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๐Ÿงต Is Linux a good platform for 3D creation?

Anonymous No. 903379

Anyone have experience doing 3D work in Linux? I've been thinking about migrating from Windows to Linux after dealing with a series of frustrating headaches with Windows that's brought me to the edge of my seat. Linux is already natively compatible with a lot of 3D applications such as Blender, Maya, Houdini, Modo, Substance Painter and Substance Designer, Unreal Engine, Unity, MARI, Quixel Bridge, as well as a myriad of renderers and more.

Anonymous No. 903380

>I've been thinking about migrating from Windows to Linux after dealing with a series of frustrating headaches with Windows that's brought me to the edge of my seat.
such as?

Anonymous No. 903383

I've got linux
I tried using maya, blender, zbrush and unreal engine.
I couldn't get maya to work because the version i found on the internet appears to require arch linux instead of debian. You can supposedly convert the files with "alien" program but i got an error when trying to run the converted files. I can't get maya to work.

Blender works natively and pretty good butI can't get GoB addon to work that transfer files between zbrush and blender seamlessly. Maybe some other plugins will also have issues.

Zbrush requires Wine to run and install. It works pretty good although i get crashes sometimes when i click on some of weird menue buttons that i don't even know what they do but the project i'm working on always gets saved so no problem there.

Unreal engine you need to compile as from source code the first time which can take a few hours. It works but i haven't done much with it except place a few objects and textures in a scene.

Anonymous No. 903384

I've got linux
I tried using maya, blender, zbrush and unreal engine.
I couldn't get maya to work because the version i found on the internet appears to require arch linux instead of debian. You can supposedly convert the files with "alien" program but i got an error when trying to run the converted files. I can't get maya to work.

Blender works natively and pretty good butI can't get GoB addon to work that transfer files between zbrush and blender seamlessly. Maybe some other plugins will also have issues.

Zbrush requires Wine to run and install. It works pretty good, although i get crashes sometimes when i click on some of weird menu buttons that i don't even know what it does, but the project i'm working on always gets saved so i can recover it without issues.

Unreal engine you need to compile from source code the first time which can take a few hours. It works but i haven't done much with it except place a few objects and textures in a scene.

Anonymous No. 903399

Privacy and performance concerns for starters

Anonymous No. 903411

So in other words, you have no real issue with windows, you are just a retard from /g/.

Anonymous No. 903413

Gosh, where do I start?

The usual blue screen every three days, the graphics drivers freezing causing Direct3D to lock up and crash the application while I'm working, the start menu being unable to search my installed apps, nagging me to subscribe to Office 365 repeatedly every so often when I start up my PC, always nagging me to change my default browser back to Edge, involuntary restarts after updating, Windows Explorer not showing any files when I'm looking for something, etc.

Anonymous No. 903414

Do you have a powerul pc?
You could probably run all programs in wine but they will work about 20% slower

Anonymous No. 903418

>linuxfags running toasters that just werks but not for 3d intensive work.

Anonymous No. 903424

actually scratch that i just tried again and managed to get maya to work on my debian linux
if anyone else needs a hand i can write out the commands to get it to run.

Anonymous No. 903426

That's the dumbest reason ever. Don't be fucking stupid

Anonymous No. 903427

Sounds like your pc is shit and you're trying to run modern programs and pushing it to extremes.

Anonymous No. 903428

If all you use is Godot, Blender, Krita and VScode--Linux is completely fine, even great. However, all the commercial closed source software has piss poor Linux support.

Anonymous No. 903436

>all the commercial closed source software has piss poor Linux support.
except for the software that matters (Maya and Houdini)

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Anonymous No. 903438

Here's my Speccy.

Anonymous No. 903442

>running windows 11 on shitty specs
You need to go back to windows 10 faggot.

Anonymous No. 903447

>Unreal Engine
Really? The last time I tried compiling it it was extremely buggy and barely usable. But that was a couple of years ago so maybe things have changed now.

Anonymous No. 903452

AMD. That's your problem right there

Anonymous No. 903483

well yeah it was beta version
UE5 just got realeased

To the OP:
create a dual boot and try it our
have booth windows and linux running and you can switch between windows and linux and try out the programs. There are tons of videos youtube how to create a dual boot.

Anonymous No. 903528

I'm interested anon. How did you do it? Was it a pirated version?

Anonymous No. 903529

I dual booted ubuntu and windows because I have a shit-tier potato pc, and I'd say Linux is better for Blender. Can't speak for other programs like Maya though.

