
A still of Kermit....jpg

๐Ÿงต 3d Comics

Anonymous No. 905070

Why are there no 3d comic books?
Wouldn't it be easier to model the characters once, then pose them instead of drawing them over and over again?

Anonymous No. 905074

marvel had some short-lived spiderman comic which was all awful 3D, it looked like daz with a comic filter over it
you could blame nepotism or something I guess

Anonymous No. 905078

The only example I can think of that is both based on 3d and looks genuinely good is Gantz, but everything is traced over so I don't know if it counts since it's not fully 3d.



Anonymous No. 905089

They were popular in british newspapers in the early 2000s pic related

Anonymous No. 905090



Not only has it been done there is a free toolkit to enable you to make your own

Anonymous No. 905091

I've sculpted and painted before. I believe its way more time consuming to sculpt something than to draw.
If you sculpt and rig a character, it's probably going to have a lot of imperfections and the render is only going to look as good as the render allows.
If you want to touch it up, you're going to end up drawing anyway.

So look at the image you posted. You see those blue lights in the back?
You'd have to find a light, place it in the background, adjust the camera so it gets that perfect out of focus look. All these things add up with time.
An artists can just quickly draw those little squares or objects without having to find a library of the shapes he needs.

Personally I've never done painting or sculpting professionally, but yeah I believe sculpting and rigging is far far more time consuming.

and even if you have everything setup already. making things like facial expressions and such are extremely time consuming. You have to move all the polygons exactly how you want. where with photoshop you can just draw the expression very quickly.

One thing people get wrong about creating a product is that you can take your time.
Time is money and if you take too long for something it will exceed the price of the product or it will never get finished.
Really, it's the first thing you should teach artists. You need to learn to do things fast and efficiently.



Anonymous No. 905095

>Wouldn't it be easier to model the characters once, then pose them instead of drawing them over and over again?
about that...


frame 7.png

Anonymous No. 905097

It is not easier than 2D, however, you can adjust your camera, lights, textures after you've set up your poses and sculpted the details. There is much more work that goes into a 3D comic. I'm trying to get there.


frame 9.jpg

Anonymous No. 905098

Anonymous No. 905228

thanks anon, very nifty
might be worth learning blender now

Anonymous No. 905229


Anonymous No. 906206


Anonymous No. 906217

Marvel used to make some in 2000's, it looked like shit.

Anonymous No. 906238

I see people do it for porn on DA.

Anonymous No. 906249

It is quite easy to make 3d look ugly.
So much easier than 2d.
Something to do with the barain filling up parts that the 3d shit has to show
Thas some ugly shit

Anonymous No. 906354

because webcomics are autistic and nobody reads them anymore


Apustaja 3D.png

Anonymous No. 906359

somehow related, how to model Apustaja rear?

Anonymous No. 906390

please for the love of god do not use 3d to make static images

Anonymous No. 906399

Because, generally speaking, they all look like shit.

Anonymous No. 906401

>nobody reads them anymore

crash prone nightmare

Anonymous No. 906450

>Why are there no 3d comic books?
there are many.....on DeviantArt...also they're soulless.

Anonymous No. 906451

>please for the love of god do not use 3d to make static images
what the hell?

Anonymous No. 906463

Arent all manga 3d filtered down to 2d?

Anonymous No. 906464


people who are lazy but want to make comics end up using 3D models as a crutch and as a result their art looks like shit

people who want to make comics need to learn how to draw and they don't have the time or the foresight to use 3D

people who learn 3D in order to make comics don't have the foresight to learn how to draw and as a result their art looks like shit

people who learn 3D do so in order to get a job doing 3D and not making money out of selling comics

people who are not lazy, know how to draw, and use 3D to make comics or illustrations blow everyone out of the water but this is a rare occurrence

Generally speaking there's a discrepancy between knowledge and expectations. You will see 3D pro's think that the better their models are the better they will look in a 2D style. So they spend years perfecting their 3D craft only to fail at 2D and eventually abandon their pursuit in favor of getting a job doing only 3D. The truth of the matter is that a 2D artist is capable of even using shitty models in order to make something appealing in 2D.

Anonymous No. 906466

3D and 2D are both 2D mediums, working in the 2D plane. Only VR is true 3D.