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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 905406

I'm bored. Give blender tutorials.

Anonymous No. 905408

Since you didn't specify which ones, watch this

Anonymous No. 905800


Anonymous No. 905807

just do the donut

Anonymous No. 905820

good morning sirs and welcome to part 4000 of my belnder tutorials, how to use booleans modifers

Anonymous No. 905928

*Head bobs from side to side*
This is going to be a good thread.

Anonymous No. 905975

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Anonymous No. 905979


Anonymous No. 905991

Bit outdated but still holds up

Anonymous No. 905993

very clever image you fuck

Anonymous No. 906023

For blender, if you're interested in character design, spawn a plane/cube and delete all but one vertice.
For your vertices object, right-click and set its location to the 3D cursor-- it'll sit in the middle by default if you haven't moved it.
Attach the following modifiers: skin, mirror, and subdivision.
Press E to extrude, use the X, Y, and Z characters to extrude a new vertice to a new location based on the corresponding key-axis you pressed.
Enable clipping in the mirror modifier if you are extruding for the head, body, or other similar middle parts.
If not, disable clipping for the limbs.
With a vertice selected, press Ctrl-A and/or a key axis to fatten or thin the shape you just extruded.
If it's bugging out on you, make sure to swap the order of the mirror and skin modifier. Don't forget clipping when you need it.
The skin modifier allows you to set a part as loose or root. Root is for central shapes, loose is to begin a limb.
Skin modifier is sometimes hostile. Be sure to fiddle with the awry vertices so you get decent topology.

Anonymous No. 906327

just fuck around with it and when you want to do something look up how to do that specific thing. Eventually youll snowball on how to make just about anything.

Anonymous No. 907323


Anonymous No. 907380

The best Blender tutorial is by that one furry wolf, but I have lost it and can't dig it back up again.

Anonymous No. 907521

probably the best one out there

Anonymous No. 907543

Anonymous No. 908032

Any Anime stuff?

Anonymous No. 908057

a guy called Daniel Kreuter did some videos on modelling anime girls a while back

Anonymous No. 908783

Anonymous No. 908909

дa зaпpocтo

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Anonymous No. 909233


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Anonymous No. 909819

I want some cute and simple anime character ref to model.

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Anonymous No. 909820

The one in the middle looks hella nice and pleasing to follow along, not sure if it is what you're talking about

Anonymous No. 910362


Anonymous No. 910366

I finally found it again. Save it. It's great

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Anonymous No. 910788

How come when I bake from a cube that has beveled edges to a cube that is just a standard cube with 6 sides, the bake results in a normal map with hard seams, instead of a normal map that is smooth. Pic rel. The normal map is not the result I would expect from baking from the red, beveled cube. This seems like a simple bake, so there must be something fundamental that I don't understand.

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Anonymous No. 910789

Here's the normal map if that helps. Notice how the sides of the cube instantly change color, instead of smoothly

Anonymous No. 910849

You can't bake HUGE round bevel on 90 degrees 2 polygons and expect it to look good. Add more geo.
And when baking hard edges you should separate UV islands by smoothing groups.
Wish I could help more but I'm on phone now.

Anonymous No. 910860

Okay, thanks anon. I'm going to try to implement that advice. I appreciate it.

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2022-07-29 02_25_....png

Anonymous No. 911008

I baked something like this on just single poly bevel, and it already looks better than just 90degree cube, tho at some angles you can still se dark spots

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Anonymous No. 911010

I used single smoothing group for whole object, so no hard edges at all

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2022-07-29 02_25_....png

Anonymous No. 911011

and uv

Anonymous No. 912657

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Anonymous No. 913196

Does anyone have any solid tutorials or series on creating landscapes/backgrounds? Mine are still looking fairly basic. The end goal would be to create highly stylized, cell shaded backgrounds, but getting there has been a bit difficult as I can’t find much on the subject.

Anonymous No. 913981

This guy's channel has a lot of the building blocks for a nice animu background

Anonymous No. 913984

Why is the image blue? I thought I selected it by mistake fuck you

Also why can you select images in copy and paste? why

Anonymous No. 914071

How many wonderful little scenes like this have been created by 3D artists, only to sit forgotten on their hard drives. There's a depth to a 3D creation that makes this sadder than for a simple image.

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Anonymous No. 915815


Anonymous No. 917055

is this real?

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Anonymous No. 917368

I want to paint a planetary map that allows me to see the 3D globe at the same time and take actual distances into account. I figured I could use blender since I already know a bit about that. Is there a way that I can paint directly onto a sphere in blender and also have the option to export the map and then re-import it after editing it in something like Krita?

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Anonymous No. 917378

I found something about UV maps online but the "sphere project" creates an ugly texture that I can ill export as a more standard projected map like mercator or robinson
Any leads?

Anonymous No. 917899

This talks about stylizing a tree's shading. Could apply similar concepts to other things.

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Anonymous No. 918689

For absolute noobs, this one is basically the best. No fluff, no bullshit

Anonymous No. 918817

Anonymous No. 918828

Timelapse are not tutorials though