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๐Ÿงต Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 904964

Do most NSFW model makers and animators use Rigify for their model interface?

Is it really good enough to get the job done vs. making your own rig with bone drivers and constraints? It seems a little too good to be true.

Anonymous No. 905068

They dont have that talent

Anonymous No. 905077

i didn't know anything and just search or youtube tutorials to know about 3d animation, you need literally a day to know how to build the basic armature in blender and learn more about other things like the IK and the weight paint, let say two days in the end of the week to comfy learn and explore with a base model that you can download free in any place.
For shit like ass-tits jiggling i haven't search but should be the same.

Anonymous No. 906506

good porn animators are usually also very good rigging artists (if they make their own models) since there are a lot of specific and uncommon bone setups you need

Anonymous No. 907150

I've been trying to use rigify for something like that and it's bee a pain, too many issues from up the extra controls. Unless I'm just a briainlet it feels like you're better off with your own skeleton, assuming you can into IK and such, but that's not too bad.

Anonymous No. 907175

Rigify is a decent start and nothing more.

Anonymous No. 907202

Is Rigify harder to learn than Cascadeur?

Anonymous No. 907227

But if they are that good why is there still a shortage of really good riggers/animators in studios?

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Anonymous No. 907228

Because there's a difference between doing something for fun that (maybe) happens to also make you a lot of money because people are willing to pay for w/e fucked up fetish OP's picture appeals to. I assume the creator is into it so it's a double win.

the other is a soulless job where you get to do shitty cringe projects like picrel for maybe a little more money but no creative fulfillment, that also has a real chance of burning you out.

Anonymous No. 909376

wtf she is literally dabbing on kids

Anonymous No. 909385

what the fuck is this video

Anonymous No. 909388

This generation's wave of I'd tap that fast food ads

Anonymous No. 909390

I would like to destroy the power grid pls

Anonymous No. 909399

Might as well step in line.

Anonymous No. 909556

Was this thing mocaped?

Anonymous No. 910412

Everything wrong with social standards in one video.

Anonymous No. 910415

Bread and circus, they want us to get used to it, it is their deepest darkest desire.

Btw I have family members who are medical staff, and you do need to be creative to deal with children, being playful or getting a toy stash in the office etc, but a fucking tiktok dance is the most daft way of dealing with kids

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Anonymous No. 910417

Jesus christ how horrifying

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Anonymous No. 910633

Would you, /3/?

Anonymous No. 910787

>Desperately looking for human body references
>Art sites offer nothing worthwhile, or are under a paywall.
>Friend suggests to just search for "tits" on google
>Treasure trove just lands on my lap

Do yourself a favor and just look for porn. It is the best source for art.

Anonymous No. 911097


idk but they should be gassed for making (((p*rn)))

Anonymous No. 911541

yup, still use old 2000s bangbros for stuff to this date.

Anonymous No. 911565

I'm learning rigging now to make NSFW content. I'm not good yet, but I can see myself eventually being good. And I'm not going to spend all this time learning just to give up on my NSFW dreams. I'm not going to do all this work, just then go help make studio schlock. I want to make some quality NSFW stuff, even if it doesn't pay as much as a professional job.

Anonymous No. 911676

You go girl!

Anonymous No. 911755

because being a porn animator makes way more money so why would they work in a studio

Anonymous No. 911763

The thing is...
I think I would enven OPs pic, were it a living 3d model made out of flesh like substance...
Fuck, I would even the cuck mulato daughter (i m 18 so it's ok)

Anonymous No. 912872

>seeing my model on /3/
yikes desu

Anonymous No. 912874

I've checked out "good animator's" models.
Complete trash.
They use autorig pro.

Anonymous No. 912896

Smutbase is not good animators anon.
Good animators don't share theor stuff.

Anonymous No. 912963

This, the moment you share your shit with a bunch of beggars they will want more and more things to put their shitty 3 minute chokers on to slap the heads on random ass bodies. It's just not worth the time to wrangle these retards.

Anonymous No. 912977

To actually answer the OP's question in a non retarded fashion: Any real animator will tell you that a skilled animator can make ANY functioning rig look great for any purpose. Anyone telling you otherwise just literally doesnt know shit about animation.

Anonymous No. 913421

The ones I've seen are very impressive with python scripts and all.
You can do a lot with rigify if you learn it, using its primitive components. But it's pretty involved.

Anonymous No. 913937

prove it

Anonymous No. 915631

What if the rig has shitty skinning?

Anonymous No. 916981

I believe in you, brother.
What kind of content will you make and will it be parody or originals?

Anonymous No. 916983

I think you mean
A really good animator will have technical knowledge to modify/adjust rig to fit the shot without crying and bitching about how it would make them work more for the rig just for this specific shot.

but yes, as long as You got rig and it has good enough topology, do what you need, break rig, adjust shapes, do w/e You desire to make it look good.

as for >>904964
Most likely most blendchuds are very bad at rigging and it doesnt help that Blender rigging process is ass, ARP/Rigify etc. is just a quick way to get Your stuff up to speed. helps alot if You are just one person to do the job. You don't have enough time in day to do everything every single time, (Rigging 2 -3- 5+ characters for next animatiors).

Anonymous No. 917013

Is that the doja cat dance?

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Anonymous No. 917015

anyone on this board interested in doing nsfw stuff for ez money?
i think we can do very well if we collaborated on such project..

Anonymous No. 917027


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3DGuy !!XhQDOznbDw3 No. 917041

Ah yes, the stimulation

Anonymous No. 917931

This is really hard to make it look good uo UE on real time.

Anonymous No. 918046

Rigify is fine. All the people shitting on it probably can't modify an existing rigify rig despite it being piss easy due to everything being labelled properly. Making your own rig from scratch when you can take a baseline and work from there, saving an hour or so, is retarded.

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Anonymous No. 918315

If you're working with ripped game models for animation without much modification, i found it's easier to just modify their basic skeleton into a rig than to try to match every weight group so that it would fit the rigify rig and still fuck with weight painting afterwards. Sucks there are no tutorials for improving ripped models though, i'd kill for some facial bone setup tricks or just handy mechanisms to add to my stuff.

Anonymous No. 918339

> a soulless job where you get to do shitty cringe projects.
> No creative fulfillment.

You just described NFT collections and cartoons perfectly.

Anonymous No. 918356

neither of you have any idea what you are talking about
animators are divas that demand quality rigs, and deservedly so

Anonymous No. 918499

Just because they demand studio quality doesnt mean they cant do the work without it.

Anonymous No. 919488

Fucking hilarious holy shit