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Anonymous No. 905366

tell me at least one advantage of blender besides the fact that it is "free"
SPOILER: you can't

Anonymous No. 905367

It's free.

Anonymous No. 905371

Doesn't take much space
Crashes less than Autodesk software, at least that's my experience
Fast modeling workflow, as long as you get used to the shortcuts and know how to use modifiers
Extensible and modulable
All-in-one, perfect for personal projects

It's a very good piece of open-source software (for once), it's not bad at anything in particular, but does not really excel in anything either. What makes its strength is that everything you need is embedded into it, so theoretically you can work faster and allows you to learn just one piece of software in order to carry out your projects, instead of jumping between different workflows (now that doesn't mean you shouldn't try other software).

Anonymous No. 905375

it doesn't feel like it's a millennium old software programmed by ancient wizards but that's it. the millennium old autodesk sw actually works and the keyboard shortcuts make sense

Anonymous No. 905376

>Fast modeling workflow, as long as you get used to the shortcuts and know how to use modifiers
>Extensible and modulable
>All-in-one, perfect for personal projects
>everything you need is embedded into it
So Maya, 3Ds max, Cinema 4D, Houdini don't have all that kind of things, but on professional level?

>it doesn't feel like it's a millennium old software programmed by ancient wizards but that's it.
Fuckin zoomer
"NEW, NEW, NEW, NEW TODAY AND NOW!!!!" does it always mean "good"?

Anonymous No. 905378

i have tried modeling in blender, maya, 3ds max, xismo, metasequoia, silo, zbrush. blender is the worst.

Anonymous No. 905380

>on a professional level
Doesn't mean shit, completely arbitrary. They are used in professional contexts because they are teached in schools unlike Blender and that's it. The final result depends more on the artist than the software. Using Houdini or Maya won't make your work "professional level" magically.

Anonymous No. 905383

>zbrush modeling better than blender
lmao, pyw

Anonymous No. 905385

>Fuckin zoomer
I've been working in motionbuilder/maya for longer than you are alive, nigger
I really like the blender UI and the ways you can customize it, none of that is possible with autodesk sw. Everything else in blender is shit.

Anonymous No. 905455

it's getting better with every new release
I still won't use it until Z is not fucking UP anymore

Anonymous No. 905461


..the biggest advantage of blender is you can do almost everything 3d related in one application - no other 3d application is so versatile like blender!

Anonymous No. 905528

>no other 3d application is so versatile like blender
except zbrush, maya, 3dcoat or houdini

Anonymous No. 905559

you can sculpt in it without facing the brain rape cancer that is the zBrush UI.

Anonymous No. 905564

Free is a pretty big factor in some cases. I've gotten a few in-house gigs doing archviz and game art in small studios because I use Blender. Free means the employer doesn't need to deal with shit like licenses and auditing when hiring for a project.



Anonymous No. 905565

>zbrush, maya, 3dcoat or houdini

...ok, these applications are very good, but none of the named ones give you the ability to make a 3d/2d animation film without beeing dependent on other applications!

blender isnt just a 3d/2d application, its a complete 3d/2d grafics pipeline!

when you dont have the money for all the "professional" software, or not in education, why minding to use them?



Anonymous No. 905570

but in blender there are few high-quality tools aimed specifically at sculpting, while at that time zbrush was created specifically FOR sculpting and nothing else
after all, we have the difference between a cow and a stack on the grill

>ok, these applications are very good, but none of the named ones give you the ability to make a 3d/2d animation film without beeing dependent on other applications!
>blender isnt just a 3d/2d application, its a complete 3d/2d grafics pipeline!
Maya can

inside your brain



Anonymous No. 905578

>Maya can

...i would be very suprised when maya would not be able to do the same blender does, but in the end, you need another application to cut your film!

>inside your brain

what ever, use infected software, its just cringe to play the pro, and using pirated software.

Anonymous No. 905580

No offense but all I see made in blender is hobby tier solo indie freelance globohomo that does the software injustice. The blender discord and blenderartist.org are the best circlejerks around and they are too tranny to allow porn in.

