

๐Ÿงต My 3D indie game style and skill and toolset as of today.

Anonymous No. 903874


posting my current skill and indie AAA toolset in a quick diorama test.

pls rate.


404 (1).png

Anonymous No. 903894

Give me one reason why all the random Cris spam in /3/ and other boards don't count as "signature posting"?
I ask the same for the GF_Sybb/PN03fag spam that's also been happening for nearly a decade (and further than that outside 4chan.)

I tried reporting other threads for its signature topic/posting and they seem to do nothing.
I tried reporting for spam and SOMETIMES that works, but only if there also a bunch of shitty frogpost OPs the faggot made on top of that. (or shitted.com posters in the Sybb threads)

If i get warned or banned for even discussing this, whatever. I'm not complaining about the moderation, /qa/ is still dead, i got no where else to even inquire about this.

Anonymous No. 903895

and how does the low quality posting option work?
Most of Cris threads don't offer any average or high quality discussion to any where he posts. Is it only for "lol u tk him 2 da bar|" posts?

Anonymous No. 903901

You're right. I'm surprised he hasn't been permabanned yet, because he shits up so many boards with his garbage attempts at trolling.

Anonymous No. 903910

I literally warned you about him. /vg/ is a fast board so at least reports work on him over there but on a slow board like /3/ you're out of luck. People probably don't care enough about his garbage to be willing to act yet and as long as that's the case he'll keep on making more garbage threads to pollute the catalog.

Anonymous No. 903921

this thread is more on topic with /3/ than all the blender vs autodesk war threads or other offtopic BS like how do I make money with 3D or industry vs blendlet threads.

Anonymous No. 904675

The funny thing is that cris threads get to stay up, but those long lived amateur threads by that guy who takes 5 hours to extrude from a cube got pruned. Those threads were at least fun to watch the absurd progress.

Anonymous No. 904692

Thats because Cris is the janny.

Anonymous No. 904709

Can't we whine about him and get him booted?