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🧵 Questions thread

Anonymous No. 902981

Previous thread >>894880

/QTDDTOTT/: Questions that don't deserve their own thread thread.

Anonymous No. 902983

Can anyone tell me how important, what purpose can serve scripts (In Maya) for rigging and animating for video games?
I'm trying to decide between two different courses to take on the subject and thye both tackle rigging but one of them has some videos about writting scripts. But other than making the basic rig and the controle bones, I don't see what else you would need to create some animations.

Anonymous No. 902988

Honestly if you don't find use for scripts you are not on a workload level to consider using them. Scripts are obviously made to offload mechanical task in every aspect of cg. I use them all the time to simplify modelling, texturing, lighting, rendering etc. Haven't used them for rigging. My advice is to learn the basics for learning's sajem maybe you'll find something in your workflow as an opportunity to parametrize, sistematize or automate.

Anonymous No. 902990

> sajem
What is this?
> Honestly if you don't find use for scripts you are not on a workload level to consider
Not I'm not but I might still be interested for the future so I might as well learn about their uses now. Can you please tell me some personal usecase you make out of scripts for the thing you mentioned, especially modeling and texturing. Since I'm aimed towards games, lightning and rendering aren't one of my priorities right now.

Anonymous No. 903001

It's the word them on my phat fingers. Sorry.

>Can you please tell me some personal usecase you make out of scripts for the thing you mentioned, especially modeling and texturing.

I am into archviz so for modelling and texturing I use a lot of simple object parametrization scripts ie> curtain population and randomization for every window in a building. ie> Automatic uvw map asignement depending on object id and materail. ie>Automatic terrain remeshing

Sky is the limit if you want to get inspired i would start by watching some cool examples for maya. Can you please tell me some personal usecase you make out of scripts for the thing you mentioned, especially modeling and texturing.

Anonymous No. 903022

im new to all this
does pirating ZBrush and Maya have any disadvantages compared to owning it legally? Like, for the so spoken plugins or whatever can you use them in pirate versions just fine?

Anonymous No. 903047

you can sometimes get a crashy Zbrush on saving but if you block it in your firewall and disable screensaver/start screen it tends to fix the crashing. Aside from that zero downsides with Zbrush it's a very dumb and not online integrated.

Get it working stable and pirate away.

Anonymous No. 903048

get a freaking job

Anonymous No. 903198

Total Blender noob here trying to understand something. Maybe I'm in over my head with this.

I'm trying to make an animated video screen that is the primary light source of the scene but also have the light source match what is on screen, and make it change with the colors on the screen. Is there any way to do this automatically or will I have to make a manual approximation?

Anonymous No. 903204

Can someone explain why theres so many fucking bots overrunning this pretty innocent board? I mean the countless chud posters are really just annoying while im trying to read through a thread on topics. Just ranting at this point I suppose.

Anonymous No. 903213

>I mean the countless chud posters
Are you being ironic. Go to polycount or reddit.

Anonymous No. 903222

No im talking about the endless trannies that spam the chud meme

Anonymous No. 903232

So I'm really new to blender and downloaded models from the link and I've run in to a problem. The meshes clip through one another and the uploader said to:
>You need to enable masks (for viewport and render) in body modifiers
How do I do that? Where is the option to enable mask?

Some other guy had the same problem in the comments

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something is knee.jpg

Anonymous No. 903256

Sometimes I want to find more references on topology and I come across this, I usually do simple stuff but this confuse me a bit, there is tons of tris and ngons, obviously a sundiv preview which confuses me a bit more.

Anonymous No. 903260

What kind of bear is best?

Anonymous No. 903274

Where the fuck do people get software torrents from anymore in 2022

Anonymous No. 903305

the truth is, everyone who is going to make it has gone legit

Anonymous No. 903309

You got trolled by the quad-tards. No honestly, don't be bothered about tris and n-gons too much, if they're correctluy placed, they don't do any harm to your mesh. In your pic, they help with the deformation of the knee.
> tons of it
You exagerated there buddy, there's a only a few

Anonymous No. 903318

That's a ridiculous question

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Anonymous No. 903402

Is there anything I can like listen to or read about 3d if i cant actively sit in blender or something and learn if im new? I also know a bit of coding, this can help me when I do shit with materials right?

Anonymous No. 903525

Where can I learn the theoretical knowledge of 3D modelling? I am confused when people start talking about topology, edge flow, ngons, poles, NURBS, triangulation, and many more terminologies. And it's not the definitions that elude me, it's the understanding of the concepts and theories behind them that elude me. If you know of any educational resource please throw me a bone.

Anonymous No. 903539

"Theory" lol. 3dcg isn't STEM, don't kid yourself. I guess the polycount wiki is the closest thing you're after.

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Anonymous No. 903602

Is zbrush central alright for a beginnerfag like me who wants to learn how to sculpt well? I tried polycount but I felt too intimidated putting my shit art next to legitimate industry pros, and there was no really a small sub community where beginners can hang out and suck together until they reach a certain threshold.

Also just asking for other general good art forums I can post my work and receive critique at.

Anonymous No. 903746

Is there an easy way of stitching photos of a vase together to make a texture? Like how people make photoscans but only for textures.

Anonymous No. 903752

> Quick rig
> Auto rig
> Rigify
Do people still manually rig humanoid characters or am I stupid to do so in 2022? Whenever I try to search for stuff on rigging, I either find old stuff or resource on automatic rigging.

Anonymous No. 903803

Why do some Kitbash 3d kits have such different sizes depending on the software used? I am looking at Manhattan, and the 3ds Max version is 14gb, whilj48pge the Blender one is 3gb.

Anonymous No. 903808

where can I get a model of an old man very very ugly to make porn with DOA girls?

Anonymous No. 903945

what better to choose for render(zbrush/maya):keyshot or marmoset toolbag?

Anonymous No. 903979

Can you animate something with an android device or is a PC necessary

Anonymous No. 904031

Why does my glitter material not look as shiny once I bake the maps? [Embed]
I used the above tutorial if that matters.
The maps I baked are diffuse, metallic, normal, and roughness.

Anonymous No. 904204

What's the pros and cons of these two workflows and what is the best/fastest one for a solo dev when making game character
- Sculpting -> Retopo -> Baking -> Texturing
- Modeling -> Sculpting details -> Baking -> Texturing

Anonymous No. 904208

I can't answer a question for you about what is fastest for you, this is also entirely dependant on art style

This is a question you can only answer for yourself once you have experience

Anonymous No. 904304

How do you get your head around only being able to move points on a flat plane in 3d?
I feel like a brainlet, but even with multiple camera angles, moving objects/vertices feels unintuitive with a mouse or pen since the movement's always 2D.
Using VR controls to move things three-dimensionally looks like a better option to me, but the workflow for that seems a bit undercooked still.

Anonymous No. 904333

How do I move a vert on my uvs that's overlaying another vert without moving both of them?
I'm using Blender btw.

Anonymous No. 904388

Any ideas on why none of the bones in my IK chain except the first one will move?

Anonymous No. 904465

The first. Sculpting always gives me shitty topology with uneven surfaces, especially when using dynamesh. Retopo with modern tools should be relatively easy and gives you a better result

Anonymous No. 904472

What's the hardest part of becoming a 3DCG pro? Models, textures, rigging, weight painting, composition? What's the most time consuming thing that you maybe didn't expect to take as long to learn and become proficient in as it did? If someone says it takes 3 years to become competent at making 3D animation or amazing characters or whatever, what is the largest chunk of that 3 years?

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Anonymous No. 904520

Learning 3ds max and Black Balance uses these scripts, the blue buttons.

Anyone know this script set and how to get it? Used for all the basic stuff like copy and paste etc

Anonymous No. 904532

In /ic/ for 2D art there are links to resource collections with tons of references, tutorials, and other helpful things that have been collected over the years. Where is this for 3D stuff? Does it exist?

Anonymous No. 904556

Can I just pirate substance painter?

Anonymous No. 904558


Anonymous No. 904559

Why not?

Anonymous No. 904560

You will buy it.

Anonymous No. 904561

>spend weeks making a new version
>the difference is so subtle, even if i, the creator does a blind AB test I cannot tell the difference
>many such cases

how do I recover?

Anonymous No. 904575

>or whatever
Animation (for characters) and modelling rarely cross over, very few people are good at both. Most animators use premade models for reels. For modelling your eye for form and scale is the most important thing, which is why experienced 2d artists have a massive head start over complete noobs. The only truly technical thing on your list is rigging, which potentially goes very deep into matrices and quaternion math type shit. If you want to do procedural modelling that can be a bit technical too. Generally though modelling is the most time consuming and lots of people are baffled by UVs. Get the basics of modelling down, buy premade assets and develop finished scenes will serve you better than just getting lost in the wilderness of modelling everything yourself and never finishing scenes as a result.