Anonymous No. 905582

>...I'd be really surprised if Maya couldn't do the same thing as a blender, but after all, you need another app to cut the film!
that argument sounds totally like "writing a script needs X, story boarding Y, and gluing and editing X+Y"
it is obvious that everything at once will never work out within the aisles of one program, no matter how much everything is "out of box"

>Whatever happens, use infected software, it just cringes to play pros and use pirated software.
in your opinion? have you ever pirated or used anything other than a blender at least once in your life?
So what do you KNOW or THINK so?



Anonymous No. 905583

> and they are too tranny to allow porn in

... ok, maybe other artists(the good/talented one) think like you, maybe not porn related, or so, just sick of this crab bucket or dont want to deal with the lords of the forums(9000 posts a month) and there goons(obey or get downvoted), etc.

>tell me at least one advantage of blender besides the fact that it is "free"

the biggest advantage is, once the coder team gets overrun by tranny globohomo and the community reaches toxic levels, some team will fork it and give a fuck what the rest of the horde is doing!

Anonymous No. 905585

>it is obvious that everything at once will never work out within the aisles of one program

... look, when you want to make stuff like https://studio.blender.org/films/ you can do it with blender, thats it, you can even learn from the projects. just a few guys, one software, some computer and a good idea, thats all you need!

when you want to work in the industry go for the stuff the industry requires ...

... the whole disscussion about which software is more pro/better is brainlet tier!

>tell me at least one advantage of blender besides the fact that it is "free"

you dont need to worry about the price changes of the software or terms of use the corporations are forcing on you!

Anonymous No. 905602

Forgot to mention that I am an ambassador for Blender™ and I was hoping you would consider using Blender™ as your 3D software package of choice! My name is Alice, and I am a transwoman who has recently discovered her feminine side, and I really think the community at Blender™ would be great for you. Not only does Blender have excellent tools to use at your disposal, we also are Trans LGBQAWP++ positive! If you are transgender as well I can invite you to the official Blender Discord. Dilation times start at 2PM EST and 8PMGMT-8. You'll be able to discuss any problems you have with the official staff of Blender™ while we all dilate on camera mode! Isn't that awesome?! :)

Hope to see you there!

Anonymous No. 905669

blender sucks

Anonymous No. 905670

Don't blame blender, blame the blendlet using it.



🗑️ Anonymous No. 905692

I'm newfag to 3D. I just want to make anime girls dance like idolm@ster games on stage with lightshow and video in BG and grafitti falling and glowstick crowd cheering etc.

which program do I need to learn to do this? Is Blender good or is it shit compared to other programs?
I don't have time to waste here learning faggot software, I want to get results fast.

Most of the tutorials for cell shading anime are on fucking BLENDER, but I keep see /3/ saying blender sucks.

I researched what they used for Idolm@ster games. They used 3DS MAX biped, mocapped the dance animation with some black suite with white cum balls all over it. Edited it together in motion builder and copy and pasted it to all the other rigged skeletons and offset it. They also seemed to use some crowd generator in 3DS MAX. I think one of the idolm@ster games were done in MAYA. But I translated alot of Japanese articles and people generally want to kamikaze autodesk cause they fucked softimage japan's favorite software but now alot of them say "3DS MAX feels like home, but we're forced to use MAYA now..."

They also used UNITY3D engine for their lipsync to the songs lyrics and to edit the videos with. WHAT? How the fuck do you edit 3D video with Unity3D I thought. I found out it has some weird timeline thing and is actually really useful to make movies with, you import your models and animations then rig the cameras around in REALTIME it doesnt take years to render like boomer 3D software. They also do the skirt and hair physics in UNITY3D with some springbones or something.

in unity3D there is also unitychan and her dancestage. I basically want to make something like that or an idolm@ster mirishite or deresute game style preferrably.

Should I use BLENDER to try and do this? Create anime models, mocap, transfer to rigs, anime facial expressions, texture, or should I go for something like Zbrush / Substance painter, 3DS MAX, Motion Builder, and Unity3d? I just want to make anime idols dance.