Anonymous No. 903820

If you are not running blender as your one stop shop, probably not.
None native software works well with tinkering, but windows will always perform better for Windows Programms. Also, non legitimate versions of your favorite programs will be a lot harder to get to work.
I run Linux mainly, but still have a windows disk, just so I can use Adobe software and Maya (Mayas native version is only available for fedora, I think. On arch, I needed to use a weird 3rd party install script and still had lots of issues I manually needed to fix).
You CAN use Linux with software like this, but it is going to take considerably more time than just having a dual boot disk ready. You can even access the ntfs disks from Linux, so it's really not much of a hassle to switch between each os install, if both are on an ssd.

Anonymous No. 904448

Blender seems to crash ALOT on Linux when rendering on my amd card, dno why

Anonymous No. 904450

>on fucking linux
Your problem is two-fold. The biggest tragedy is you fell for the /g/ memes.

Anonymous No. 904454

Well I only switched to Linux late last year and I've had my AMD card since late 2020. Why would AMD be shit on Linux anyway? AMD's drivers are ment to be open source so I figured there would be better support in programs like blender but it's quite the opposite.

Anonymous No. 904456

houdini sim times are significantly faster on loonix.
so much so that if it's your main dcc, it's well worth running it as your primary work OS.

Anonymous No. 904476

Why would you assume it being open source would make it better? Stop falling for /g/ memes.

Anonymous No. 904477

There is a pattern that poorfags with toaster level PC or laptop specs fall for the linux meme the most. About 99% end up going back to windows. The 1% actually used it in their daily wagie job. It is only but a "phase" the average 4chinner goes through in his lifetime



Anonymous No. 904483

Walt Disney Animation Studios used Linux to make Frozen. That Linux-made film went on to make $1.2 billion at the box office.

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Anonymous No. 904484

Walt Disney Animation Studios used Linux to make Frozen. That Linux-made film went on to make $1.2 billion at the box office and win two Academy Awards.

Anonymous No. 904485

It's clearly a customized Maya version that may run on Linux

Anonymous No. 904486

you do know that maya and houdini perform 5-15% better on linux than windows, right? especially houdini
there's a reason most feature animation and vfx is done on linux workstations
however at home me and many others use windows, it's just less overhead to manage

Anonymous No. 904489

Why are you making me switch OS in the middle of production modelling/sculpting? Kek nice bait.

Anonymous No. 904490

Look at the menu bars and docks. Clearly not Windows, looks like Openbox or LXQT

Your mileage may vary. Test out the programs you use or may want to use first before making a full commitment.

Anonymous No. 904493

The hardware setup it's running on is far more important than the OS.
And most of the typical 3D/ After FX pipeline stuff won't run well or not at all on any Linux.

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Screenshot from 2....png

Anonymous No. 904509

guess again

Anonymous No. 904516

Like clockwork.

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Anonymous No. 904888

>Unreal engine you need to compile from source code the first time which can take a few hours.

This is a little known secret but Epic Games actually has pre-compiled versions of Unreal Engine for Linux on their GitHub GHCR you can download and run without compiling.

You can easily download and install them through the Epic Asset Manager.

One of the downsides is that it doesn't come with the integrated Quixel Bridge but if you have the stand-alone client, you should still be able to use your preferred file manager to drag assets from your local Megascans library into your project's content folder.

Anonymous No. 904891

>This is a little known secret but Epic Games actually has pre-compiled versions of Unreal Engine for Linux on their GitHub GHCR you can download and run without compiling.

almost every single time you make a noticable change in unreal engine you have to recompile the engine from scratch.

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Anonymous No. 905240

>tfw daz doesnt work under linux
How do I convert to blender? I want to keep all my Daz assets though.

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Anonymous No. 905351

Software compatibility is the most important thing to consider, but there's also a workflow advantage to using linux. I switched about eight years ago because I wanted to try using a tiling window manager, and I would rather seppuku than go back to using windows now.
If you like windows workspaces but want something smoother or actually at all usable, give linux a go. If the software you need runs on linux, and you have the spare time and an extra hard drive, it's pretty much free, so I would recommend anyone try it themselves rather than listen to antarctic IQ anons debate tangental subjects on an underwater basket weaving forum.
In case someone's still reading this, and actually wants to know more but isn't savvy, then let me help out a bit further. First off, don't go to /g/. Second, there's a million different distributions of linux, and a million more desktop environments, so just use the Fedora KDE spin. Google those three words and you'll find it. Fedora isn't just the most euphoric distribution, it's developed by a company that's owned by IBM and has a significant amount of cash behind it. Still completely free though. Additionally, Autodesk provides an rpm for Maya, which means it's easier to install on Fedora than on Ubuntu or Debain.

