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๐Ÿงต Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 904985

>blender addon has a compiled c++ module required to run
>developer has mode over $150,000 usd off the addon on blendermarket
>no response to releasing the source even though its licensed under GPL

isnt this illegal? Why is blendermarket a partner in crime?

Anonymous No. 904986

If the module runs externally and the addon is just reading data from that external module then there is no breach of license.
If it runs externally than it doesn't has to be under GPL only the addon has to be.

Anonymous No. 904991

he offers only a paid addon, and doesnt respond to a non paid repo. He is a piece of shit breaking the law and deserves a lawsuit

Anonymous No. 905003

I don't think he breaks the law by offering only a paid version, I already explained the loophole. Also why would blendermarket put it on their site if it doesn't comply with the license?
If you don't want to pay, why don't you pirate it?
Which addon are you talking about btw.?

Anonymous No. 905009

the stupid retopo addon? just torrent it you monkey

Anonymous No. 905010

Retopoflow is literally free on GitHub

Anonymous No. 905011

This "I want everything for free" attitude disguised as altruism like your quest to not have to pay for anything is somehow noble is why everyone hates you freetards.

Anonymous No. 905013

>doesnt respond to a non paid repo. He is a piece of shit breaking the law and deserves a lawsuit
Eat shit you broke blendlet chudcel

Anonymous No. 905023

>Watch Bystedt video about retopoflow
>Decides to give it a try
>The addon becomes buggy after 15k tris
>Checks git to see latest versions
>They've been making apple compatibility fixes and small UI bug fixes for months

Just use Topogun if you are low IQ or Maya Quadraw if you have some topology knowledge

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Anonymous No. 905034

>isnt this illegal?
Lmao, are you expecting the GPL crowd to send Richard Stallman to whoop your ass?

Anonymous No. 905042

>isnt this illegal?

Show me the list of people who got sued for breaking GPL.

Anonymous No. 905044

Or quad remesher, which just worksTM.

Anonymous No. 905065

>put time and effort into making something
>ask for money in exchange for it

why is this such a difficult concept for blendlets?

Anonymous No. 905099

your argument doesnt hold water.

Get this through your smooth brains - blender itself is a free, GPL program. You release a paid addon on the "market", say its GPL yet dont release its source for free and on top of that obfuscate its behavior by putting everything into a compiled python / C++ external app? Fuck right off and fuck the blender market.

Anonymous No. 905102

Dear OP,

a) it's completely legal, this has been explained to you itt.
b) smart, productive people are entitled to compensation for their efforts.
c) useless eaters like you are entitled to nothing.
d) kys

Anonymous No. 905104

>a) it's completely legal, this has been explained to you itt.

he released under the G-P-L yet didnt release his source for free. He is breaking the law, smoothbrain

Anonymous No. 905127

It's not a violation of the GPL for a GPL program to link a proprietary library as long as it's bundled with the GPL program itself. There is no law being broken, you're just a seething poorfag that has no idea what he's talking about.

Anonymous No. 905128

Additionally, the GPL explicitly states that the source code must be made available *to users.* As per the license, if you don't have the program in your possession, you are not a user, and you don't have entitlement to source code availability.

Anonymous No. 905133

Shut up

Anonymous No. 905157

>Additionally, the GPL explicitly states that the source code must be made available *to users.* As per the license, if you don't have the program in your possession, you are not a user, and you don't have entitlement to source code availability.
you dont make sense. Someone can upload it to mega, give you the link, and wa-la, you have the program.

Anonymous No. 905163

lol wtf stfu - you re illigal
Ton Roosendaal, CEO Blender about Addons and GPL 2019 - read it twice moron

Anonymous No. 905165

if something is free for everyone, its free - for everyone. This is why the "market" is so toxic and harmful to our community. Market != free.

Anonymous No. 905167

do you get the part about bridge?
Blender addon (bridge) is free and open source, c++ module (other proprietary tools) is not - approved by the Blender god himself.
or do you think you know better than the inventor and boss of Blender?
fucking free2play kidz

Anonymous No. 905171

by the way, i have 900$ spend in addons and im allowed to share them cuz GPL, i have addons worth ~3500$ all up2date. just build a share group. but we would never share with guys like you who re toxic like shit.
did you ever spend for blender? no?
so dont talk about free moron.

