

🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 904086

/ic/ is nitpicking us again without posting their own work.



U still jelly.jpg

3DGuy !!XhQDOznbDw3 No. 904102

I Blame Disney. My mother usually dismisses any anime art, so one day i purposedly copied Tinkle Bell´s facial structure on an illo and 'forgot' in the table - instead of just put it away like she always does, she freaked out saying how great of an artist i was. Fucking Disney. Ans yes, that Zbrush sculpt of Chainsaw man is great - but the 'professor' never did even READ the source material, i´m pretty fucking sure of it.

Anonymous No. 904107

Imagine shitting out that sculpt and still getting a B for it. The professor was quite generous.

Anonymous No. 904133

They were probably given a brief and he missed it. I used to see a lot of "muh vision" in uni.

Anonymous No. 904137

Funny the prof is also on twatter and happen to see this on his timeline. The idiot didn't give precise feedback to begin with hence the undeserved B. Zoomer had every right to complain but this will only work in the context of uni. The moment he starts doing shit like this at work I bet you he will be handed the door out. Let's face it, nobody wants to work with someone with an attitude of a 10 year old given the content of his twatter feed.

Anonymous No. 904142


Anonymous No. 904161

based academicists dabbing on soulless trannime trash

Anonymous No. 904163

the fuck?

Anonymous No. 904181

Meanie >:(

Anonymous No. 904185

His mistake was signing up for some generic UK university 3D program. If you're not getting a Joseph Drust for a private tutor then it's a waste of money. His second one will be if he doesn't financially capitalize on the hordes of people saying that they want to buy his model for 3d print.



Anonymous No. 904190

Not so fast boomer.

Anonymous No. 904197

>People want to pay me to print stuff for them in 3d
>Keep charging them less than they're offering (still more than material cost)
I just can't do it. I can't be a successful merchant.

Anonymous No. 904278

>>Keep charging them less than they're offering
But why, if they already offered a higher amount?

Anonymous No. 904307

ok, i havent followed this story, im only going off of the pic in OP, but "rushed and unpolished" is not really actionable feedback. i'd be pretty frustrated with a proffessor or supervisor who offered that as the only feedback. it really doesnt work to improve the piece or the artist, just kinda an offhanded comment. basically the equivalent of the professor saying "you coulda done better". it doesnt mean anything

any quality feedback is actually broken down into actionable advice. "the proportions here look wrong in X way", "the textures here are a bit doughy", "the anatomy here is wrong because of X", etc and usually accompanied by a red pen draw over or at least some arrows to indicate the problem areas

"rushed and unpolished" is a super unprofessional critique and not at all useful

Anonymous No. 904312

Because my heart is dumb and would make me feel bad about overcharging them.
And even if it's dumb, it can make me feel bad way longer than I'll feel bad about the money.

Anonymous No. 904358

How can you feel bad a out making money? I would charge more for my work if I could.


And butthurt.jpg

Anonymous No. 904361


Anonymous No. 904378

Why does my mesh become lumpier the more I smooth it in zbrush?