Anonymous No. 904580

Thanks for the reply. In my case I'll have to do both animation and modeling. I know many 3D artists for games work on the models and another team makes the animations, but I want to become proficient in both since it's something I enjoy. Then again this is more of a hobby to me, so it's not like I'll need to be doing production line work or anything. I'd love to work on a small indie team doing stuff like creature modeling and animation for a smaller more stylized game or something similar, but I'm probably a long way off from doing that.

Math really isn't my thing though, so whenever I run into that stuff I'll have to find a workaround.

Anonymous No. 904606

is cris real or multiple anons shit posting?

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Anonymous No. 904615

how can i make this model in blender anons i tried everything but i cant make it

Anonymous No. 904651

I know /3/ doesn't talk about CAD much, I used Inventor for a couple of years, but that job finished, I want to make some designs for 3D printing, I'm using a combination of blender and FreeCAD at the moment, because I just find Fusion360 abhorrent to use. I noticed there are now other options like solidedge community, or solidworks for makers -- is solidworks for makers worth the $99/yr over the free solidedge version, I haven't used either of these products. There's also onshape but I don't like web based software, they're too slow.

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Anonymous No. 904659

My Wacom tablet just forgot every shortcuts/profiles I made for every app I set specific shortcuts and commands for.
Does anyone else has troubles with this shit. There's always something. Sometime it won't just connect wirelessly, sometime the WinTab popup appears and I have to either restart my computer or restart he Wacom services, etc.
I'm fucking pissed about the profiles tho, is there a to recover that? How can I prevent that from happening again? (It happened cause I didn't use for a while but I'm pretty sure I didn't change anything related to files)

Anonymous No. 904696

Anyone have some good artists to follow on artstation or whatever who only do 3D and show their meshes or show their process through tutorials, guides, selling stuff on gumroad etc? I need some 3D mentors to look up to or learn stuff from and I'm new to the 3D realm.

Anonymous No. 904756

didn't they just flip the normals?

Anonymous No. 904773

i just need the lines on cube

Anonymous No. 905130

Which is better for poly modeling, blender or zbrush?

Anonymous No. 905145

what 3ds max tutorials can you recommend?

Anonymous No. 905148

The model is still all quads, the connection/edge between vertices aren't 4 for each vertices. The purpose is to make the different parts of the mesh deform differently from each other. The theory behind this is complex, so the best way to study this would be to look up videos that shows the topo and the mesh deforming.

Anonymous No. 905161

Where can I find an archive of /3/ posts? Desustorage and b4k don't have them

Anonymous No. 905170

Is there a 3d Lanely Ball??

Anonymous No. 905201

How do I put a texture over another texture when the main texture is done entirely in a principled bsdf so there's no shaders to mix the second texture with?
The second texture is just a sticker I need to put in a certain location. Shrinkwrapping isn't an option with it.

Anonymous No. 905203


Anonymous No. 905231

Can you still make money with archviz?

Anonymous No. 905233

not sure if I got you right but you can always mix(add on top) textures with a mixRGB node using an alpha in the mix factor.
If both textures have for example color, roughness, metallic and normal you'll need to do it 4 times with 4 mixRGB nodes.
There is always the option to create a second Principle BSDF and use one mixshader node to mix both, but this will also double the computation time (probably trivial with today's hardware).

Anonymous No. 905243

Turns out I'm just a total fucking retard and kept using a mixRGB instead of a mix shader.
I did run into another problem after that but I just sort of half-assed it. It works well enough so I'll just leave it.
Thanks for trying to help a brainlet out regardless senpai.

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Anonymous No. 905285

Anyone know what software is used to create the maps for Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2 and other games in the series?

Anonymous No. 905321

Can someone please help me?

Anonymous No. 905323

do i need to have portfolio pieces in a generic style to get an industry job? like either realistic or overwatch-esque shit?

Anonymous No. 905324

do whichever you want a job in

Anonymous No. 905330

bump how do you even get lines so thin like this?

Anonymous No. 905445

It runs on IW Engine which is based on the Id Tech 3 engine.

Anonymous No. 905456

I'm not sure if this is possible but I have a feeling it has to be. Please bear with me while I explain it

>Unwrapped UVs
>It's just a subdivided plane
>Too cumbersome to try and move and scale the islands to where they need to be in the editor to fit a pattern
>Take one island and move and scale that to where it needs to be
>Need to find a way to scale all of the others to the same size as the island I've already done

I don't mind moving them into place but scaling them is going to be beyond tedious.
I have googled it. I found someone with the exact same question and they were recommended the texel density checker addon and they seemed to acknowledge it worked fine. The recommender uploaded a gif and it was a piece of piss.

>Select the island you have to scale already
>Calculate TD of it
>Set Value of it
>Select the other islands you want the same size as the one you calculated
>Set my TD
>Easy peasy

Except when I do that nothing fucking changes. It semi-worked on one, and I still had to fine scale it by hand anyway. The rest of them nothing happens.

tl;dr how do I match the scale of UV islands to be equal to a UV island that is already set to a scale?

Anonymous No. 905458

How would you anons go about recreating this sculpture in 3D (fps game asset)? Sculpting? Would it be hard?

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Anonymous No. 905460

(forgot pic)
How would you anons go about recreating this sculpture in 3D for use in a game? Sculpting? Would it be hard?

Anonymous No. 905464

>Would it be hard?

Anonymous No. 905465

what is the best way to make something that looks 70% like it?

Anonymous No. 905472

Find a posable character with a dress that looks like that and then pose it. Sculpt additional details.

Anonymous No. 905519

Never mind I solved it.

Anonymous No. 905538

There’s this poorly animated series, similar to Ratboy Genius, but I can’t remember the name of it.

The main character was this yellow guy with blue clothes, and it was about him going to school or something.
The music the guy would make for it was awesome, and I’d like to be able to listen to it again.

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Anonymous No. 905618

I've google searched this and absolutely couldn't figure out how to find or fix this issue so I'm asking here. I have a boot object that's in two places at the same time. One is in the main scene area and one is in a collection I made in the main scene. Whatever I do to one, happens to the other. So I can't delete, hide, rename or anything one without the other having the same thing happen. I only want one copy of this thing. What do I do to get rid of the extra copy? I don't even have a clue how it happened.

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help me please.jpg

Anonymous No. 905681

I don't get how hard angles like pic related are done. Can someone point me in the right direction for learning how to do this please?

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Anonymous No. 905691

I'm making models for a scene and a lot of them are going to be monocolored with a high poly to low poly baked normal map.
I'm looking to optimize it a little bit and have as little materials as possible, how stupid would it be to have a UV set for the colors and a color grid (so I could have a small texture file) and a different UV set for the normal maps?
Or is there a better way to do this? It's going to be for VR Chat, so Unity.

Anonymous No. 905733

>KB, 308x133)
>12 KB
attach two tubes together and then move around some vertices until it looks similar.
This video is pretty useful.

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Anonymous No. 905734


Anonymous No. 905765

I made a detailed head in blender and wish to put it on a Daz body

Imported the body, deleted its modifiers, joined it to the head, bridged the topo, it's clean

But when I activate the multires that was in the head mesh and on which I sculpted head details, a seam appears on where the body and head were welded

The topo is fine, if I delete the multires and add a sub d, there's no seam

I can't do anything to hide the seam in sculpt mode, smooth doesnt work on it

So I'm pretty sure the problem is the multires that was first on the head and had to account for the body once joined. Any idea for a fix?

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Anonymous No. 905959

Anons how do I fix this spot? I'm not sure when it happened so I can't undo it, I've tried extruding a new vertex and then connecting it to the nearby ones with F but then I get the bottom pic, some weird blemish



Anonymous No. 906025

How do I make this blade pointed at the end without losing the curve along the sides?

Anonymous No. 906026

nvm I got it

Anonymous No. 906045

trying to pirate zbrush anybody have a link they could share

Anonymous No. 906053

What in the goddamn fuck is a "workflow"? People mention it all the time without explaining what it actually means.

Anonymous No. 906060

noun: workflow; plural noun: workflows
the sequence of industrial, administrative, or other processes through which a piece of work passes from initiation to completion.
in other words, how to go from beginning to end
the actual steps depend on what's being done

Anonymous No. 906063

Basically you train yourself to perform a series of actions that speeds up your work, like a flow, to complete a project faster, as opposed to being a noob and spending 2 hours looking for which button you need to press to apply a texture or w/e else you might struggle with when you have no idea what you're doing, thus no workflow between 'idea' and 'completed project'

Anonymous No. 906099

If I’m baking the lighting into a texture in blender and have overlapping uv islands, is there a way to force the lighting to take into account a specific object that uses that uv space?

