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Anonymous No. 903170

How long does it take to be a good smut animator?
NYL2's work is genuinely impressive and it makes me want to try my hand at it
Apart from that how fun is 3D and whatnot?

Anonymous No. 903173

3 months for pro standard or you are doing it wrong

Anonymous No. 903181

If you aren't giving an answer in hours, you're doing it wrong. "3 months" is a meaningless answer without also specifying hours per month.

Anonymous No. 903182

no it isn't, 3 months is a good timeframe, or you are doing it wrong.

Anonymous No. 903184

It's irrelevant, if you learning it is contingent on it taking a certain amount of time you aren't gonna stick with it. Nobody you look up to worried about that they just liked the craft so they did it.

If you apparently want to do this then go do it

Anonymous No. 903185

How many hours a week? While working a full-time job?
40 hours per week clearly puts you in a different timeframe than 10 hours per week.

Anonymous No. 903186

if its just animation we are talking about you really should be well on your way by 3 months whether or not you have a full time job, just make sure you get the workflow sorted out early as possible and have a broad familiarity with the process from start to finish and complete projects at every stage of skill. yadda yadda.

200 hours? something like that. it depends how confident you are, a lot of people would probably say it takes less time.

Anonymous No. 903248

This guy is right. There will always be room to improve, and you will keep improving, till the end of your career. Animation is one of the more labor intensive things to do in 3D, so if you can't handle the time needed to learn to animate properly, you won't be able to handle the time needed to create quality content in a consistent time frame either. Most people end up hating animating, after they find out what it's like to animate even a couple minutes of higher quality footage.

You might have a point if your standards for good animation are barely passable acting, floaty weightless movements, shitty timing, staging and so on, done at a snails pace, without any true understanding of the principles. Yes, you can learn how to animate in just a couple weeks, but learning to actually animate at a decent level, can take years. It's like saying all you need to do to be able to draw well, is put a pencil on paper. Anyone without at least a year under the belt, will almost always need to be constantly babysat by the lead animator, or have their work fixed by more capable animators, to be able to produce anything usable.

3 months under a good teacher might be another story, but even people from focused courses like Animation Mentor, almost always improve a ton after few years of proper animation work. It might be enough to be competitive with smut though, since truly good smut animators are few and far between. I'm talking purely animation here, without going into modelling/rendering/rigging or any other 3D aspects. If it was as easy as this guy is saying, there would be a lot more smut animators, considering how well it pays if you provide professional level quality. Over $10k per month isn't uncommon with the better ones. And some of the top earners clearly know nothing about 3D, outside of being able to animate at a decent level.

Anonymous No. 903300

This guy gets it, everyone else in this thread is a neet and need not apply.
3 months my ass

Anonymous No. 903301

tragic waste of time/cope

Anonymous No. 903306

You dont need to be good to sell porn
The problem is finding site that wont ban you
or block your account

Anonymous No. 903308

Anon, did you even try looking?
Peope make millions a year on patreon, itch and subscribestar are also legitimate platforms.

Anonymous No. 903323

Yea but just as many get banned and stricken down by weird porn laws so not sure how that works.

Anonymous No. 903325

if you upload illegal stuff you will pay the price, simple as

Anonymous No. 903335

Nah they go after the wholesome stuff too

Anonymous No. 903336


Anonymous No. 903345

They dont ?
Patreon cunts wont go after my account if i use it to post wholesome stuff ?

Anonymous No. 903482

Kill yourself, coomfag

Anonymous No. 903502

The key to good blender porn is more than the animations. it's all the technical crap like softbody, fluids, materials, etc that are impossible to figure out. Everyone uses the same Tifa base model, but the best know how to improve upon it with that secret sauce.

Anonymous No. 903985

Funnily enough nyl (and some others but mainly him) got me interested in learning this myself too. I've been learning blender for about 2-3 weeks and I am really enjoying it. I grew up with games and lost the interest over time but blender is simply put fun, just for that reason I would recommend trying it for yourself
I started with the donut which I feel like is a mistake since it is slightly too advanced for a complete noob, I think surfaced studio's treasure chest tutorial was better to follow.
If I had to guess how long it would take to get to their level it would be around half a yearto a year? I assume if you really focused on the aspects he puts into his work

Anonymous No. 903993

>>that's how you honor moloch
don't do it

Anonymous No. 904002

You mean the semen plugin?

Anonymous No. 904004

>You mean the semen plugin?
Anon, it's called "penis"

Anonymous No. 904555

So, i am learning blender, but don't know much about animation. You guys know any good courses for por animation?

