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๐Ÿงต Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 905028

Can you spot what is wrong?

Anonymous No. 905030

yeah it's soi wars

Anonymous No. 905031

wtf are those random explosions and why are they mirrored

Anonymous No. 905032


also how would the little ship just maneuver like that.. how did this retarded shit get so popular?

๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 905035

Where's the background Disney?
Did you forget to lash the animators again?

Anonymous No. 905036

Can those big destroyers really turn on a sixpence. I thought they used to be slower.

Anonymous No. 905053

>also how would the little ship just maneuver like that.
Advanced sci-fi engines can generate thrust against the Aether. That makes it look like it's traveling through an atmosphere and generating lift with wings.

Anonymous No. 905054

since when lasers stop at random and just go poof?

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Anonymous No. 905057


Anonymous No. 905058

i'm guessing the lasers are hitting some sort of counter measures that are too small for to picked up on screen? it looks real dumb

Anonymous No. 905059

>too small to be* picked up on screen

Anonymous No. 905062

It's probably meant to be a flak cannon

Anonymous No. 905063

Fire in space?

Anonymous No. 905066

This is the answer. Why doesn't lighting change on destroyer even though it's turning? Probably because they used blender.

Anonymous No. 905084

It is changing slightly as it turns. You can see the shadows change near the end, BUT the camera is doing most of the turn. its an optical illusion.

Anonymous No. 905088

No that's not the problem, the ship is going faster than the speed of light. No star wars ship has manage to outrun a laser, they always do something like spin or get lucky that the laser did not hit them because stormtroopers suck at aiming.

Also the ship is like a planet so it went way faster than normal in that speed.

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Anonymous No. 905094


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Anonymous No. 905105

In the sea of bad cg you choose to put work into this?

Anonymous No. 905106

That's the Rogue One model

Anonymous No. 905107

The stars do not move, what do you mean the camera is turning?

Anonymous No. 905126

There's nothing wrong with it. Star Destroyer turns towards camera, shadows all seem correct. It's even more correct than on film as this webm is silent, it's perfect.

Anonymous No. 905186

except the huge ship that is big as a planet moved faster than normal and the small ship went faster than light. No star wars ship has ever did this, this ruins space logic fantasy.

Anonymous No. 905205

In universe a Star Destroyer is 1.6km long. About five times longer than this carrier

Way it moves seems appropriate for a warship of that size. I can buy that people forward and aft could survive the maneuvers depicted.

Anonymous No. 905215

1 mile is not the correct size, if you compare it to older star wars scenes you can see that it is bigger than 1 mile because the rebels fight it with their ships. Also there is another ship inside the ship, which means it is way bigger than 1 mile. The one mile you got was maybe from disney version because i seen a lot of people say 1 mile to the disney moves but fail to fit many of the historical features that comes with it under 1 mile.

Anonymous No. 905241

Lighting of the Star Destroyer doesn't change as it moves.
The smaller ship doesn't obey inertia.

Anonymous No. 905250

There are shadows that move on the ship when it turns, so it's likely an artistic decision to have the left part of the ship in shadow the entire time. Not commenting on whether it's a good decision or not.
Either that, or the lighting is at some kind of angle that is hard to nail down and is playing tricks since we can't see where it's coming from.

Anonymous No. 905444


...are you retarded? It seems like you're retarded.

Anonymous No. 905446

Baked lighting

Anonymous No. 905482

the empire built a destroyer without gimbaled weapon mounts.
but the reason the lighting doesn't change is likely a compositional choice

Anonymous No. 905494

One mile is not the right size or are you confuse as to what 1 mile is in your metric size because either way you are still wrong.

Anonymous No. 905498

The small ship and the destroyer are lit independently of one another.

Anonymous No. 905499

They're not. Post a frame where this allegedly happens - you can't because there is none.

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Anonymous No. 905505

They're not shooting a large AOE explosive that will hit an entire area. Wasting resources on small precision lasers.

Also, not deploying TIEs to intercept.

Anonymous No. 905513

nah, SW has always explosive lasers because reasons.

Anonymous No. 905532

They are fighting in a black void
>inb4 space is a black void

Anonymous No. 905547

Not that anon, and I know they've always had em, which I'm fine with, but damn those explosions look actually retarded. Like the same 2d sprite each time and for some reason blows away in the vacuum of space.

Anonymous No. 905601

I thought that too but the shadows do spread a little, maybe not as much as is necessary though.

Anonymous No. 907988

Aah yess I can spot it! Oh you...

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Anonymous No. 907993


Anonymous No. 908000


Anonymous No. 908233


Anonymous No. 908253

That's because the stars are either a flat image composited in, or are set to always face the camera

Anonymous No. 908310


Anonymous No. 909863

Maybe it's a stylistic choice, faggot

Anonymous No. 910029

Obviously, I can't remember the way every space scene in the films was filmed, but I feel like they wouldn't have made this scene so long or they would have done it from another angle.
The way how the small ship is running from the star destroyer and seems to be able to outrun it but for some reason was right above it, in the beginning kinda reminds me of video game cutscenes, like that one in Star Wars Clone Wars game where Obi-wan and Anakin are flying their fighters in the middle of empty space but suddenly they notice a separatist fleet right in front of them when the camera angle changes to reveal them.