Example: 2 faces (sharing the same uv space, overlapping), one face is under a direct light, another is in a shadow. The baked lighting focused on the face in the shadow and the lightmap was dark in that uv area, while I want it to focus on the face under the direct light so that uv area is light.

It’s a really specific requirement, don’t ask why.

Anonymous No. 906100

You're a big guy.

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Anonymous No. 906126

Is there a program/app/website that will auto-arrange a folder full of reference pics into 8x10 printable pages? How would you go about doing this?

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Anonymous No. 906196

How are these type of sfx made? I can see many of them being rotating or moving/animated textures in a plane or sphere but how do you actually make the images with that type of quality?

Anonymous No. 906204

How do I make part of my character's body repeat an animation over and over again at the same speed without manually keying it every time?

Anonymous No. 906367

How bad is it to still have a 1070 in the year 2022?

Anonymous No. 906383

Can anyone give some pointers on how to achieve this look?
Texturing, lighting?

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Anonymous No. 906405

A lot of people know about the classic way to make tank treads, where you model one individual link and instance it around a curve.
I'm trying to make my treads out of one single piece that loops around like pick attached.

The problem is, of course, I don't want a circular tread, I still want to shape it to my own custom shape, in this case ,a triangle.
Any suggestions?

Anonymous No. 906481

I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong here.
I have a plane in side view. If I grab the bottom two vertices and drag them along the x axis the plane stays as a single edge the way it should. But if I subdivide the plane and grab all of the bottom vertices and drag them along the x axis they start curving upwards to the point where I can see the faces of them when really I should only be able to see a single edge.
What do?

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Anonymous No. 906499

How do i draw in a sihoulette of a body part that i can then add vertices to, but still have the overall contour that i want from the original sketch? I saw an artist do this with torsos and limbs where it was a cross section drawing in the plane axis, like with grease pencil, but it was a polygon mesh not an annotation layer. How is this done? Also is there a discord for /3/?

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Anonymous No. 906513

anyone has the download for the environment course?

Anonymous No. 906534

I see a lot of people use zmodeller for primitives and general basic shapes and hard surfaces in zbrush. But a lot of what they do seems like it would be easier to just do in blender.
Am I missing something here or are they just using zmodeller more out of comfort than it being the best tool for the job?
It just doesn't seem useful to model really precise shapes and flat low detail shapes with it.

Anonymous No. 906545

They just use it because they already know how to use zbrush. Same reason why you'd sculpt in blender.

Anonymous No. 906596


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Anonymous No. 906609

I want to model pointed elf ears.
Are there any good tutorials on this?

Anonymous No. 906614

>i don't know if this is the right board, but
will work in a pirated version of premiere pro?
t. thirdie poorfag

Anonymous No. 906671

What props can’t be easily scanned? I assume things with surfaces with a lot of small holes, like a net, or very shiny surfaces.

Anonymous No. 906683

Get regular ears. Use move brush in a sculpting app to shape them.

Anonymous No. 906736

I imported a model which has separate materials for torso and limbs.
I plan on adding procedural skin detail on them, but wouldnt them being separate create seams at the joints?
If so, using Blender, what's best way to smooth them?

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radials why.png

Anonymous No. 906742

I'm trying to create a radial pattern with curved lines like in the left picture, but whenever I use the radiant gradient it forces all lines to be straight, is there a way to do this properly? Preferably using nodes in Blender

Anonymous No. 906744

geometry nodes in 3.3 alpha lad

Anonymous No. 906746

make a node group for procedural skin details and insert it into every separate skin material, then if you edit anything inside the group it'll apply to every instance of that group inside every material

Anonymous No. 906755

How long would it take a beginner Blender user and 3D modeller to reach a marketable skill level?

Anonymous No. 906764

How much time per day are you willing to put into learning it

Anonymous No. 906766

Pretty much all day as I'm a NEET right now.

Anonymous No. 906768

An honest 10 hours a day 6 days a week? 2~ months. That's a 10 hour working day with no distractions other than coffee/lunch/bathroom breaks. If you get distracted easily (no shame, I do) and end up on youtube/4chan/whatever else then add a few more months. At that point you should be able to create a portfolio that doesn't like complete ass and then consider applying for something

Anonymous No. 906772

Might be a stupid question but I can't find an answer, in blender if I keyframe a color I can't see it on the timeline, I can see keyframes for random object properties like scale or rotation

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Anonymous No. 906773

Can anyone tell me why my UV unwrap looks so strange? It's not showing vertices or faces anymore, and only one uv island at a time. Blender seems to have toggled on some weird bullshit feature that I do not know how to turn off.

plz help this is fucking up my workflow super hard

Anonymous No. 906777

Select everything in the 3d viewport, or turn on UV Sync selection

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Anonymous No. 906781

How can I make my cube see through with lines in blender

Anonymous No. 906803

Should I really wait for the 40 series of graphics cards? /g/ is telling me that the 300+ watt power requirements are just too much and nvidia cant keep going in this direction.

Anonymous No. 906819


Anonymous No. 906821

Whenever I upload my animations to youtube the colors are not representative of what I am seeing on my screen natively they are duller. Is there a cure?

Anonymous No. 906823

This is for horns, but it seems like a similar effect to what you're after

Anonymous No. 906827

I have a textured mesh and I had to create a lower poly version of it. How can I transfer/bake the textures from a HP to LP asset given that their UVs are different?

Anonymous No. 906829

im curious to know this as well

Anonymous No. 906836

Found something, it should work in SD and Marmoset, here's one tutorial for SD:

I hope I won't have issues with this workflow.

Anonymous No. 906920

It's better to know how to rig manually so you can fix your Rigify rig when it breaks or when you're doing something unusual.

Anonymous No. 906932

What do you folks think is the best way to approach building/animating a creature which falls apart on death?

For instance, picture a robot made up with various plates. Should each of those plates be given its own bone? Or is there a better way to set something like that up

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fucked bake.png

Anonymous No. 906951

I can tell that I fucked up, I spent too much time making characters. Can't even do simple objects.
What are the best tools for UV unwrapping and for baking normals from high to low poly?
I'm open to piracy, aligning UVs in Blender is cancer.

Anonymous No. 907064

I really can't decide what to chose when coming to animation between and Blender and Maya. It's for video games and I used both and I don't have a problem with both.
I'm still a noob so I might have not yet encountered the real problems of both but I'd like some opinions (please software war fags, just shut the fuck up for once) on what is the best long term solution if you like both softwares.
I often see that they say Maya has the superior workflow for animation but they never say why tho. Can someone give me some specifics on this?
Also I had only one bad exerpience with animatin in Blender but it's been a while so I don't know if I can replicate the same problem with Maya but this is what happened: I made a bunch of animations and on one of them, for a reason, I moved a bone (root bone or one with a high hiearchy) and it fucked up ALL the other animations I had for this character).
Anyway, any honest person to give me advices on this.

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Anonymous No. 907359

Why is my model transparent? I am following a tutorial for beginners in Blender, and I wanted to set the background images to slightly transparent so I could better see the model, but now the model is transparent too. When I add new objects into the scene, they're also transparent. This is only happening on this project, when I open a new project, everything is normal.

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Anonymous No. 907363


Anonymous No. 907428

does anyone know how to smooth by normal angle in blender? i want to get rid of the faceting on some cylindrical detailed parts without losing any crisp edges on rims and details, so i want to smooth only by shallow normal angles

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Anonymous No. 907460

I'm looking to be an animator. However that is an involved art form that requires a lot of time. That could be difficult at present, if someone could tell me the art style I'm looking at. I would be most grateful. Also what four skills would you start to develop first to be an independent animator?

Anonymous No. 907462

Granted this movie was used to sell barbie dolls. What is attractive though is the simple backgrounds that go well with the characters. If anyone could point to tutorials for creating these kind of backgrounds and characters. You are awesome if you do. Any information that gets me closer would be helpful. Thank you for your help.

Anonymous No. 907500

>How do i draw in a sihoulette of a body part that i can then add vertices to, but still have the overall contour that i want from the original sketch? I saw an artist do this with torsos and limbs where it was a cross section drawing in the plane axis, like with grease pencil, but it was a polygon mesh not an annotation layer. How is this done? Also is there a discord for /3/?
i second this (except for the discord part)

Anonymous No. 907502

Gonna link this >>907491 here so the separate thread can fall off the board, still trying to figure this out so any advice would be great. Thought remesh might work but when I tried it on my actual project half of it completely disappeared, so this is not gonna solve my problem.

