

🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 905234

Have you ever had luck with "Artists Looking For Work" section on Polycount or do I just suck ass? The full time work section is chock full of HR people demanding you have X amount of shipped Triple A titles to even consider you, and even then, they would pay you very little because they think you are trash

Anonymous No. 905242

Then just make smut

Anonymous No. 905256

Just post your work on artstation and wait for the DMs

Anonymous No. 905304

Seems like if you don't put 3d artist or software developer as your profession in your profile the algorith pretty much guarantees you will never appear in trending.

Anonymous No. 905368

What’s the issue here? Then just put a “3d artist” title there. If you made 3d work, you ARE a 3d artist as well. I always had it like that, I didn’t bother changing that general title even when I started doing it a professionally and have a specific title in the industry.

But also, I doubt it matters at all for trending, it’s all about a high number of likes as soon as you publish it. The more likes you get in a shorter period of time, the better your positioning will be on trending.

Anonymous No. 905390

but im not a professional, i earn my money from a day job, i just post on artstation in hopes of becoming a professional, if and only if it actually pays more than i make now

Anonymous No. 905393

Good luck with that.
Its almost like sitting at the table with the mouth wide open in the hopes a grilled cheese sandwich will come and fly in your mouth.

Anonymous No. 905396

Wtf is this supposed to mean. Are you agreeing with the post above that the artststion algorithm is that bad or that i wont earn more money doing 3d than doing what i am currently doing

Anonymous No. 905399

also you're competing with people that are 10x more motivated and driven than you are, probably also more able due to them spending more time and effort on it.

Anonymous No. 905502


You are gonna get NOWHERE if you don't talk yourself up as more than you are. You are up against millions of people who will flat out lie about their credentials - some to an outrageous degree.
If you don't start calling yourself a 3D Artist, you'll never be one.

Think about it. You are asking people to hire a guy who isn't a 3D artist, to do 3D art!

Anonymous No. 905679

ive been hired in the past for freelance work, many years ago, but never enough to quit my day job. I also doubt there are millions of people doing what I do.

Anonymous No. 905729

I still don't understand, are you implying somebody can't call themselves a 3D artist if they're not doing it professionally? Of course they can! Same for other areas. You're just a hobbyist 3D artist in that case.

You're creating a fictional problem, but as I already said, that's most likely not the reason why you're not reaching trending anyway. Since you're mentioning software development, I'll assume you're doing some technical art type of work, and it isn't eye catching enough to get noticed. Sharing your work around other 3D communites can help as well, especially as soon as you upload the work on the artstation, because you need those early likes if you want to reach trending.

Anonymous No. 905778

reading comprehension :

>Seems like if you don't put 3d artist or software developer as your profession the algorith pretty much guarantees you will never appear in trending.

3d artist isnt my profession. I am a hobbyist who happens to have worked jobs in the past. I earn my money in another industry.

Anonymous No. 905785

You can call yourself a tranny and anyone will believe it LOl if you keep calling yourself that.

Anonymous No. 905838

That’s what I’m saying, no reason why you shouldn’t put a “3d artist” title in there. You’re still creating 3d art, doesn’t matter you’re not a pro. Why are you making it so complicated?

Anonymous No. 905895

Just say you're a software developer that's also a 3D artist. Simple as.

Anonymous No. 905898

Your own self-righteousness is keeping you from success.

Money is shit. If you want money, embrace the shit. Wallow in it. Enjoy it. Only then will you find the pieces of gold in the pigsty.

It is not tainting your principles. It is embracing the reality that it really does not matter, and pushing yourself towards success, so that your soul may have space to grow and be free.