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Anonymous No. 903923

Help! I'm tasked with texturing some low-poly humans for a game with an "old pc-game" artstyle.
I know how to make 3D models and procedural materials, photo editing etc. but I'm awful at art.
What would be the best approach to making a face like pic related? What essential skills do I need to learn? Since textures are low resolution there can be imperfections which I can blur later

Anonymous No. 903924

go to
refresh until you find a good base
stylise the facial features in an image program
use that as reference and do a paint-over



Anonymous No. 903927

I actually tried that already, but the github page of that project claims that it can't be used for commercial use despite the site you linked claiming it's "not copyrighted".
I'd rather not have to guess whether or not it's legal to use AI-generated faces, I could potentially do it with CC0-covered portraits however.
I guess I'll have to actually learn how to draw, shading I can probably do by making a high poly mesh of the face and baking the shadows into a texture.

Anonymous No. 903931

well, you'd be repainting it and just using the reference for facial proportions, I don't see it being an issue unless you're just applying filters over the image.
you do kind of have to learn how to draw, but you don't have to draw very well

whatever the method you choose, it's important to be consistent. if you make all of your characters look like that ugly kid, it's a stylistic choice

Anonymous No. 903954

>What would be the best approach to making a face like pic related?
I like to make a high poly sculpt and to bake the AO and a lightmap and to paint over with that as guide, you can try fully handpainted too.



Anonymous No. 904078



Anonymous No. 904079


Anonymous No. 904098


Anonymous No. 904115

Counter strike

Found the source



Anonymous No. 906034

Find a face, mirror it down the middle and take a skin sample from somewhere (usually the forehead).
Set your UV image size to 256x256, use the skin sample to paint the head with a tiled brush, then get the face image and use the image stencil to paint on the features.

Finally use a program like https://captain4lk.itch.io/slk-img2pixel
to crush the finished texture further and add 256 colors, dithering etc as needed.

Anonymous No. 906055

take some daz models and morph their faces up then pixelize / posterize them.

repeat and use references to do it. Bam you have your shit ass faces.



Anonymous No. 907929

i did picrel as a quick mock up, only took 5 mins so with putting time an effort in i think it could give some decent results

basically just took a photo of a face, did some brightness/contrast, pixelized and indexed the colours
i think if you just used a single gradient for each 'material' youd get the best results