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Anonymous No. 904104

>work 6 mo in the industry
>only made $12k so far, on pace for only $24k/yr
>everything is extremely expensive (gas, food, housing, insurance)
>have absolutely no money

what do

Anonymous No. 904105

Just look for a second work, easy.

Anonymous No. 904112

Post some of your work otherwise you are just larping.

Anonymous No. 904146

I can only post my work on artstation after ive had people irl recognize my postings on this site. More people than you would think lurk here.

Anonymous No. 904147

Make porn animations for side money

Anonymous No. 904166

Make a speed sculpt and post it

Anonymous No. 904167

im not a sculptor

Anonymous No. 904180

Sounds about right, if anything you're doing well to be clearing $2k in profit per month on entry level salary. Give it a few years and your cash flow will open up. Entry level is shit pay, in a few years you'll get to senior and you'll be earning actual money

Anonymous No. 904183

Go to a third world country. $600 where I live is enough to rent a place and go out from time to time.

Anonymous No. 904186

You're asking a board for financial advice whose idea of job security is being a disposable cog in the video game industry in a global economy on the cusp of a depression that was almost initiated back in 2019. 2008 ended businesses that were around since the mid 19th century and not all of them had money tied to real-estate. This is something you're going to wage your way out of.

>Sounds about right, if anything you're doing well to be clearing $2k in profit per month on entry level salary. Give it a few years and your cash flow will open up. Entry level is shit pay, in a few years you'll get to senior and you'll be earning actual money
This post is 20 years too late.

Anonymous No. 904187

*not going to wage your way out of.

Anonymous No. 904191

Move out to somewhere where its not so expensive to live.

Anonymous No. 904266

Start working extra hard towards a particular set of specialization skills.
Something that your company or the industry in your country is short of.
And specialize in it, fully.
Then then start working on some portfolio relating to that field and take serious advice from the experts. I'd say take a bit of online sessions in this.
Once you have a good understanding and a good portfolio, apply to some decent studios and wait for a reply.
If you have contacts in those studios, ask them to refer you.

Once you actually get specialized in a certain field, especially if it's scarcely available in the industry, you can ask your own prices.

Anonymous No. 904277

I make 600$ a month (3rd world shit hole) I'm wagecucking myself to extreme right now , I'm looking for a second job since , well , everything is on fire lately.

Anonymous No. 904280

It hurts when a westerner writes it like that, because I make the same amount, but for my location that's a good mid to senior programmer salary. About 3 years of experience, but as a freelance remote contractor.

For you it's a shit pay and guys from USA would make fun of me, but it's much better than what any other 3D artist earns in a local studio. I wouldn't be doing this if it wasn't worth it.

Sad thing though is the fact half of my income comes from a US based studio and they pay me above my standards, but to them it's McDonald's tier. It would be nice to be able to actually get a Murican salary as well...

I'm considering starting to sell stuff I do for my portfolio on marketplaces for some passive income, I think I need more income streams.

Anonymous No. 904311

Cut your losses, you're fifteen years late to be making a career out of 3dcg. Everything is outsourced and everyone is aware of how replaceable they are, in five years AI will finally give the industry it's kiss of death. Your best bet is to become a partner in an AI startup.

Anonymous No. 904363

So you work in the industry but can't even sculpt something basic? Pathetic

Anonymous No. 904375

you just are looking for any excuse to call my work worthless but the fact is i get handed premade assets to work with left and right