Anonymous No. 905172

>or do you think you know better than the inventor and boss of Blender?
Are you retarded? Ton didnt invent blender, he bought it after it went belly up. Oh my god this f-ing board.

Anonymous No. 905175

blender was developed in the animation studio NeoGeo, of which the chief developer was Ton Roosendaal.
Who do you think invented it, the investors?

Anonymous No. 905176

fuck ton. It went belly up because of his "dev". He might as a well be a nodev

Anonymous No. 905179

would it have been better if blender had not become an OpenSource project because someone fucked up? Ton has persevered and now we have blender 3.2.
and you are some poor sausage on 4chan writing shit, trying to justify it with more shit - moron without a clue and talking to much ^^

Anonymous No. 905180

>now we have blender 3.2.
And it's still shit at everything besides modeling. Your point?

Anonymous No. 905181

Im a modeler, so I have no reason to be sad. if you have to make a living with another specialization, I guess you'll have to pay your tribute to Autodesk.
of course I feel sorry for you. *huge

Anonymous No. 905183

Are you done with collective self-deprecation? :3

Anonymous No. 905184

>Im a modeler

Anonymous No. 905187

is it enough for you if I jerk off on a hentai picture and send you the finished artwork?
or would that already seem to you as too much appreciation?

Anonymous No. 905188

so you're not a modeler, just a shitposting chud

Anonymous No. 907731

that's a LOT of things mate

Anonymous No. 907738


Anonymous No. 907757

>nooo let me steal your code
If the dev has made $150k off it there are people that find it useful. Get fucked.

Anonymous No. 907788

Wait, which addon made that much?

Anonymous No. 907842

I wont say, but its an addon that required multiple hoops to be jumped through to ship as an addon. It should have allways been a source code change and a new branch and then merge. It would have been much much easier that way and is of course still entirely within the realm of possibility, but without any financial incentive.

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Anonymous No. 907848

Likely this one. OP can't afford 30 dollars.

Anonymous No. 907849

its not that one.

Anonymous No. 907859

So that the GPL v2 loophole which supposed to be fized on GPL v3?

Anonymous No. 907862

No, GPL v3 still doesn't have any say on the code that doesn't actually use any GPL v3 code. Even the dynamic linking part is legally dubious and never tested in court.

If you never actually make a copy, copy right doesn't apply. It's not that difficult to figure out.

Anonymous No. 907883

>GPL โ€“ All users have the rights to obtain, modify and redistribute the full source code of your application. Your users are granted rights founded on the four freedoms of the GNU General Public License.

>the FULL source code

what is there to misunderstand, here?

Anonymous No. 907900

The fact that it is a copyright clause. It only applies where there is a copy.

Anonymous No. 907902

the GPL requires full source code like i just quoted. Was it provided - yes or no? If no, why are you using a license which specifically says it requires what you didn't provide?

Anonymous No. 907908

If you run GPL software inside Microsoft Windows, it doesn't force Microsoft to open source Windows. Just like if you run a separate non-GPL software that you simply communicate with, there's no requirement to share that code.

Anonymous No. 907921

the application depends on this other part that he decided to close source to get the advertised functaionlity. Its a violation and hes doing it just so he could get onto the blendermarket. Let me repeat and be very very clear : to get the _advertised_ functionality, he needs the closed source part. Without it, he quite literally has nothing. I have seen what he has as open source when you download the zip from blendermarket and let me tell you, it cannot do jack shit. This is not legal

Anonymous No. 907922

additionally, blender runs on linux and has for almost 3 decades

Anonymous No. 907943

I'm a complete freetard. You don't get to be a freetard if you don't understand how free software licenses work.

Somebody making their code GPL does not obligate them to do shit. Their license applies to people who do not hold copyright. The licenses aren't binding for the author themselves, and even if they were, it would only be enforceable by the author deciding to sue themselves for copyright violation, which is ridiculous.
If you think they're violating somebody else's license, that's another matter, but if you ever wonder "is this person violating their own license?", you really don't understand copyright or software licensing at all.

Anonymous No. 907945

their code is not gpl if only 1% of their code is gpl to satisfy the requirement to sell on blendermarket and the other 99% is non-gpl. Fuck off.

