
apu flower.png

๐Ÿงต blender is getting now massive funding, lads.

Anonymous No. 903581

Blender development fund is now at 209k per month.

6 months ago was like 150k.
We're reaching the tipping top, blender bros.

We're not longer a small joke tool.

Anonymous No. 903584

I hope they improve sculpting to be closer to zbrush so i can finally abandon that program.
Zbrush still does things better like dynamesh, zremesher and view navigation. Also the ability to adjust the inner width of the brush.
Once they fix that i'm going blender 100%



Anonymous No. 903596

Still not even a percent of what Autodesk makes.

Anonymous No. 903599

Large companies have an enormous overhead. I bet they spend way more on each advertisement and management than on development.

Maybe Blender even has more and more well-paid devs than Autodesk's Maya division. How many people did that division have, again? Seven? I remember rumors about that number being super low.

Anonymous No. 903600

>Blender development fund is now at 209k per month.
>6 months ago was like 150k.
it's called inflation

Anonymous No. 903603

Is that like this quad remesher?

Anonymous No. 903607

>needing addons

Anonymous No. 903610

>well paid

Haha stop being delusional.

Anonymous No. 903611

Use what's available to get the job done.
Not sure what else to say.



Anonymous No. 903613


Anonymous No. 903620

That outpaces inflation by a large margin.

Anonymous No. 903631

>Large companies have an enormous overhead
So does blender you troon
Do you think just because they're open source that the people developing it work for free?