in a long time, it's true.
But it's not because I gave up, no; it's because I was busy with other things.
1- I got my driver license, I legaly know how to drive now.
2- I was stuck working at our roofing with my father. We had to change a lots of old clay tiles and stuff.
We are almost done.
I barely touched my pc it those weeks.
Made some small things (I'm worse than I tought I was, but not horrible).
>why aren't you posting those supposed "things" you made.
I tought about it, but it's mostly practice junk.
And waht isn't junk, I will compile and post as a final render.

Sorry for the blog post with no picrel, I'll have something soon

>people who cannot even pass exams that are mostly designed for the general public to pass without much issue, but then think they have the drive, discipline and ability to make it as an artist.
Yeah, that's the idea.

Anonymous No. 912899

I am deeply ashamed and sorry, but I have to be true with you guys:
1. We are almost done with the roofing, which is good
2. My grandma doesn't feel so ood anymore. I will be gone for the rest of the summer, staing with her. Thus being away from my PC.
That means, won't be going to post or practice or work on anything. Best thing i can do is plan a little, but that's it,
I am sorry do bring excuse after esxcuse, but this is how things are for me.
Also, I know what i have said:
>And the finish line is 1k this Christmas.
But I think I have to postpone it a little...
I will let this thread to die now, feel free to sage it.
Will come back in like 2 months though.

Anonymous No. 913539

I hope your grandma will be ok