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Anonymous No. 907549

could try booleans? i was able to do this by booleaning out the holes in the main 4 cylinders, and then doing the same for the cylinders themselves. should create the correct geometry you can then weld together and clean up. the topology isn't 100% but trying to make this out of quads would take much longer and doing a triangulate would work fine

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Anonymous No. 907550

triangulated geometry

Anonymous No. 907633

Did you have to boolean each larger cylinder one at a time, or can the boolean modifier do this to all selected objects at once? I heard about booleans fairly early in my research but my understanding was you had to do it to each mesh one at a time, and there's so many separate meshes in the workspace I need to fix that I don't think I can reasonably find and boolean them all with each other one by one to get to this point.

Anonymous No. 907651

you can just join them all together into one object, no problem.

Anonymous No. 907652

The collection of meshes I need to fix are already one object, when I try to add a boolean modifier to that object it wants me to select an operand and I don't have that, I just have my one object full of meshes that all need to make 'cuts' in each other. I tried duplicating the object with all the meshes in it and boolean-ing it to itself, but that didn't seem like the right thing to do and the result confirmed it was not.

Anonymous No. 907660

your right. what does your object look like? is it a single 'main' piece with a load of pieces attached?

Anonymous No. 907671

Unfortunately not, with the way this game asset is built there's no one mesh of it I could use to boolean all the others off of, it's just a complete mess of overlapping nonsense that presumably made some degree of sense when it was used for its game, but makes no sense at all when trying to repurpose it as a printable model.

Anonymous No. 907706

How do you do pants, fellow 3der?
What's the correct topology? How do I joine the three circles?

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Anonymous No. 907707


Anonymous No. 907710


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Anonymous No. 907739

>hours upon hours of searching this problem
>finally find someone else with my problem
>they got a solution
>but I can't manage to replicate it
Am I terminally stupid or did the addon somehow lose settings between 2020 and now? I feel like this has to be my fault but I can't find triangulate or mesh cleanup in this addon's tab, which is where the instructions seem to say those options should be located. I'm not sure if this isn't working because my pile of meshes is more complex than a person or if I've fucked up the settings, but I'd like to at least rule out the latter option.

Anonymous No. 907772

How do I do lighting setup for dark scenes?
Any tutorial on Youtube?

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Anonymous No. 907774

Bruh... you're wasting so much geometry with putting holes through those discs when you can just poke regular cylinders through eachother, why do it like this? Also this seems like a nightmare to UV map.
>it's a video game model
You can still do what I suggest and have your 3D software automatically triangulate everything for you.

Anonymous No. 907775

He was trying to give an answer to my problem >>907739, which would've been successful if it could be applied to multiple things at once but so far I'm failing to figure out how to do that, even though it is at least theoretically possible as someone seemingly did do it a couple years ago.

Anonymous No. 907782

I see, I'll be replying further over there, sorry I didn't pay closer attention, I'm supposed to be focusing on work and here I am, lol

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Anonymous No. 907793

How do I project the metal position to the top's texture? Other than tracing it carefully with texture paint.

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Anonymous No. 907796

Just created this 3d "gold" text with AE, a few tutorials, an .exr enviroment map, yellow-ish letters and the text tool. And honestly I'm thinking I'm pixar.
It's in AE CC (2018). Where do I go from there anons? I ideally don't want to model anything complicated, just flashy stuff, like letterz n shiet. It's for animated titles.

What do the cool kids use these days, saw a vid of AE CC(next) having a way more advanced material and shape modifying tool.
To keep in mind, I got the basics, well not really, used to have the basics several years ago of 3D modeling, the max I did with rendering was play with Vray and apply premade materials I just downloaded. But I have quiet some experience animating, specially in AE and Flash (RIP).

Sorry for wall of text/blog. All I want is your advice if you have it.

🗑️ Anonymous No. 907797

If you want to do fancy shit with text, you could follow this tutorial to get some better topology that can deform without artifacts

Anonymous No. 907799

might be crazy enough to potato, thanks anon I'll give this a watch

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Anonymous No. 907813

i am going to 3d animation school in 2 months, and what the fuck is up with this coding programming script shit. i thought you make the model, then animate it. i for sure thought im done with math after high school

Anonymous No. 907816

Maya has animation layers, significantly (10x) better performance and more complicated rigging (Both in terms of outcome and also how hard it is to do I guess, it's node based in maya).

For simple games either one will be fine honestly like obviously pierrick picaut proves you can just blender just fine for high quality game animation but I think I'd be tempted to go maya in your position.

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Anonymous No. 907817

this would take not long with just blender. most of that spent rendering. it's much, much easier to learn basic blender than trying to do 3D in a 2D program

sometimes for rigs you need to apply basic logic to make things 'work' how you want them to. for example, i want to animate eyes on a flat plane using a shader, and attach that up to some bones so it would all work together properly. took about 10 minutes with some empties and blender drivers. more advanced rigging stuff might require some proper coding.

Anonymous No. 907821

>over there
Here is fine, I'm not the guy who made that forum thread years ago, I just posted it because it's the first thing I've run into where someone had the same problem I'm having and then actually solved it, although like I said I can't manage to get it to do this now and I don't know if the problem is me or if the problem is the addon can no longer do it.

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Anonymous No. 907870

if i want make this giant wheel, do i just take cylinders extrude and place em in the same position as 1 piece then array it to make the rest of it?

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this red trim.jpg

Anonymous No. 907876

Is there a good procedural way to make trim for a general shape in blender? Like for example if I am making a shield and I want to make steel trim around a leather / wood core, I know you can copy the verts that make the shape and blow it up with skin / solidify modifier, but is there a faster / procedural way that keeps the trim conforming to the base shape, like if I want to use the same base template to make kite shield, then round shield, without having to re-do the trim manually every time?

Anonymous No. 907881

I don't think they are just cylinders (how are they connected?) but the way you do it is just like that. Everything that repeats or is mirrored can be broken down to its smallest piece, and that is the only thing you need to model.

Anonymous No. 907884

>I don't think they are just cylinders (how are they connected?)
what do you mean by that? for the triangle sections i see 95% cylinders which are like steel pipes

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Anonymous No. 907918

How'd they make textures back in the day? What did the process look like?

And which program still lets you render in the old blinn-phong model? Blender Internal Render had it, but that was removed in 2.5 or something

Anonymous No. 907927

is there a way to import sfm particles into blender, or any game particles?

Anonymous No. 907928

>And which program still lets you render in the old blinn-phong model? Blender Internal Render had it, but that was removed in 2.5 or something
just write a new shader

Anonymous No. 907952

is it possible to get nsfw animations and just preload them into models in sfm? i just got it but i don't really feel like spending hours working on an animation just to jack off to something. unfortunately, there also isn't a lot of porn with the characters i like. google hasn't been all too helpful (might just not be looking for the right thing) and i doubt i'll get anything on the workshop

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Anonymous No. 907960

If anyone could try to replicate this I'd be absurdly grateful, I've been messing with it for pretty much the entire last 30-something hours and while I got a slightly better result by manually making the game asset more manifold before doing this, it still didn't remove the interior geometry, although it did at least add vertices and lines where needed but I'm not having any luck figuring out how to remove the inside manually, as blender has absolutely no idea where the inside or outside of this thing is even after it became almost entirely just one mesh.

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Anonymous No. 907966

What's the fastest most straightforward program to turn an image like this into a "rough" 3d model? Sculpting or modeling? What's the best sculpting program for a noob? I don't mind paying for it.

Anonymous No. 907969

just dl a bunch of stuff on deviantart and open3dlab/sfmlab/smutbase dummy

Anonymous No. 908001

Vroid Studio

Anonymous No. 908018

Does anyone know where I can get a copy of Softimage?

Anonymous No. 908019

how the FUCK do you rig breasts for animation and not have them go completely retarded

Anonymous No. 908020

Ziva-less hands typed this

Anonymous No. 908035

How do I make it so my model is lit smoothly? As it is now, there is very hard transition on lighting between faces. I need it so it looks rounded. How do I achieve this? It needs to work when exported for use in game.

Anonymous No. 908038

you should watch just so you have an understanding of what you're doing, but if you're too lazy just click "Shade Smooth" under the "Object" dropdown menu in object mode

Anonymous No. 908044

It works, but it exports smooth only if I export one object I need to export it with other object for it to have right properties in the game

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Anonymous No. 908045

Newfags here. What's the difference between subdivision and loop cuts?

Anonymous No. 908046

Well I managed to work around it, it works now. Thank you very much.

Anonymous No. 908065

Blender geometry nodes
So I'm trying to make a wire-frame node group.
I go curve to mesh to mesh to curve and that gives a fair result. The problem is that the corners are empty.
So I go mesh to points and points to vertices to get the bits that I want to fill in.
Problem is I don't know what kind of node I'd want for that. Anyone have a clue as to a node that joins vertices (preferably within a certain distance of one another so they're not joining with everything everywhere)

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Anonymous No. 908075

How do I combine 2 partially overlapping objects in such a way that all internal faces are deleted and both keep their original material?
(in Blender)

Anonymous No. 908076

use the delete geometry node

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Anonymous No. 908102

aight bros. i'm learning blender but don't know how to deform meshes like this. can a mesh deform itself? like if i pose a character where their hands grab their own body can i set it to where only the hands deform? anyone have a good tutorial?

