

๐Ÿงต What do we think of Clint?

Anonymous No. 903548

Is he our guy?

Anonymous No. 903554

Sir, this is /3/
"Ourguy" is for other boards

Anonymous No. 903573

>Sir, this is /3/
>"Ourguy" is for other boards
it's a meme. I just want to talk about Clint. I love him and everything he does. He has reinvigorated my passion for making 3d art.

Anonymous No. 903587

Why sre people with this headshape always onions as fuck, i know like 5 more clones of him and they all have the same manerisam and personality

Anonymous No. 903624

he's pretty good at making money using other people's work

Anonymous No. 903627

I joined his discord recently and its pretty cool. I'm going to do one of his weekly contests I think. This weeks is "useless inventions" but I havent come up with an idea besides making a computer out of animal poop. Maybe i'll wait till next weeks keyword maybe it'll be better.

Anonymous No. 903643

No, he's almost as gay as cris

Anonymous No. 903651

What is there to talk about? Post some of his work so we actually have something to talk about.

Anonymous No. 903672


Anonymous No. 903695

So do the artists get paid or does clint keep all the youtube ad money to himself?

Anonymous No. 903696

he keeps all the money and gives them "prizes".
i think one time he gave one of the runners up a shitty ssd. lmao. top tier grifting.

Anonymous No. 903736

So his work is making money with the work of other people? Incredible.

Anonymous No. 903759

you guys are so stupid.

Anonymous No. 903764

Fuck off, Clint.

Anonymous No. 903765

To be fair to him that's most of YouTube: people who comment/critique/laugh at the work of other people.

Anonymous No. 903777

he makes money by providing valuable 3d education to people.

Anonymous No. 903787

Yeah fuck off Clint.

90% of his traffic comes from "challenge" videos, he even cuts out most of the submissions to maximize watch time counted toward monetization.
I haven't checked his early life but he is, at the very least, an honorary jew.

Anonymous No. 903788

just because he didnt choose your shitty art to feature. go back to pol

Anonymous No. 903827
