

๐Ÿงต Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 904408

This is what a hobbyist coomer creates when he doesn't know anatomy and doesn't know how to draw. If you're a hobbycuck, do yourself a favor and buy some software that is actually worth something, some anatomy books or other resources, some courses, and preferably learn how to draw. If you don't take my advice, you will stay on this board working on the same project for almost a year like this guy did, and still not be able to create anything decent or at least appealing.

Anonymous No. 904416

looks better than anything you've made, cris

Anonymous No. 904421

I have seen worse from so called "professionals".
It's also not degenerated shit. Its a woman, not a fucking furry, or chemically castrated man.
Its not coming out of DAZ, which automatically makes it an original piece of art, not a derivative frankenstein'd piece of shit.
It does not really look like a Disney, WOW or generic anime style clone.
The creator of this did more right than wrong.
That's not a bad start for an hobby character artist.
Now show us your first character so that we can have a good laugh.

Anonymous No. 904424

Why has OP to be a faggot each and every time he posts.
>>904421 is very correct.
Only objection I have is that I am not into mezito girls.

Anonymous No. 904429

>buy some software that is actually worth something, some anatomy books or other resources, some courses
What a faggot, who wastes money like this? Just pirate it and run it on a vm.

Anonymous No. 904435

execution >>>> ideas

Those "generic" styles are copied because they are objectively appealing and good. Only contrarians will say otherwise. You end up with ugliest models out there by refusing to take cues from them. You can break the rules if you know why they're important.

I don't want to shit on the creator of that model, but your first few models won't be a statue of david or mona lisa. It is best to move on instead of polishing stuff. Keep your projects a small scope.

Anonymous No. 904436

post your work



Anonymous No. 905119

I think my characters look appealing.

Anonymous No. 905121

You have angered the gods

Anonymous No. 905124


Anonymous No. 905135

Rude. Why you gotta single the dude out like that?
Least he models. For all you've posted, you hadn't even posted anything. Definitely not anything to qualify your position.
Fuck right off and kys.

Anonymous No. 905138

>t. guy who made the OP image

Anonymous No. 905139


Anonymous No. 905141

Its not even bad what are you on about?
youre probably just a pathetic daz user loser who thinks clicking his models into a generic bathroom scene makes him a pro

Anonymous No. 905204

I can agree with learning from anatomy books and figure drawing but kek he who posts their work is in the lead so pyw anonymous crab.

Anonymous No. 905222

If he just stretches the stomach vertically I'd play it

Anonymous No. 905777

wow, would love to replicate this style, its exactly what im going for.

Anonymous No. 905779

the drawing meme is partially true, but you really only need to grind the rough shape of underlying bone and muscle, you don't need to worry about being some kind of master artist.

Anonymous No. 905780

>steven universe bodyshape but 3d

Anonymous No. 907567

This is better than what I can do. Plus I'm a beginner too, so not only is it impressive that he put his work out there. He at least shows some talent.

Anonymous No. 907571

this is honestly not that far from being good.
Some slight anatomy and proportion tweaks in the legs arms torso and face and this 4/10 could easily turn into a 6-7/10