Anonymous No. 908104

make a blendshape and apply it you stupid coomer. Stop shitting up this board you imbecile

Anonymous No. 908105

What's the most important part when it comes to doing 3d work, the CPU or the GPU?

Anonymous No. 908109

Desperately need advice here, I've completely run out of shit to search at this point. There's plenty of other stuff I have to do for this project, but by now I've pretty much learned how to do all of those things by accident just from trying to figure out this one thing, but I can't do any of those other things until I have this part done or I'll just be building on top of this broken unusable foundation.

Anonymous No. 908112

working in maya and unreal
saved my completed model, exported to unreal. Skeleton stops working.
Go back to maya, and the skeleton is disconnected to the mesh. Weight paint is still there, everything is done still, just not bound from some reason.
Is there a fix to this? I dont want to lose a shit ton of work.

Anonymous No. 908115

....are you using a arrrr harrr harrr, matey?

Anonymous No. 908121

nah, legit. Student version

free version has this break?

Anonymous No. 908126

GPU if you're rendering CPU if you wanna use up to date programs

Anonymous No. 908127

Apply a warp modifier

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Anonymous No. 908128

Where can I find a 3d models autor to buy one
>同人CG CDソフト 夜葬アリス ROZEN MAIDEN ~真紅~ / 狐森30000k
There's no even cd copy with it in JP auctions
I've been searching and model's autor for a months but there's no traces of him anywhere

Anonymous No. 908162

When creating texture in photoshop I found out that it's tricky to get stuff to line up well on seams.
Blender has those effects where you can make model look like metal or something, is there a way to export those as a texture?

Anonymous No. 908202

any good guides or whatever for blender? are the docs good enough or I'll need something extra somwhere? Yt ok?

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Anonymous No. 908235

How long will it take to get all the skills I need to get hired for architectural visualization, assuming I'm starting from scratch?

Anonymous No. 908242

1 month with IQ>135, a few years if around 100, never if less than 90.

Anonymous No. 908390

Is it possible to make the edge length etc fonts bigger? Mine are far too small. I've tried using that MeasureIt addon and it does absolutely fuck all.

Anonymous No. 908440

this guide:
is considered one of 'the' beginner videos to watch when learning blender. basically just goes over all the basic shit you will need or want to do

🗑️ Anonymous No. 908449

Being good enough to do it for yourself as just another project without needing help or tutorials, I would say 6 months - 3 years depending on you.
Being good enough to do it for yourself as just another project without needing help or tutorials, I would say 6 months - 3 years depending on you.
As you already know that you are interested in architectural visualization then it can be less, just focus on it and do not go around doing AK-47 or Waifus.

Anonymous No. 908450

Being good enough to do it for yourself as just another project without needing help or tutorials, I would say 6 months - 3 years depending on you.
As you already know that you are interested in architectural visualization then it can be less, just focus on it and do not go around doing AK-47 or Waifus.

Anonymous No. 908473

Well if you are gonna do good rigs and auto rigs you need at least some understanding of scripts

Anonymous No. 908474

No difference, only annoying ones are nuke, houdini that are a pain in the ass to install

Anonymous No. 908475

Yea but it’s one of the only ones that are really cheap, you can literally buy it on steam

Anonymous No. 908476

Check if all your Uc plug-ins are activated, could be a bug tho

Anonymous No. 908478

Yes and yes, get a ton of refs

Anonymous No. 908479

It doesn’t sound dum, does unity not have a way to resise textures in engine? That way you can see how it looks in real time, leave some gaps in the Uc edges so the color map doesn’t bleed

Anonymous No. 908480

Toon shaders and texture work with lines to go with it , render at 12 frames

Anonymous No. 908481

Either you go the retopo way or you adjust those vertex every time son

Anonymous No. 908482

It’s the same thing , use whatever you like

Anonymous No. 908483

The old and easy is to have the normal model disappear and Spawn a rag doll / gib model in its place on death, that is Al separated

Anonymous No. 908484

Zbrush sculpt, to maya retopo and Uv, bake in marmoset , paint masks and other shit in substance, finish shader in engine of choice

Anonymous No. 908517

have the node selected in the shader editor, then you will be able to see its keyframes

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Anonymous No. 908532

How do I make a shader for the skin of an anime figure?

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Anonymous No. 908568

keeping correct topology, how would you close the open circle in the ''ear'' part of the helmet. also how do you inset that semicircular line (red line) without fucking the topology up.

Anonymous No. 908572

Is it possible to,perhaps by some divine means, to turn a clusterfuck that is a texture from 3d scan into something orderly that would work on a retopologized model?

Anonymous No. 908580

try this out

Anonymous No. 908588

I'm trying to learn how to create skeletons in blender from scratch for animation using the Rigify addon, but the "generate rig" button is greyed out and I can't seem to figure out why. All of my bones are parented properly, my objects are parented to the bones properly, they're all attached to the same armature in the collection window in the top right, and the scale and rotation is all zeroed out, so I'm a little stumped. It doesn't seem to make any difference whether I'm in object mode, edit mode, pose mode, or whatever. Just for reference, I don't get this problem when I use a pre-made metarig, only when I create my own armature and bones. What's the difference between the pre-made armatures and one made from scratch? Is it that the one I've made is not identified as a meta-rig, for whatever reason? If that's the case, is that easily corrected?

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Anonymous No. 908604

Help, please.
How can I make the image bevel (marked with 3d cursor) and at the same time keep the bevel modifier?
I understand that it does not work because of the connection between the two vertices in the corner preventing the bevel from forming at the base of the extrude and the channel in the center, so how could I do it if I want those two parts (marked with blue lines) to also have the bevel? :(

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Anonymous No. 908605

Principled BSDF with a roughness between .4 and .6 and Albedo HSV at around .04 (or 14°), .65, .85

Anonymous No. 908678

Forgive me for asking, but how do I change the Albedo HSV value? I don't see a slider for it on the Principled BSDF shader.

Anonymous No. 908684

Does it look unprofessional to have other people's assets in your demo reel even if they aren't the main focus?

Anonymous No. 908687

why does shortcut F to create face from selection doesn't work for me in blender?

Anonymous No. 908688

nevermind for some reason it works now

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2022-07-17 17_36_....png

Anonymous No. 908703

does anyone know how to make essentially depressed panel lines into this cylindrical object in fusion? Don't really know what to search on for help

Anonymous No. 908707


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Anonymous No. 908708

I don't think you can just not fuck up topolgy when doing circles, something like this results in least number of faces, anything other results in more faces and is harder to cut anyway

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Anonymous No. 908722

I did this to keep faces 4 sided, but now I'd need to inset that shape. Guessing there's no way of just making a shape and extruding it out like you would in solidworks

Anonymous No. 908741

you can just loop cut the outer part, and inset it from there

Anonymous No. 908743

really dont understand how that works

Anonymous No. 908753

Is substance painter suitable for painting multichannel texturingxyz maps? I'd really rather not install Mari but there aren't a lot of people painting those maps in substance. Is substance performance just bad?

Anonymous No. 908755

depends what you're showcasing, it's fine in an animation reel but if your primary focus is modelling it's probably not great
if you wanted to make a demo reel for set or level design then maybe, just make it clear

Anonymous No. 908760

use loop cut tool in editing and cut outer part in half bring new middle edge to where original was and move original to where you want the inset

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Anonymous No. 908762

Does anyone know what the secret to PS2 graphics were?

Anonymous No. 908764

In blender when I try and extrude a region off a face, it always takes the face back with it. Is there a way to extrude that face into a solid box without the solidify modifier?

Anonymous No. 908769

Use the Solidify command to do it destructively in Edit mode, I think it should be under Faces; typically I'll just search for it though.

Anonymous No. 908771

Thank you, that works. For whatever reason if you extrude from the plane more than once it creates that “open” spot (gonna have to look into why that is).

Another thing that seems to work is selecting the edge you want to extract from, duplicating it, then extracting from that edge, and after extracting from the face you create.

Probably still not the best way to work as you can just add in additional cubes for buildings rather than working off the same object, but I couldn’t figure out why it was working for some people and not me.

Anonymous No. 908801

There was a thread ages ago that went into detail, but the only important detail I remember is there isn't any bump/normal mapping.
Anyone know of a /3/ archive site?

Anonymous No. 908816

I also take it a lot of it was pre rendered

Anonymous No. 908817

Yeah, plenty of cutscenes were pre-rendered. I don't recall any pre-rendered backgrounds on the PS2 though, that was more of a PSX thing.

