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Anonymous No. 903471

Is 21 too old to get into 3d modeling

Anonymous No. 903472

Stop with stupid questions, it’s not.

Anonymous No. 903481

>T. 22 yo who started a year ago



Anonymous No. 903484

No not at all- Do you have any background with art? I began learning 3d around 21
>26 now

Anonymous No. 903489

>Starting after your grey matter fully matures.
You never stood a chance.
t. Started at 5 months old

Anonymous No. 903491

You only have a chance if your parents raised you with 3D practices everyday.

Anonymous No. 903547

t. 25 yo who started a year ago
It should also be mentioned that I'm a NEET so I have all the free time in the world, but you probably can make it even if you're a wagie if you're passionate enough.

Anonymous No. 903551

>he thinks 3dcg is like labor-intensive jobs, where age actually means something
You're fine anon. As long as you're good with following instructions and having creativity, you should have no age-related disadvantage while looking for work. It probably won't be until you're much older (50+) that potentially impairing cognitive functions would put you at a disadvantage anyway.

Anonymous No. 903590

Started at 29 because I wanted to sculpt miniatures. Two years later it's going well. You'll do fine kid, just don't be a bitch about it.

Anonymous No. 903595

I think 3d is one of the easiest art forms to pick up as an adult, learning drawing might be a nightmare but 3d modeling is more technical

Anonymous No. 903628

Bros I'm 32... where do I pirate Maya?

Anonymous No. 903676

just send photo of fake ISIC with your name and current year to Autodesk and you can get it for free

Anonymous No. 903693

It is.
> t. 22
No matter what I do, I always stumble in the shortcut steps, or just forget them at the most inopportune moment.
At this point 3D is like a hobby, but not a job; if you can't do it from the start, you can't do it at all.

Anonymous No. 903705

No, im 27 working a shit job, I'm learning now with my spare time.
It's only too late when you're too old to move your hands

Anonymous No. 903716

Fuck you, dude. I'm only just now getting into it at 32. No one fucking cares. I used to curse myself for only getting into classical drawing at 18. I only started learning mathematics at 25 at a 6th grade level and just powered all the way through Calc 3. It's a waste of time and energy to worry about bullshit like that, things over which you have no control. Don't waste even one more second worrying about your age.

Anonymous No. 903751

post work goo goo ga ga

Anonymous No. 903755

Yes it is. If you aren't working in the industry by the age of 10, you'll never make it.

t. 8 years old and working at Pixar

Anonymous No. 903756


Anonymous No. 903758

Started at 27, best decision I made and actually lost 6 years thinking I was too old at 21 and same for the years that followed.

Anonymous No. 903760

No, it doesn't matter what age you start, it only matters how fast you can accumulate about 3000 hours of practice

Anonymous No. 903766

Dont listen to this blender shill. Nobody will hire a pure blender user. Even if you don't want a job you have the flexibility because you know maya and the blendlet doesn't. Think about how much time you are saving the company by knowing Maya right off the bat.

Anonymous No. 903767

you dont "know" maya until you are ready, willing, and able to create new nodes for it with its c++ and python APIs

Anonymous No. 903772

And nobody will hire a Mayafag who can't model or sculpt.
From a beginner level, you have a lot more work ahead of you before you should even begin worrying about one software package over another. Blender is fine for learning.

Anonymous No. 903782

yes, unless you start at 10 you might as well not bother

Anonymous No. 904774


Anonymous No. 904861

I hope not because I recently got into sculpting at 40, after I started obsessively watching sculpting vids on YouTube during lockdowns.
From age 10-30 I wanted to draw comics and a year of sculpting taught me more about drawing than drawing itself ever did.

Anonymous No. 904863

You have to be ready from the moment you leave the womb. If you haven't learnt what parallax mapping is by age 3, NGMI.

Anonymous No. 905724

You'll ask this question again in 9 years when you turn 30

Anonymous No. 905741

With that attitude? yes. I know a grandma who learns programming at 60. compared to that, 3D learning is very user friendly. just do it kid.

Anonymous No. 905900

It is not. Start now.

Anonymous No. 905907

Like half of the industry is made up of late bloomers, stop asking this moronic question and get back to work.



Anonymous No. 907208

Dick Van Dyke was like 60 when he started learning 3D as a hobby outside of his acting career. You have no excuse you lazy fuck.

Anonymous No. 907216

I asked myself this when I was 25, so i quit and went into another career, I asked again at 30 and quit and went on into my compositing career, now at 40 I’m doing pretty well and learning a lot and asking myself why i didn’t star sooner.

Anonymous No. 907232

>Is 21 too old to get into 3d modeling
Every single person who starts at my studio as a junior or intern is in their mid to late 20ties.
While there is bunch of curses and schools now for 3d, its still only in some cities/schools and almost everybody is self thought.

Anonymous No. 907267

Why are there so many morons like this >>903471 making threads?

