

๐Ÿงต I'm new to 3D. Which program do I learn for anime?

Anonymous No. 905694

I'm newfag to 3D. I just want to make anime girls dance like idolm@ster games on stage with lightshow and video in BG and grafitti falling and glowstick crowd cheering etc.

which program do I need to learn to do this? Is Blender good or is it shit compared to other programs?
I don't have time to waste here learning faggot software, I want to get results fast.

Most of the tutorials for cell shading anime are on fucking BLENDER, but I keep see /3/ saying blender sucks.

I researched what they used for Idolm@ster games. They used 3DS MAX biped, mocapped the dance animation with some black suite with white cum balls all over it. Edited it together in motion builder and copy and pasted it to all the other rigged skeletons and offset it. They also seemed to use some crowd generator in 3DS MAX. I think one of the idolm@ster games were done in MAYA. But I translated alot of Japanese articles and people generally want to kamikaze autodesk cause they fucked softimage japan's favorite software but now alot of them say "3DS MAX feels like home, but we're forced to use MAYA now..."

They also used UNITY3D engine for their lipsync to the songs lyrics and to edit the videos with. WHAT? How the fuck do you edit 3D video with Unity3D I thought. I found out it has some weird timeline thing and is actually really useful to make movies with, you import your models and animations then rig the cameras around in REALTIME it doesnt take years to render like boomer 3D software. They also do the skirt and hair physics in UNITY3D with some springbones or something.

in unity3D there is also unitychan and her dancestage. I basically want to make something like that or an idolm@ster mirishite or deresute game style preferrably.

Should I use BLENDER to try and do this? Create anime models, mocap, transfer to rigs, anime facial expressions, texture, or should I go for something like Zbrush / Substance painter, 3DS MAX, Motion Builder, and Unity3d? I just want to make anime idols dance.

Anonymous No. 905699

Yes, blender is more than enough for what you want.

Anonymous No. 905702

you already found the answer. download 3ds Max.



Anonymous No. 905714

>... but I keep see /3/ saying blender sucks.

look, all the people her on /3/ who recommend all the day long maya and 3dmax are long time professionals who work in the industry for years. they dont know anything else so they look with disgust onto the opensource application blender.

none of them, not a single one of them uses pirated versions of these professional software, because they are pros, and more important, none of these pros have infected workstations who communicate with only god knows - 3dsmax cost you ~280$ each month, substance painter ~20$ each month, zbrush ~40$ each month, motionbuilder ~2000$ each year, unity (personal : free / plus :~370 $ each year.

you can be one of the retards who use pirated software and live with a fullblown infected workstation, or just use blender, which can handle everything the above mentioned applications can, not to the same extend, but it works - blender ~0$ each month(except you purchase addons which can range from a few bucks to >100$)

>I'm newfag to 3D.

i dont want to be the crab in the bucket here, but this project is extremly heavy metal and will take years for you to archive! and it realy doesnt matter which software you use, because the principles are universal. the design of a character isnt determind by the software, the ability to build it in a 3d software ist determind by the software, a believable animation of a character, the coloring/shading/texture ... etc ...so it realy doesnt matter which software you use in the beginning, once you learned the principles, you can apply them to any software you wish in a short time!



Anonymous No. 905717

I agree 3DS MAX and motion builder is probably the way to go. I didn't see much about blender motion capture and cleaning up jitter and weighing feet down to floor and transferring it between rigs...


I've researched and it seems most the new Japanese kids are learning Blender first and most of the online tutorials on Anime shader style is from Blender. And it just feels like Blender has a big community around it with lots of resources and tutorials and learning while 3DS Max and other software seems like it's past it's prime and soon to be obsolete. I've heard Blender can do everything the other software can and it has this "yeah dude we use blender yeah! blenderbro!" community feeling around it.

Whereas the other softwares feel like you just entered some club with abunch of old members who are already established and have nothing to teach new people. I feel like learning blender makes you feel like you're part of a community while 3DS Max would feel like going out alone in a desert...



Anonymous No. 905718

I've been pirating since 2002, never got any viruses from warez, I doubt they can watermark 3D Videos but you bring up a good point if I ever wanted to release things in a game commercially they could probably watermark the models and sue me. Another point for blender.
>but this project is extremly heavy metal and will take years for you to archive!

Don't worry I'll just fast track it. All I need is some good reference models to copy from, grab some royalty free stages and mash them together, or model some reference stages, learn some particle engines and how to piece it all together.

The animation is EZ just use move.ai motion capture, don't even expensive mocap with AI now, can capture facial expressions with iphone but it's probably better to do them with blendshapes then you just clean it up and apply it to the rig. Seems like I could be up and running in a couple of months DESU

Anonymous No. 905725

>I've been pirating since 2002, never got any viruses from warez ...

...nothing is free, these cracker arnt cracking this software for humanitarian reasons, its because they make money with it! selling your machine to other blackhats who do shit with it ... everything very silent and discrete, not like in good old days when your system freezed and some psychedelic colored skulls poped up on your screen.

https://github.com/CMU-Perceptual-Computing-Lab/openpose ... havnt tested it yet, works similar, localy on your machine.

>can capture facial expressions with iphone

>Seems like I could be up and running in a couple of months DESU

...a positive attitude in the face of a shitton of work is always good!

Anonymous No. 905810


Anonymous No. 905839

>I want to get results fast
There's no such thing as "fast results" unless you're aiming for cris-tier garbage.
Doesn't matter what software you'll use, you need to put time and effort.



Anonymous No. 905864

Time is subjective, effort I agree. Just need to work smart and you can get fast results. Spend all your time box modeling everything you can find for a year, or get abunch of references of how polygons should look and get it right the first time. There's honestly not much I need to do here I believe. The hardest part is probably going to be the Mocap & cleaning it up.
For instance I've already decided to start experimenting with someone elses model and stage and have figured out the camera system and created a mockup already.

All I need to do is replace the stage, model, with my own DESU and I'm already almost there.

Anonymous No. 905876

>people on /board/ say "thing" is bad
welcome to 4chan

Anonymous No. 905917

>new to 3d

I've got bad news, OP. You're literally looking at one of the hardest non-photorealistic styles to do in 3D.

Anonymous No. 905934

If you're not looking to make a standalone game, you could just use MikuMikuDance



Anonymous No. 905950

>You're literally looking at one of the hardest non-photorealistic styles to do in 3D.

...would you mind to elaborate why you think this way?