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Bump-Map (1).jpg

Anonymous No. 908818

>there isn't any bump/normal mapping.

Seems about right. Do you still remember anything else?

Anonymous No. 908826

apreciated anon, thanks

Anonymous No. 908829

Blender: Say, I want to save a file and then zip it with only the instances of models (characters/environments/props, etc.) with their shaders/textures in place based on the original models made. Is there a way to either hide the shader nodes or delete/hide the models so only the instances of say an environment or character is usuable for someone else? Just an idea came to mind. I guess one could just export FBX or obj files instead of giving the whole .blend file?

Anonymous No. 908832

unity or unreal engine 5? which should I start with for developing game ready assets?
any guides or tutorials vids for creating game ready assets?

Anonymous No. 908861

lot of stuff depends on engine and what it allows and requires, maybe start with basics first, using tools proper topology, how to bake textures and texturing

Anonymous No. 908870

>game ready assets
If you mean textured models than it doesn't matter. All you need to do is export/pack your textures appropriately and they'll work in both engines without problems.

Anonymous No. 908882

Is archviz really that easy? Can you really become industry ready in just 6 months?

Anonymous No. 908893

Hey /3/

I work as a python programmer, automating stuff, its okay but stopped finding it fun or at least not as fun as doing 3D

I like doing stuff in 3D and know my way around Blender, Unity and starting with Unreal Engine 5 + Quixel Assets as well as some photogrammetry using both meshroom and reality capture, I'm a DM/GM for TTRPGs and from there I like doing shit like scenery, maps, or just environments to illustrate stuff to players, I'd love to work as an environmental designer or similar, I enjoy hard surface modeling as well. Its currently just a hobby I do on my scarce free time.

What would you recommend me doing in order to start a transition to those jobs? Should I learn another software? Some of the Substance Suite? Or just start spewing fully realized environments to have something to show? Any course that could help me get more serious than just throwing assets into position on UE5?

Technical Artist is a position I could see closer since they are kind of a bridge between art and dev departments, but my end goal would be something closer to environmental art or modeling

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Anonymous No. 908965

>finally be able to make human body
>having hard time making hair
should i trust side view or front view if i want to make hair on that area

Anonymous No. 908989

do people actually animate with FK? it feels so unusable even just to pose your character with

Anonymous No. 908991

Dear 3, I have just started Unreal/Zsculpt, I am playing around with Daz3d assets for a game I always wanted to make, how would I go about animating a weight painted piece of clothing, in context: a guy has been shot and unbuttons his shirt during a cutscene.

Anonymous No. 908999

In Blender's python api, how do I get the parent of the bone as a string and update its value?

Anonymous No. 909000

Should I cancel my photoshop sub and only use my $20 lifetime Affinity Photo ?

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Anonymous No. 909032

like this? or did I just waste my time trying to keep everything 4 sided

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Pokemon Cafe Art ....png

Anonymous No. 909041

any tutorials you recommend for learning how to unwrap models, texture/bake them and export the model properly?

also, is it possible to create a 3d asset that will look like pic attached?

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Anonymous No. 909046

Can I get a Blender cloud tutorial that DOESN'T just create grey ugly blobs in the sky.

Anonymous No. 909048

are you using volumes?
is your renderer set to Cycles or is it the default of Eevee?
or are the tutorials you're looking at just shit, even their "finished product"?

Anonymous No. 909050

>Most were volume tutorials, but a surface method I saw didn't look right either.
>I use Eevee for viewport and switch to Cycles when rendering.

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Anonymous No. 909053

you're making sure to add a sun and maybe some extra lights? lighting is really important to making clouds
if you think this still looks like shit then idk

Anonymous No. 909056

>pic rel

Anonymous No. 909057

Sorry for being so late, but I found some archives.
Here's the PS1 thread that the first reply mentions:

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Anonymous No. 909059

I'm working on a geometry nodes tutorial to make a bunch of clouds generators, getting the shape right is tricky. As for rendering as >>909053 said lighting is the most important part. Don't hesitate to cheat a bit by either boosting some colors in the sky shader or adding additional suns to bring out secondary colors. Also use at least 8 volume bounces in the render settings. And get ready for your renders to take forever.

Anonymous No. 909075

Thanks for the tip about volume bounces. You'd think a tutorial about volumetric clouds would cover this.

Anonymous No. 909090

Still trying to figure this out >>907739, if anyone knows how to do it and/or is willing to check

Anonymous No. 909205

late reply but if you're into nsfw you should probably join the nsfw blender disc
almost every technique people use in blender for porn is there

Anonymous No. 909270

Stupid question: want to find content about 3d printers and modeling to print on those, is /3/ the correct place? Never been here before

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Anonymous No. 909283

Blender question
Any idea why the lashes are so black and thick?
used this model

I've played in Shader mode with different alpha modes but it was useless
Someone said it has the wrong texture but don't know what to do, still new to Blender

Anonymous No. 909285

it's not using transparency, is the alpha plugged in to the shader?

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Screenshot (460).png

Anonymous No. 909303


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Anonymous No. 909375

try putting the alpha channel of that texture instead of the color

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Screenshot (442).jpg

Anonymous No. 909386

THANK YOU! jEEZ that was so easy, it worked on the model
Still I do not know how to revert to the original settings of the face for the scene I'm building? don t want to start over again...

Anonymous No. 909391

jesus anon, do you want to get cancelled?

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Anonymous No. 909395

I guess you went and assigned it the wrong material in pic related menus. The menu on the left is the vertex/face groups on the model to which a material is assigned and the right menu is the where you choose which material you want to assign them.
I recommend doing more tutorials like that famous donut one if you keep having issues,

Anonymous No. 909428

Where do I find guides for all the shit you can do in Maya? I'm trying to figure out how to quickly and efficiently bust out hardsurface models, there's like a million blender tutourial people but when looking for Maya stuff there's hardly anything at all and half the videos are just teasers to stuff trying to sell a course

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Anonymous No. 909429

Stop falling for the youtube algorithm by not browsing blender.

Anonymous No. 909436

Software dev lurker getting good enough to ask basic questions. Should I initially model humanoids in the A-Pose or Standard anatomical position?

From my understanding and experience I want the muscles and bones to be as relaxed as possible while modeling but still want to model the armpit and shoulder muscles well enough to fight off deformation.

(I am doing poly modeling, not sculpting)

Anonymous No. 909437

>Armatures randomly disappear
>Have no idea how to see them again
>Even then they would stretch the 3D model when moved in pose mode
Should I just give up?

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Anonymous No. 909441

How could one recreate this look, preferably in blender? I can see its like a glass logo on a blank surface, but the colors are whats throwing me off, i cant tell how i would make something like this.

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Anonymous No. 909449

Which tool(s) should one learn to make something like this? Pref paid ones over open source stuff

Anonymous No. 909451

Reposting from a thread I now realize I didn't need to make: I found the single solitary good rip of a model I wanted (Kill la Kill: IF's Ryuko in Senketsu) just to import into Blender for use as reference material. Problem: It's in .mesh form which I can't import into Blender. I need the rigging intact so I can move the weapons out of the hands (as they're default-positioned to her hands). What do?

Anonymous No. 909575

I don't understand this quads meme. isn't every quad just 2 triangles anyway unless the vertices are perfectly aligned?

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Anonymous No. 909576

check out iridescent materials
This is the tutorial I followed when searching for something similar,

Anonymous No. 909584

replying to myself.
it's doable but a lot less performant than mari.
the new wrap feature is pretty good to get started though.

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Anonymous No. 909684

How to make nice, sharp holes on an object I want to SubD?

In the upper left corner is my reference, on the right is model with a hole made with boolean difference and on the bottom is my object before subdivision. If I use boolean and subdivide, it messes up the object.

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Anonymous No. 909689

Cylinder should ideally have number of sides that is multiple of number of holes.
1. Select 4 quads for each hole.
2. Inset.
3. Enable LoopTools Add-on and use circle to smooth quads and scale them (use individual origins transform mode to scale all selected holes at the same time)
Using booleans with subdivide is pain in the ass, avoid it as much is possible.

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Anonymous No. 909691

Why do most models ripped from games have a ton of unmerged segments on the models that make seams? Why does this look like shit in blender but not look like shit in the games the models were ripped from?

🗑️ Anonymous No. 909692

Meshes are separated by materials by most game engines while rendering. They still looks good because normals stay the same. In blender seams becomes visible because those normals are not imported back.

Anonymous No. 909695

Meshes are separated by materials by most game engines while rendering. They still look good because normals stay the same. In blender seams become visible because those normals are not imported back.

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Anonymous No. 909698


Thanks, man!

I use Maya, so I had to adapt - if anyone else is looking for the solution in Maya, you can use Extrude-Offset and Circularize.

