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Anonymous No. 903456

Blender deleting my animations every time I reopen the project!!!

For the past 7 days or so I have been redoing some of the animations in this project. Every freaking time I reopen GarbageBlender the next morning, I have to redo them. What the fucking shit???

I suspect it's related to the gay zero next to the action. Blender being blender you never know what minute setting which you triggered by looking at the wrong pixel is fucking up your entire workflow.

please help!!

Anonymous No. 903458

you're a fucking retard
click that shield button faggot
go kill yourself. You didnt even use the right thread

Anonymous No. 903460

God I fucking hate Blender so fucking much.

Anonymous No. 903461


Yeah because it makes so much sense to have to add a 'fake user' (whatever the fucking shit that is) when I'm literally creating an action for an existing armature that is not fucking fake. Why isn't a new action NOT being fake the default state? Blender is such utter garbage it's beyond comprehension.

Anonymous No. 903463

The bot is out of control guys.



Anonymous No. 903467

> a shield
> fake user