Anonymous No. 905395

Has Fedora become actually good?
Serious question, whenever I installed it, it immediately shat the bed - one of the most buggy distros I have ever experienced.
I stopped using Linux when they killed CentOS.

Anonymous No. 905397

More like poopjaro

Anonymous No. 905401

In my case several

- Such generic errorcodes it can be your software, harddisk or the toaster oven of Putin
- Settings that get reset every update
- Updates breaking things
- ui changes like weather and corona suddently appearing
- wanna shutdown? Not today you won't, a small update that wiwill take only a moment
- file explorer has no tabs
- wanna install something? You gotta go to the website and get an exe/msi
- backwards compatability king, but when you try to run something made for 1 OS ago? Nope
- windows only games run a higher fps with wine than natively on windows

And that is just the start

Anonymous No. 905419

If you used anything before 14 (2010 I think) it has definitely improved. That was the earliest I started hearing about Fedora and it was mostly bad news back then.
I switched my desktop to Fedora around 24/25, can't remember having too many issues back then but these days nothing breaks unless I try to mess with systemd's guts.
And yeah, rip CentOS. RH turned their stable distro into a rolling release, funniest shit I've ever seen. If you want that experience back Rocky linux has done a pretty good job at reviving it.

Anonymous No. 905501

>wifi stops working
>click windows "Fix this for me"
>ERROR Windows cannot fix your WiFi, you must be connected to the Internet. :)
>click Asus "Fix this for me"
>Checking for problem. A problem was found with your wifi. Solution: ERROR OPEN TICKET
>modern windows gives absolutely no information now about anything ever
>updates are literally "We are updating our computer. Step away. :)"
>try to open the network settings manager
>everything is spread across 4 different network-ish places
>Ranjesh tells me to do the needful by going to Device Manager -> Devices -> Wifi radio -> Properties -> Advanced Properties -> Ip4 -> set manual DNS server -> 1 1 0 1
>redeem it
>"You can't reboot right now. windowsHelper_background_monitor is preventing you from rebooting. :)"
>click reboot anyway
>it's stuck rebooting for a minute
>this on an NVME i5
>it reboots of its own accord finally

Meanwhile in Linux I'd get a 20 page long error log, copy and paste the first 5 letters into google, type some mystical command into the commandline, and go on about my life

Anonymous No. 905503

sounds like a you problem. I've never had any problems like that and ive used windows for decades. Heres a protip : dont download pirated shit and this wont happen.

Here's a blackpill : this isn't a /3/ topic. This is /g/. But what board is this posted on? Not /g/.

Anonymous No. 905506

>Maya, Houdini, Modo, Substance Painter and Substance Designer, Unreal Engine, Unity, MARI, Quixel Bridge
Eeehhhhhh.... They might run, but... They're gonna be worse.

Commercial software is pretty much always worse under linux, because it's just not a priority for them.

Anonymous No. 905566

I did the Linux thing with Houdini as my main DCC for about 10 years. Looking back I consider it a waste of time and I wouldn't recommend it. Yes Houdini ran better, but it's not worth all the headaches that come with Linux. Regardless of which distro you choose you will eventually find yourself down a rabbit hole chasing bullshit problems. Fedora was the last distro I ran when one of the major version upgrades bricked the OS. I switched to Windows 10 and honestly it has given me less grief than any other OS.

YMMV but that's my input.

Anonymous No. 905569

Win10 is horribly outdated now. Use windows 11.

Anonymous No. 906162

I have used windows and pirate everything, never have problems, but that doesn't change that widows is shitty tablet bloatware with 0 ability to customize.

Anonymous No. 906164

No i think the first time I installed a Fedora was 2015/2016. Have been looking at it a couple of times since then but it always ended tragically.
Another question if you don't mind: What do you think about running a virtual Windows 10 inside a Linux with hardware pass-through as a solution for people like me.
I want the best of both worlds. But I am not to keen to dive deep with Linux (I am too stupid), I want both the convenience of Windows, but having it contained and controlled inside a Linux.
How easy has it become with standard consumer hardware? Does it justify the extra work?

Anonymous No. 906171

Not him, but Fedora is really good these days.

> What do you think about running a virtual Windows 10 inside a Linux with hardware pass-through as a solution for people like me.
Worth a shot. You really want a spare video card to make this work properly, though. Dual-boot is more reliable, but sometimes Windows will still fuck up your bootloader if you are using Windows and Linux on the same disk, annoyingly.