Anonymous No. 909700

Stupid question here, but I'm a beginner. I'm still getting a feel for sculpting in blender. I'm able to sculpt bodies no problem at this point, but have been having some trouble figuring out the most efficient way to deal with clothing. If I were just interested in making static sculpts and that's it, there wouldn't be a problem, I'd just painstakingly sculpt the clothes the same way I sculpt the figure. The thing is, I'm doing this for the purpose of bringing the sculpts into Unity for game development and potentially also for animation, which adds a few complications. I'm interested in cloth physics, for one thing. I did a little research and stumbled upon the cloth physics and sewing option in blender, and that may or may not work, but I'm wondering if that is how clothing is normally handled for animation, or if that's just a gimmick and there are other, more professional ways.

tl;dr, how do I create clothes in Blender?

Anonymous No. 909706

Pirate Marvelous Designer if you want the easy way.
Or, if you do it the FOSS way, make some planes an saw it together with cloth simulation
Then, save your low poly mesh, then subdivide it and sculpt fine details like wrinkles with cloth brush. Bake normal map from your high poly to low poly. Copy bone weights from body model to clothes. Check if it does not clip through the body during animation in tight places like armpits.
If you want to make your clothes move (i.e. skirt or cape physics) you need to add extra bones. In Unity, add to those clothes bones. There are free alternatives, but this is de-facto standard. Unity also has cloth simulation component, but most likely it will look like shit with a huge performance drop.

Anonymous No. 909708

Thank you very much for the guidance, will research all of this.

Anonymous No. 909780

Reposting from /wsr/
I am trying to import a mesh with both the normal map and mask that it came with, putting those two textures on the model, and bisecting the mesh to only have the head. What I am attempting to accomplish is creating a new wrap for the Normal Map and Mask that are meant to fit just around the bisected head and exporting them, saving the textures after bisecting just gives me the full thing however.

I've been going mad trying to figure this out, pls halp.

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Anonymous No. 909781

Forgot pic

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weird substance f....jpg

Anonymous No. 909795

I'm new to Substance; what is this fucky shit in the 2D viewport? I freshly imported a model and there's nothing on the model, so there's something in between Blender's exporting and Substance's importing that's doing this. Can it be undone after starting the file? At first I didn't care about it and moved on but I noticed that the seams were affecting the materials that I applied to it.

Anonymous No. 909800

How do I keep the rigths when I commission a 3D artist? If there's no contract I could get fucked over right?

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Anonymous No. 909835

I'm a blender noob, but I've found that most 'procedural city generators' (or, at least, the ones I've seen) seemed to just scatter building around randomly and pray you didn't want a close-up.
I figured I'd try building my own generator with geometry node starting from the roads.
I'm fairly happy with this, but then I realized that I'd like to also randomly delete entire segments of roads to break up the obvious grid pattern.
I don't have the foggiest idea where to start though. Any clues? Or any better procedural city tutorials?

Code wise, this is a grid -> curve -> bezier spline type -> Set Handle Position with some chaos -> to mesh with a line curve profile.
Made that into 3 node groups, 1/street width desired.
Future plane are to extrude the edge of the street up, extrude inwards by X amount for the sidewalks, then fill in the holes and scatter building on those faces

Anonymous No. 909836

Overlaping UVs

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Anonymous No. 909917

Here's a question... How I go about learning to make vfx for game models? For instance, here's a model from WoW that showcases the kind of thing I'd like to make: (there's a 'view in 3d' button to see it in real time)

The center of the shield has a kind of flowing glowing orb and 'plasma' effect. I'm guessing it uses a billboard and various frames to simulate the movement, but what I want to know is how do you even go about making the actual effect frames? What programes/techniques are employed? And maybe any courses you'd suggest.

Anonymous No. 909930

literally any modeling software you're comfortable with and then Substance painter.

>Pref paid ones over open source stuff
Blender is always godtier. Just because its paid doesnt make it magically better. But 3DSmax if you REALLY need to spend the shekels for some reason. Use what you find easiest to learn. For game assets like that you want to model high poly, then learn how to retopologize your model to low poly and bake the normal maps and AO (after unwrapping your UVs). Plugins for retopo or decimating are always going to be messy, so learning how to efficiently retopo by hand is always the best. Then for texturing, since you are fine with paid software, Substance painter is the way to go. Get the one on Steam so you arent getting cucked by a monthly subscription.

Anonymous No. 909952

>Pref paid ones over open source stuff
Substance Painter. Substance Designer.

Not sure why you wouldn't use Blender. It's free, and it does everything any other 3d modelling suite does. You think you'll get better results just because you fuck around in Maya or 3dsmax or whatever other program? No.

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Anonymous No. 909954

In that case it seems to be a single blob texture but it's probably being UV deformed and there are probably a few stacked, slow-moving billboards to give the effect a more animated look.
A great youtube channel about this kind of stuff:
The guy also has a website with good articles

There are many ways of making effect frames, from hand drawn to simulations packed in a sprite sheet to completely procedural generation.

Anonymous No. 909957

Ah, shit, that makes a lot of sense. I thought I could optimize my space. This will be tricky to undo, since I used it a lot.

Anonymous No. 909964

Zbrush and Substance Painter. Don't use Blender, it chokes on girthy high polies like the armor in your pic.

Anonymous No. 909999

Procedural generation? So I guess you could do this in Substance Designer, if you tweaked parameters, and exported as different frame. Or is there more suitable software for that

Anonymous No. 910001

I think by procedural generation Anon meant doing the effect entirely in the shader with animated UVs etc.

Anonymous No. 910025

Been a bit since messing with geo nodes in blender so I'm not absolutely certain if my idea is doable. I'm imagining from the grid you have distribute points on each vertex, then delete a random selection of points, and then connect nearby points to each other and convert that into a curve for the rest of your network. The random deletion could also just be substituted by you editing the grid you feed into the network.

I'm also not sure if it'd fit into the pipeline for what you're trying to do, as I know their free option is pretty limited in export, but I've been enjoying slowly learning a bit of Houdini for procedural stuff. Although it's a little hard to find up to date tutorials with people that don't have a boring monotone voice.

Anonymous No. 910045

Got a newfag question;

How to I quote a thread, is it the same as quoting a reply like ">>" and the server automatically identifies the quote as the old thread?

Anonymous No. 910049


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Anonymous No. 910064

Thanks, anon, you really helped me out.
I didn't do it the way you explained, but you did inspire me to realize that I could delete the road segments WAY earlier in my code than I was thinking.
I subdivided the grid, then deleted a random selection of edges before turning them into curves.
Subdividing also gives me another point of control. The attached image shows the difference between 1,2, and 3 levels of subdivision. Otherwise I kept the deletion probability at .5 and the same seed.
I'm not saying that they all look good, but just that it's interesting/fun to have another point of control like that.

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Anonymous No. 910128

Could someone tell me what's going on here? I was watching junk on youtube trying to learn from it, around 10:00 mark the artist is using nurbs paths with object bevel for the back hair, then switches to another hair streak that is, well, something else I don't know about. The actual topology is generated and based on vertices, but doesn't stick to it. Bit later the nurbs path hair gets converted to it too, but despite watching at 1/3 speed I still can't catch what happens.

Anonymous No. 910133

I'd like to know that too

If cris is such a lolcow is he enough to get a kiwitreads worth of him at least?
I want to know the history of cris

Anonymous No. 910138

are there any ipad apps that compare to blender or zbrush? nomad sculp, putty 3d, and sculptura 3d seem robust but all are paid and offer no demo. for context i do digital art on procreate.

Anonymous No. 910139

Ah. I must confess, I'm not at the level where I know what that means yet. The game I'm interested in working on is quite old, much like WoW, so I really doubt it has support for that kind of thing. The engine is limited to UV transformations (uniform only) and has some kind of 'flipbook' texture controller for animation. So the only options open to me would be sprite sheets, individual frames etc.

Anonymous No. 910156

less question more rant:
holy fuck zbrush why does it make it such a pain to do something as simple as scale multiple meshes together
why is there a special scale plugin that sets your scene scale to some insane arbitrary number based on some crazy guess the program decides to do
why is there a second plugin called transpose master that's used for scaling but loses all the information on my subdivision levels
holy fucking shit how is this program so good at the hard stuff and so fucking terrible at the easy bits

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Screenshot 2022-0....png

Anonymous No. 910194

alright bros i ran into a problem. when I add a multires modifier to better sculpt a model, it turns black in sculpt mode and it's really hard to work with.

I've tried all the viewport shading methods and configs, and strangely in render preview it all just goes black, but only in sculpt mode. outside of sculpt mode all the viewport shading methods work normally. any idea what's happening?

