
Google Sketchup.jpg

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Anonymous No. 905473

Is there a program like google sketchup, that lets you build and design interiors? (if you have to build the exterior too would be cool too)
Im looking for something similar but being aesthetically better.

Anonymous No. 905475

>build and design interiors?
> but being aesthetically better.
That's up to the modeler, not the program, moron.

Anonymous No. 905477

Cool, we get it, you are a cunt.
Now give an idea/solution or shut up.
You can be a useful cunt, but not a useless cunt.

Anonymous No. 905573

Shameless bump

Anonymous No. 905678

Don't know for sure since I'm not archvis, but isn't that what Twinmotion does?
Really I'm just throwing out the name of something I've heard of somewhere, but maybe it'll point you in the right direction.

Anonymous No. 905680

/3/ is slow as fuck, you'll never need to bump a thread here. This'll be here for months until some retard anon decides to bump it a month from now with info that doesn't add to the discussion or advance the thread at all.
If all else fails, use one of the questions threads since more people are there and are less likely to ignore some random anon that feels their question is special enough to need its own thread.

Anonymous No. 905736

I'd use cgpersia to obtain Revit and Lumion.
Start by modelling whatever building you want. Use the Sketchup warehouse to easily get furniture and lighting models to import into Lumion. Learn to take renders and such.

If you're actually interested in the career you need to learn to draft and sheet up your designs using Revit or AutoCAD.

Beyond that? 3DS Max, Corona Renderer/Vray etc.

May be an easier way just for interiors but these are some of the tools I use as a building and interior designer.

Anonymous No. 905938

thank you for the answer.

Anonymous No. 906013

Try Sweet Home 3D: http://www.sweethome3d.com/

Anonymous No. 906024