You're looking at investing time and following a bunch of online guides, and still possibly having it fail to work for you. I can't tell you whether it is justified, because it all depends on what your time and effort are worth to you. I personally think it is, because you can get more control over your computer and get a more sane and consistent OS that's easier to properly manage without handcuffing you, but I'm a total Linuxfag and have been for well over a decade.

Anonymous No. 906174

If you just want to pass through USB drives, sure, will work great.
If you're talking about GPU passthrough, only with an nvidia card, and not without some elbow grease. You'll need to check the IOMMU groups on your hardware, set up PCI stub or vfio, and read the arch wiki to fix things like error 43, but once it's running you'll be set.
If you're not confident doing all that, but you can follow instructions, you can still make it work. The process has become very refined even if it's not totally plug'n'play.
Dual boot might still be better, something you'll have to judge for yourself.

Anonymous No. 906697

Blender is a lot faster in Linux than in Windows.

Anonymous No. 906897

Win11 !??

Anonymous No. 906898

Isn't Windows 11 mostly just Windows 10 with a facelift?

Anonymous No. 907605

Is there a suitable alternative to ZBrush that works on Linux? ZBrush is Windows/Mac only and Maxon buying it only made it less likely for it to come to Linux.

Anonymous No. 907642

Your computer just sucks, never had these issues, stop downloading and installing viruses and porn you dipshit and start doing 3D.



๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 907646

>GTX 1060
>in 2022

Yeah, good luck with that one.

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Anonymous No. 907680

>Unreal Engine

UE5 works pretty good on Linux, but a word of warning: Make sure you have enough VRAM for your project because the very instant UE5 runs out of it, it WILL crash and give an 'Out of memory on Vulkan' error.

Anonymous No. 907719

3DCoat. It is actually surprisingly good software that is largely unknown.

Been using Blender and Photoshop on OpenSUSE for quite a while now and it has been very good experience. I have no idea beyond that though.

๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 908711

Check their Daz To Blender tool out.

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Anonymous No. 908713

Daz has an official 'Daz To Blender' tool. Check it out.

Anonymous No. 908729

There isn't really any alternative to Zbrush at all.

Anonymous No. 908735

I mean you can do sculpting in Blender. It might not be as jam-packed as ZBrush, but it does get the job done.

Anonymous No. 908770

You might try FreeBSD too

Anonymous No. 908780

I have but it leaves much to be desired. It's okay though, I ended using QEMU and GPU passthrough.

Anonymous No. 909379

It's even easier now. Unreal Engine's website now lets you download a pre-compiled version in a zip archive.

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Anonymous No. 910505

Don't forget 3DCoat.

Anonymous No. 910700

I have been using Unity and Blender on Linux with little issue, though I believe I might have some issues with third party addons and such unless they have a linux version available. You might be able to get around such issues you run the windows versions of these programs with WINE, but then you're adding even more performance fuckery to what are already performance intensive programs. I haven't tried it though, so maybe it'd work. WINE can get most windows programs to work to some extent.

๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 910701

it's actually funny because Disney and other big animation studios use Linux systems because they are more easily customisable, more optimised and can better fit into their pipelines.
they even have native versions of 3DS maya and similar software all running on these machines

but the Autodesk kikes won't sell it to consumers because it's slightly more effort

Anonymous No. 910705

>searching a file
>not auto updating

>pushing it to extremes

Anonymous No. 910919

At the studio I work at we do most of our work in Linux, but we do have the option to change to windows with the press of a button to use Zbrush and I believe 3DS max.
It's not bad to learn, but most studios will have a pre-set linux OS that acts like windows but instead of clicking an icon you type in 'Maya' to boot the software. So in the end of day learning Linux it's self doesn't really matter.
Just stick with windows and focus on building your core skills.

Anonymous No. 912040

Quixel Mixer also works fairly well with Wine.

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Anonymous No. 913704

>privacy is stupid and dumb

Okay, famjam, whatever you say.

Anonymous No. 913803

Go back on win 10, PC would be ok enough to do "junior" work stuff, but changing to Linux just wont do anyways.

Seriously, why people are still so retarded and jump right away to the newest OS from microsoft because some retard like LTT said its good? Wait until the support officially ends on the other one first, then decide.
Intelkike detected

Considering that you own a shit PC for 3D work, you most likely are using cracked software, so your "privacy and security" can go fuck off anyways. You simply can't AFFORD IT for doing 3d work.

Anonymous No. 913809

Just install Linux and try it. If you think it sucks then just reinstall Windows again.