Anonymous No. 907341

Because people got used to working from home and the majority of normalfags still think that 3D is
>lol I push button and computer puts out image :DDDd
plus thinking it makes them rich since they saw 5 lucky furfags on Patreon making 20k a month

Anonymous No. 907342

>is X too old for me to start doing Y
If you even ask questions like this you are NGMI. I went to college with people in their SIXTIES. It is only too late when you believe it is.

Anonymous No. 907343

I don't even know who that guy was but jeez is that one way to flex on this question.

Anonymous No. 907376

I started at 18, no it isn't

Anonymous No. 907445

I started at 17 but didn't touch it again after 27. Now I make anime coom like you see on twitter.

Anonymous No. 907456

then kneepads and reach the nearest elders facility

Anonymous No. 907513

I got into 3d like at 25, got first job at 28 as a junior, in 2 years I went through junior>middle>senior>team lead because at my previous job i had to do a lot of business2business shit so compared to my other autistic 3d peers at the studio I run things like wolf of wall street
honestly really fucking happy I've made it to management part of 3d because modeling treadmill is fucking sucks and I don't want to participate in "whoever has more scanned alphas plastered all over the texture wins"

Anonymous No. 907522

I'm starting at 27, sooooo.
No, stop being a dummy

Anonymous No. 907531

dumass Masahiro Ushiyama started modeling at 40, that was 20 years ago

Anonymous No. 907554

the reality is that blender is completely fine for learning 3D. and once you've learnt the skills it is trivial to move over to another program. same skills different buttons

Anonymous No. 907562

>Is 21 too old to get into 3d modeling
i started learning modeling at 28 and now im making models for feature films. Do it.

Anonymous No. 907565

>3DCG is Dick Van Dyke's hobby
fucking based

He's still alive. He got famous for playing the chimney sweeper in Mary Poppins and I think he also played a doctor in Scrubs.

Anonymous No. 907573

But are you making any money?.
Or are doing it as a hobby?.

Anonymous No. 907594

I would probably be classified as a hobbyist at present but I'm looking to find miniature sculpting work in the future. I know I don't know nearly as much about rendering as I could because most of my actual professional training is in CAD software, but everything I'm working on is designed to come out of a 3D printer anyways so I just put preview renders out through shotcut and call it good enough.

I'm working on a personal project (a tabletop game) in hopes of making some extra money on the side someday, but it's more for the joy of it and learning employable skills than it is for a pure profit motive in and of itself. I put some free sample models out and am working on getting some paid character packs ready before the end of the year.


Anonymous No. 907643

Started when I was 33. Like the other guy, did it to make little things for fun. Put some little critters on a marketplace and made $20. I recently made $400+ selling a single avatar accessory for a VR thing.

Now one of my photoshop friends and I continue to make avatar stuff in our spare time and have a cash flow going.

That's the spirit, lad!

Anonymous No. 907722


So basically chump change for one of the most technical things there are in IT/Tech, it's a time waste with no real income anymore, and I blame fucking Indians and other third worlders for it.

It basically goes as follows in terms of difficulty: Programming>Industrial Automation>3D (either nurb or poly)>Photoshop/Image manipulation faggotry.

Wheres the fucking money, Lebowski?.

Anonymous No. 907728

Dude, what? You're comparing engineering with artistry

Anonymous No. 907737

Depends how far you want to take it

t. 28 yo who started self teaching at 15. dropped it for like 10 years and pretty much started from scratch.

Now work as a CG artist at design firms across London. Moneys good get paid more than virgin 2D cucks and freelance for other firms in my spare time

Anonymous No. 907754

You prolly just misunderstood what I mean, so I won't insult you with greentext. But here:

hobby that replaces video games
make a profit in spare time for something I enjoy
"chump change"
for a beginner
quality and pay scale with time

There you go.

Anonymous No. 907794

>You're comparing engineering with artistry

Poligon modelling (either sculpted or box) and CAD are pretty far away from "artistry". This thing is technical as fuck, as evidenced by the fact that 95%+ of non animators are men.

Modeling, men, sculpts, men, CAD, men, riggers, every single rigger has a penis, male or shemale penis.

If 3d is "artistry" so is carpentry and civil engineering.

>quality and pay scale with time

How much time? 5 years+ of learning for a min wage job?.

Then stay a hobbyist and stop commenting.

Anonymous No. 907811

Bud, you still don't get it.


beautiful carpentry.jpg

Anonymous No. 907826

>So basically chump change for one of the most technical things there are in IT/Tech, it's a time waste with no real income anymore, and I blame fucking Indians and other third worlders for it.

I dunno anything about that, but then like I said I'm in it to make miniatures because I enjoy the idea of making miniatures and tabletop games, not to do the whole 3D pipeline and become some kind of fancy industry 3D guy working on video games and movies. If I get money from doing it, that's a bonus, at least at this stage in my life.

>If 3d is "artistry" so is carpentry and civil engineering.
Arguably yes. I've done plenty of woodworking and carpentry myself, and having experienced that and other shop work, I would say there is artistry in all things.

What does any of this have to do with the OP to which I responded, which was asking it was too late to start learning 3D modeling at 21?