Anonymous No. 907983

t. butthurt freeloader
If you think dynamically linking against closed source binaries is a gross violation of the GPL, report it to Blendermarket, see how long it takes them to laugh you out the door in their response.

Anonymous No. 907989

do you think richard stallman when he created the GPL ever intended the scenario i have described over and over again to ever come to fruition you absolute joke?

Anonymous No. 908007

Freeloader-sama, there's nothing ratified in the GPL that states calling functions from a closed-source binary is a license violation. If it was, GPL programs wouldn't be able to run under Windows or a large number of Linux distributions.

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Anonymous No. 908011

WOW! Get Toolbag, RizomUV and MAYA for free with this ONE SIMPLE TRICK!

OP u retard

Anonymous No. 908021

Again, do you think richard stallman who absolutely HATES windows intends the gpl to be used like i described again and again?

Yes or no, dummy

Anonymous No. 908022

If you have a bridge addon that only communicates with the closed source part through standard I/O or TCP/IP it doesn't violate GPL3

Anonymous No. 908023

Are you seriously trying to make a case by appealing to your headcanon about RMS's personal feefees? Are you 12?

Anonymous No. 908030

Im not talking about some randoms opinion, im talking about the creator of the license and one of the most influnetial people in computiing history. How DARE you try tondiscredit me

Yes... Or no?

Anonymous No. 908050

Your fanfic about some toe fungus eater doesn't change the fact that there isn't a single version of the GPL that forbids interfacing with a proprietary external binary.
If Stallman was half as much of a militant freetard as you think he is, the LGPL wouldn't even exist. Cough up the $30 for the addon or fuck off, Pedro.

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Anonymous No. 908054


Anonymous No. 908060

It literally is. The GPL is concerned with distribution, though. You can link GPL code with proprietary code and use it all you want, but distributing it is illegal.
The blender Python API is also considered linking per GPL, but the API doesn't encompass the GPL by signature, only actual use.
Therefore, if you distribute a plug-in with a copy of Blender, it has to be GPL in its entirety. If you distribute a plug-in that uses the Blender Python API, it can be any license, but you may not distribute it with a copy of Blender.
If you own GPL code, you may intermix it with incompatible licenses because the only person who could sue you for the violation is the copyright holder, ie. yourself. Nobody else may distribute it or redistribute it because they'd be violating your license.

The GPL is not concerned with APIs, and isn't concerned with linking as an action itself. It's entirely concerned with distribution of GPL code and other code that is linked against GPL code.

Anonymous No. 908061

The OS example doesn't matter in the least. Windows APIs being used by GPL code isn't a violation unless the non-GPL code is distributed with the GPL code. This means that it would be a violation for Microsoft to distribute Windows with GPL components. GPL programs running with a non-GPL kernel are legitimately a gray area that has never been tested in court. Many Linux distros could theoretically be in violation by using a GPL 2.0 kernel and packaging GPL 3 programs, as the licenses are incompatible, except I think the kernel license has an explicit exception for other licenses in userspace software.

Anonymous No. 908068

>This means that it would be a violation for Microsoft to distribute Windows with GPL components.
and wasnt the acronymn NIH (Not Invented Here) made by referring to micro$oft, anon? You're digging yourself ever deeper.

Anonymous No. 908070

No. It's a general term that's used everywhere in programming. It has nothing to do with licensing, and usually just means reinventing the wheel just for the sake of having done it yourself.
I really don't understand what you mean by "digging yourself even deeper". I've posted three times in this thread and you're the second person who has even replied to me.

Anonymous No. 908071

if you read about the industry in newspapers and newsgroups online in the early 90s the term NIH was specifically associated with micro$oft

Anonymous No. 908082

It's been associated with Microsoft (for good reason), but it has always also been used without reference to Microsoft. Microsoft was the most famous example during that period, but it's been prevalent at large tech companies forever. I still don't understand why you're bringing up NIH at all, though.

Anonymous No. 908100

you keep on bringing up strawmen of micro$oft using GPL in windows, dummy

Anonymous No. 908130

What strawman? It was an example of using an API of a non-GPL codebase from a GPL codebase. The point is just that distribution is what matters as far as GPL is concerned.

Anonymous No. 908175

does Micro$oft have GPL in their codebase, yes or no, strawman?

Anonymous No. 910454


Anonymous No. 910517

Freetards deserve the rope.