
new deal for anim....jpg

๐Ÿงต Redpill me on the 3DCG film/television industry. Is it really as bad as people say it is?

Anonymous No. 903561

>many jobs are contract-based. So when your time on a project is finished, you're out of a job. You're constantly searching for new jobs to ensure steady income as contracts come and go
>pay and benefits greatly vary per studio, but those located close to unionized studios (Los Angeles, Vancouver, NYC) try matching union rates. So unless you live in a big 3DCG area, compensation can be whatever the bossman decides to be "adequate"
>qualifications for jobs vary as well. Smaller studios want really good generalists, but larger ones have the capacity to hire really good specalists
>although supposedly not as bad as the games industry, crunch culture is here too and overtime pay isn't guaranteed. This might be different for union studios though
>just in general, unless you're lucky enough to work in a big unionized studio, working in film/tv appears to be an unstable career

Anonymous No. 903642

Jews own 95% of the animation industry in the US and Europe, 72% of the global market. So what did you expect?



Anonymous No. 903664

unions in fantasy:
>talented animators/artists/creators getting paid high wages to create film-quality, soulful, and groundbreaking media like Akira and Blade Runner
unions in reality:
>terminally online twitter loonies constantly churning out corner cutting crap while mandating bad writing and trans gay couples



Anonymous No. 903762

>>race to the bottom
>>coping, whinnying, winging, seething
>>keep accepting shitty conditions

chief, you can't help people who won't help themselves

Anonymous No. 903802

Why do some Kitbash 3d kits have such different sizes depending on the software used? I am looking at Manhattan, and the 3ds Max version is 14gb, while the Blender one is 3gb.



Anonymous No. 903816

>Jews own 95% of the animation industry in the US and Europe, 72% of the global market. So what did you expect?

Anonymous No. 903818

gender studies are doing a great service to capitalism, by distracting people from real labor issues
not a novel idea, but it's sad to see this reality becoming more and more common

Anonymous No. 903858

>overtime pay isn't guaranteed.
what? what are you talking about? its required by law. if you aren't getting paid overtime you are getting raped. file a complaint with the labor board.

Anonymous No. 904326

tale as old as time
>become a thought leader
>lead a revolt against the powers
>the powers acknowledge your potential and give you the option to join them if you lead the people back to obedience
>you do it.
All these corporate activists are rewarded with the very 0 labor 0 value created high paying jobs that they imagine management to be.
>We did it guys! They're going to redraw this character as a girl so the story is gay! See bright and early on Saturday!

Anonymous No. 904327

even this phenomenon has become optimized and formulaic. Kids are going to college, to get the gender studies degrees, to become professional complainers, in order to get the bribe.