

🧵 realism != scientific accuracy

Anonymous No. 903700

What can I do to make a scientifically accurate head sculpt? How can I make sure whether the chin is not too big, the jawline is appropriate for the facial ratio, and the eyes are not too small, too large or too high? I intend to make models that have no stylization whatsoever, only using scientifically gathered datasets relative to the current DNA samples of the current dominant hominid species.

Anonymous No. 903702

have you tried peeling the skin off your face and taking some measurements? all the best sculptors do this - it's the best reference and freely available to you.

Anonymous No. 903748


Anonymous No. 904020

just google the scientif measures, most 3D tools allow you to realistically measure your meshes.


Anonymous No. 904274

Pretty sure illustrations in medical litterature of anatomical structures were drawn with cadaver parts as reference material (same thing for 3D models).

You'd need photo reference of cadaver parts or take already made measurements from somewhere.

Anonymous No. 904342

But he specifically asked for scientifically accurate instead of ”realistic” measurements, retard

Anonymous No. 904344

Every human is a slight or strong deviation from the golden ratio you absolute moron