

๐Ÿงต Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 903786

>be me
>Get back to 3D art after 7 months of not using blender
>Rendering got suspiciously slow...maybe i don't remember it well...
>Check taskmanager
>Google the issue
>Tfw rx580 is not supported any longer unlike with older versions of blender

Do i just go back to 2.9?

Anonymous No. 903801

they dropped opencl support, there was supposed to be some replacement but no idea what came out of that. But personally i likewise just stick to an old version. Why waste time if you got a working product.

Anonymous No. 903804

It's so fucking frustrating tho. My cliwn ass even uninstalled the older version and installed the new one from steam

Anonymous No. 903806

desu i expected shit to go south when i read they got lots of new funding from nvidia.Those fucks never do it for free.

Anonymous No. 903839

Maya still runs on Radeon R9 Fury/X and many other 3d programs also run in older drivers. Leave Blender behind and find another, better 3d software.

Anonymous No. 903843

just let this be another lesson in upgrading software before understanding that software and new equipment will always be updated frequently.

In other words "if it ain't broke, don't fix it"

Anonymous No. 903883

I never learned this lesson before and here i am... Well fuck those onions ass faggots for making my card obsolete

Anonymous No. 903884

You're the retard for ever buying amd, nvidia only in the world of CG, if you think blender is bad at supporting AMD wait until you try other software

Anonymous No. 903907

The software likely supports it, but most renderers have either non-existent, or very poor support for AMD.

Rigs should be built to your needs. Especially for CG, you should always go with nvidia. AMD is really only a viable option for gaming/consumer use.

Anonymous No. 903932

Yeah, and everybody's too focused on celebrating the supposed improvements to cycles to give a shit.
New af AMD cards with HID support work, but if you're an older-AMD pleb like me, you either revert to 2.9, start using Luxcore/Radeon Prorender/some other ray-tracing engine that still supports your card or switch to a different software than Blender, at least for rendering.
Remember though, you can use alternative render engines from within Blender, your cycles materials just may not work.

Anonymous No. 903969

I built my pc for gaming and found out about 3d art in october 2021, the rx580 is way better than the 1060 for gaming

Anonymous No. 904127

Cycles is basically developed by Nvidia.

Anonymous No. 904134

>Do i just go back to 2.9?
tfw I'm still using 2.79...

Anonymous No. 904395


Anonymous No. 904396