Anonymous No. 904578

>learning to actually animate at a decent level, can take years
lmao are you retarded? what is there to learn for years? 3 months is more than enogh for a three-digit iq man with an evening to spare after work. cope.

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Anonymous No. 904611

I'm thinking of getting into 3DCG and I want to make animations, but I am currently using just a tablet for everything.
Would this be enough to render some nice animations?
Should I go for the 16GB ram model?

Anonymous No. 904613

if you want to make animations you have to step on the shoulders of giants. You have to learn rigging and presentation and sound design. You sound exactly like a noanim

Anonymous No. 904700

learning how to animate takes 3 months tops, yea.
learning how to actually be good at animation takes years.
So youre both right, but you have no standards and assume anyone else has none either.

Anonymous No. 904714

hijacking the thread to ask about that gif or webm of the animation curves with two boxes resembling the movement of two human bodies.

Anonymous No. 905293

about 3 curves and 30 minutes should do the trick these days.

Anonymous No. 905294

You'll want an external hdd but this is enough for hobbyist level work and just getting stuff done at a basic level. When you step your game up you will have made enough money by then.

Anonymous No. 905295

>windows 11
dogshit os and this is coming from someone who used launch 8 and vista with 512mb of ram

Anonymous No. 906149

I have been laying around with Cascadeur and was pleasantly surprised. I came up with a decent looking animation in half an hour.

Anonymous No. 906170

>what is there to learn for years?

Tell me you've never tried animating without telling me you've never tried animating.

OP isn't asking 'how long will it take me to learn how to pose some keyframes and curves?', OP is asking how long it will take to actually get good enough to produce decently life-like or otherwise appealing animations, and *that* is what takes years.

Anonymous No. 906393

literally no time, all the model has to do is move and have good graphics.

Anonymous No. 906973

How do I make my scene composition look as good as NYL2?
Bloom, Color correction and what else? What do I have to look for to make the lighting look as good?

Anonymous No. 906998

Worked on my stuff 2-3 times during workweek and on weekend in hours between 7-11pm. I was able to make animation in blender that looked good on thumbnails but animation was somehow stiff in 14 days. Now 3 months later I can make model, textures, rig make setup lighting and log on wow to make cinematic screenshots to use as backgrounds. Stills look like old content from 2015 Valtorica. Animation look like what people made in first 3 month SFM was released.

Anonymous No. 906999

Win 11 is not getting enterprise deployment till win 11.1 comes out. It's Microsoft pet project for their surface laptops not their main line windows.

Anonymous No. 907035

So how do you make money off rule 34 animations ?



๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 907100

Is SFM a fucking joke and should I be learning Blender instead?

(For 3D porn comics and animations.)



Anonymous No. 907101

I just want to pose hot video game chicks. Is SFM a fucking joke and should I be learning Blender instead?

(For 3D porn comics and animations.)

Anonymous No. 907119

>Apart from that how fun is 3D and whatnot?
Animation is fucking agonizingly tedious. The product is not a reflection of the production process at all.

Anonymous No. 907120

i want to kiss the demon boy...

Anonymous No. 907126

They're both about equally autistic to get into, the difference is that SFM is ancient abandonware with somewhat easier jiggle physics but generally horrid everything else.
SFM can produce good shit but it takes about equal(ly high relative to average coomer's attention span) amount of effort for both, and if you learn blender you'll have actual skills you can translate elsewhere, vs sfm which is just dead end of development for a dead engine.
Also consider that with SFM you're limited to premade models but if you get good enough with blender you can make whatever you want.

Anonymous No. 907894

It honestly depends on how much free time you have and how dedicated you are. People like Nyl and GeneralButch started 5-7 years ago, but that doesn't mean it'll take you just as long. Either way, animation in general takes a long ass time regardless of the medium. Like I remember GB specifically streaming for 10+ hours for a few days to make a single animation.

Anonymous No. 907895

join his patreon, he regularly talks about his process

Anonymous No. 908081

I just wish we could get the particles that sfm has into blender

Anonymous No. 908088

Gonna need a sauce on that

Anonymous No. 908132

It's literally on the OP man, please read

Anonymous No. 908150

>10+ hours for a few days to make a single animation
Depends on the animation, if he was animating a 2-4 second loop then 10+ hours is definitely on the slow side.
If it was a longer loop with higher levels of variance then that would be ok. Depends on the tools you use too and how fast you can navigate them.