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Anonymous No. 910221

Bones stretch out in pose mode and the mesh model won't bend at the knees or elbows in blender: Why blenderbros, WHYY?? All the tutorials on this are convoluted as hell

Anonymous No. 910222

In blender I have a vertex group consisting of hair 'strands'. Is there a way to slightly rotate them each individually? I'm trying to create a messy hair look from a clean hair mesh but I'm not sure the best method. I can't really sculpt it because the strands need to be pulled apart individually.

Anonymous No. 910238

The curve was converted to a mesh with a subdiv modifier on.

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Anonymous No. 910246

Do you have a mask active somehow? alt+m to clear it.
Or did you add vertex colors? Try one of these buttons, or check the mesh properties and see if there's anything in the color attributes.

Noise displacement with geometry nodes?
Like in

Anonymous No. 910253

>geometry nodes
Never tried those, I will have to look into it. That can probably do what I want if I can achieve the required autism level.

Anonymous No. 910301

Have you tried particle edit mode? You can edit the shapes of individual parent strands to your liking.

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wfc texture paint....png

Anonymous No. 910413

Does anyone know how to texture paint a model in Blender while having a picture in the background to use as reference?

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Anonymous No. 910422

How would you approach making a char with a design similar to pic related? Is it just a green model which you just replace in post?

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Anonymous No. 910443

okay I seriously don't know what to make for my portfolio. I'm doing environment art and I got some props on my artstation but no actual environments. do I try and see what other env artists are doing and try to copy their format or what? I'm stressing out because I don't want to commit to like a month long project and then end up dropping it because i don't like the direction its going in

Anonymous No. 910445

Remake doom E1M1 since its open source

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Anonymous No. 910460

Roadmap anon here again.
I'm having two (three? many) issues with my sidewalks... given the order I'm going to ask these, I should've flipped the imaged but hindsight's 20/20). Anywho:
1) I had thought that I'd input some numbers for the sidewalk-width, but I didn't stop to think that there transformations would be applied to every new edge regardless of 'facing' as it were. So I tried using the 'offset' scale of extrude mesh and it gives reasonably acceptable results, except for the pinching at corners or un-uniform sidewalk-widths following an edge, Is there a way I can set the scaling to be uniform/capped? Maybe some application of map range? Or should I use boolean math to select edges by their 'facing' (do they have facing? Maybe select the faces and then specify the edge where Z=/=0... anywho) and then apply set extrusions that way?
2) I'm not sure how to tell the mesh to combine when it meets the other sides' expansion and/or stop expanding when it meets another pre-existing edge. Any advice?
Unfortunately I don't know all the nodes too

Thanks in advance.

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Anonymous No. 910490

you can do it with shaders and UV project modifier on the model with target as the camera. the floating lights could be particles with emission shaders. this is how I would do it

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Anonymous No. 910492

and pic related for the shader

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Square UVs.png

Anonymous No. 910558

Is there a way to square your organic UV maps in a way that's not pure manual cancer?
I want to try in, but I want to enjoy living.

Anonymous No. 910561

Neat thanks!

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Anonymous No. 910592

In Blender, how do you go about rigging this area of a humanoid model?

Anonymous No. 910606

Okay this turned out to be a far bigger problem than I bargained for. I used an array modifier to create studs, and being all the same thing, they share UV space. There's at least a hundred of these studs on the same spot and going through every island, pressing L, and then moving the island into an unoccupied grid space one over from the last would be sweatshop work that would take an hour every time anything like this is even attempted. I can feel it in my bones, this is not the way life is supposed to be. Is there a way I can automatically spread every island in a stack precisely one grid unit separate from each other so they are no longer overlapping yet still occupying the same spot within the grid? I have found nothing on google.

Anonymous No. 910635

Did you enable rigify in the add-ons menu?
If so, there should be a human rig pre-built. Even if you don't use it, you can use it a an example.



🗑️ Anonymous No. 910677

Was rendering an animation and Eevee keeps throwing those light artifacts on a few frames.
It goes away if I rerender them separately, but what causes it? It's not a light source, since they keep changing colors and sizes.

Anonymous No. 910742

Is Modo dead already?

Anonymous No. 910817

why not just keep one there, hide it, and select all the other ones and move their UVs over one grid?
it's fine for the UVs to overlap if they're out of bounds, substance just cant deal with texturing 2 places in 3D space at the same time

Anonymous No. 910820


Anonymous No. 910938

where to find good courses that aren't overpriced shit trying to exploit beginners?

Anonymous No. 910973

What does it mean when someone says "they created their own shader"?

Are they just saying they made a texture or is it more involved?

Anonymous No. 910974

When someone creates their own shader it implies they created new nodes in a text editor in a language that their renderer can understand

Anonymous No. 910979

in blender, how can a child inherit shape key deformations from the parent?

no problems rigging a parent and getting the child to inherit the transformations but shapekeys are a different story..

Anonymous No. 910981

shape keys are tied to the location of individual vertices, so you can't directly transfer them to other meshes as far as I understand it. What are you trying to do?

Anonymous No. 910982


for further context here, lets say i have eyebrows that are a child of the head and they move around with the head fine. i control facial expressions with shapekeys but the eyebrows do not move with the head.

Anonymous No. 910983

could you put a driver on the eyebrow shape keys to copy the value of the facial expression shape keys?

Anonymous No. 910984


i'll go do some reading and give it a shot, thanks for the tip



🗑️ Anonymous No. 910986

if it's something like this you mean you can do it by right clicking the original shape key value -> copy as new driver , and then paste the driver onto the other meshes shape key value

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Anonymous No. 910990

is this what you want?

Anonymous No. 910992


This looks super helpful however I wasn't able to reproduce it with the following:

1. copy cube
2. add shapekey to leftmost cube
3. leftmost cube under new shapekey at value bar "copy as new driver"
4. create a basis and blank shapekey on rightmost cube
5. on value bar on rightmost cube, paste driver

on following these steps, the leftmost cubes shapekey does not affect the rightmost. do i need to be parenting or doing a data transfer or something also?

thanks again

Anonymous No. 910996

no I didn't do anything before that clip but spawn the cubes and make the shape keys in edit mode. Just check that the value is properly transferring between them, and if it is check that the shape keys are working properly. here is a tutorial using drivers in the same way to copy values between 2 data paths

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Anonymous No. 911016


ah, i see my mistake. each cube had its own unique shape key and we set the value of the left to also control the right. i initially had only created a unique shapekey for the left with the hopes it could deform the right, i see now i misunderstood how it worked.

in my case i have 20 facial expression shape keys and have just added eyebrows and eyelashes. ideally i wouldnt have to redo the original shapekeys or create new shapekeys with the eyebrows/eyelashes. thanks again
- a former mong

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Anonymous No. 911035

Kinda having an issue with Grease Pencil fills in blender.

When I set the pencil to draw on surfaces everything works like it’s supposed to, but when I try and fill the line art, if it’s still set to surface it will seemingly just fill it in a random place in space instead of in my lines. I’ve found a workaround for it but I’m not super happy with it and would rather my fills just work on surfaces.

Anonymous No. 911072

I need help with 3ds max unwrapping.
version 2023
I made video with problem I have. Whenever I unwrap something, polygons close to the border of uv island dissapear from UV editor. They appear in uv editor when I select them in 3d view, or when I select whole uv island with select element option.
The problem is shown from 2:05 of that video. (before its how I unwrapped from start)
pls help 3dsmax bro out.

Anonymous No. 911523

If I have two meshes of different scales and I want to boolean them together is there a way to make the mesh that is smaller fit the area of the bigger one? (without using scale tool and hoping for the best)

🗑️ Anonymous No. 911998

I saw memes that blender texture painting is bad and hasn't been updated since years but what is even better than it?
also do pros do their texture painting in the 2d directly onto the texture or from the 3d viewport painter?

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Anonymous No. 912133

I noticed that game models usually have faces split up, is that where the UV seams were placed and the game engine split the faces off for optimization or is it something else?

Anonymous No. 912187

each mesh = one material slot

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imagine it's....png

Anonymous No. 912522

When I use curves to do my hair strand they get this kink when I increase the radius of the bevel.
Is there a way to make the transition smoother while keeping it a curve?
Right now I just fix it after converting to a mesh.

Anonymous No. 912530

If I remember right, it's an issue of scale on your middle handle.
If S doesn't work, try looking up something like "curve handle thickness" in google. Should get something pertinent.

Anonymous No. 912786

how come when i see big boobie character in 2d art it looks good and coomery, but when i try to translate it into 3d it looks like a ugly creature from hell like i'm staring at my own reflection?

Anonymous No. 912820

Oftentimes they're more stylized in 2d and you're willing to suspend more disbelief
In 3d you expect something more realistic and all the imperfections you'd accept in 2d jump out. Basically 2d doesn't have as much of an uncanny valley as 3d does.

Anonymous No. 913041

fuck, you created optical illusion on the right picture