

๐Ÿงต Someone write a pastebin with advice on old render tech from psx

Anonymous No. 905486

Can /3/ skilled industry guys pls write a pastebin on how to make psx capcom backgrounds and what tools can make them?

I kind of remember how to make them on blender 2.7, but I'm afraid I kind of hard forgotten how to do it.

I remember is related to the console limitations, pong shaders with bling, no PBR, old render engine tech like 2.5 non cycles renderer and just ambien light and maybe sphere and cone lights on night scenes and shit like billboard details and more likely triplanar texturing with textures from CD packs and basic kind of procedural textures.

And maybe also the resolution, GIF compression and the psx vertex integer issue.
Maybe very basic smooth subsurf I see it on prerender models.

Feel free to post what else you remember is needed for psx pre render backgrounds.

Blender 2.5 likely is the best shot to do it on modern OS.


Blender retro ren....webm

Anonymous No. 905497

It's all a question of how accurate you want things to be, and how much you're willing to suffer to get there.

2.79 Blender Game Engine lets you use gouraud shading. So does Godot. In fact, Godot has a pretty great PSX shader written for it. But, webm related, blender 3.0 can do a good job if you know what you're doing.

That's for the models.

As for the backgrounds, honestly, at PS1 resolution, it's not going to matter what you render in. Just don't use indirect lighting, have no ambient light, and you'll be gold.

Anonymous No. 905819

that's the best ps1 look i've ever seen, not even joking. first time it actually looks 100% like a ps1 game.