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🧵 Blender and the fabled "industry" their users keep squawking abou

Anonymous No. 905525

Honestly, what would it take for pic related to actually compete with commercial software in the professional space?
>studios switching around their pipeline is a complicated process, even if file formats and shit all work
>artists within a studio would need to be re-trained to work in blender
>autodesk for example has a support line that studios can contact, in case something in their software goes wrong. blender does not have this
>some parts of blender need serious work done on them, most notably uv mapping and scene/pipeline management
Seems like for how much blendlets spew shit about how "it'll be the new industry standard", the Blender Foundation has a lot to do before catching the eyes of studios, especially larger ones that have an established pipeline.

Anonymous No. 905530

It's already being used... as kind of a helper tool. Studios PCs are tightly controlled. You can't plug in a usb drives, install tools, plugins or even connect to the internet.
Blender, on the other hand, is opensource, so management just kinda shrug their shoulders and allows anyone to use it if they ask nicely.



Anonymous No. 905540

>Open blender source code
>Modify the client to include a backdoor that will leak the studio files and compile it to make it look like normal blender
They won't know what hit em

Anonymous No. 905542

native plugins



Anonymous No. 905568

When it stops having idiosyncrasies like these every update. There are multiple issues relating to exporting/importing as well



Anonymous No. 905574

>Honestly, what would it take for pic related to actually compete with commercial software in the professional space?

i personally think the overall goal of the blender foundation is to make a cool 3d/2d application/pipeline that everyone can use to learn and create 3d/2d art without paying tons of money and not to try to compete with the titans of the 3d industry!

>blender does not have this

no, but maybe some team of guys does the same thing the guys from redhat or suse has done in the past - take the original, modd it to be more industry friendly and offering support for cash!

>"it'll be the new industry standard"

thats delusional, it will be partly industry standart because over time, more and more artists will use blender, will build up companies who run blender and who hire people who know blender.


think of blender like of linux, started small, never competed with the industry, today backbone of the internet, started in the basement of some finish guy.

Anonymous No. 905575

I don't see too many people on this board saying it will be the industry standard, just that it's not a bad piece of software. It doesn't have all of the bells and whistles other programs have, but it works just fine if you're a one-man team.

Anonymous No. 905594

Jokes aside blenders animation and uv unwrapping are pretty adequate.

Anonymous No. 905603

I also forgot to mention that I am an ambassador for Blender™ and I was hoping you would consider using Blender™ as your 3D software package of choice!

My name is Alice, and I am a transwoman who has recently discovered her feminine side, and I really think the community at Blender™ would be great for you.

Not only does Blender have excellent tools to use at your disposal, we also are Trans LGBQAWP++ positive!

If you are transgender as well I can invite you to the official Blender Discord. Dilation times start at 2PM EST and 8PMGMT-8. You'll be able to discuss any problems you have with the official staff of Blender™ while we all dilate on camera mode! Isn't that awesome?! :)

Hope to see you there!



Anonymous No. 905605


Anonymous No. 905620

>artists within a studio would need to be re-trained to work in blender
This happens all the time in the industry with software you've never heard of or modified so hard by tech department it's not the vanilla sofftware.

Anonymous No. 905623

Not heard of any studios use blender in vancouver. It's all maya vray max ue4.

Anonymous No. 905624

nobody wants to work in that deceptive environment

Anonymous No. 905628

>Unreal Engine

Anonymous No. 905689

Don't we have plugins already?

Anonymous No. 905937

I wish they'd give up on feature animation and double down on what they're good at, could be a slam dunk for game art but noooo