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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 905701

If I were to take renders from honey select and throw them through some other software is there a way I can make it so that nobody could ever prove that I used honey select?

You know what I mean? Cause I just love honey select but copyright shit prevents me from making a VN with it and selling it on steam.

Anonymous No. 905737

just rip the models from the game and render in blender brah
>but how?
that's for you to figure out

Anonymous No. 905773

fuck it really defeats the point. Honey select has mods where you can make p go in v look super realistic really easy. Id never figure that out in blender

Anonymous No. 905812

I have tried pretty much every AI filter. Seems like there is nothing that will change the image enough that it wont look like honey select without also making it look all fucked up.

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Anonymous No. 905837

Seek help or ngmi

Anonymous No. 905886

Don't look better than DAZ desu

Anonymous No. 905953

I understand your desire completely anon but you should just learn another 3D program

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Anonymous No. 905956

run it through toon me. here is an example.

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Anonymous No. 905957


Anonymous No. 905966


The higher realism of Daz makes everything a lot harder because you hit uncanny valley as soon as you fuck anything up with facial expressions or animations. HS being a bit more cartoonish makes it more forgiving. I agree that the best DAZ is better than the best HS. But the average HS is better than average DAZ IMO.

Anonymous No. 905971


Pretty dope but it looks like it cant handle entire 3d scenes with multiple people it only wants portraits, but these do look incredible.

Anonymous No. 905984

The face is the most important. Anyway I think you have to pay for the full picture effect? Don't know, maybe worth checking out. Worst case you will have to run your pic through some photo shop's cartoon filter and then slap the toon me head on, and then edit them again, in Photoshop. Too much hassle. Well, your best bet still, is finding a good toon me apps, these are plenty on Google store.

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Anonymous No. 906032

face it. You can't hide your lack of artistic skill forever. Make your own from a 4 sided cube and reap the rewards later.

Anonymous No. 906038

Im really focusing on writing and programming. I can only do so much at once. Getting good with blender is low on the list of priorities sorry senpai

Anonymous No. 906213

I literally realized that today. I cannot rely on other people's models or tools. I need to do it myself.

Anonymous No. 906891

>VN """writing"""
>VN """programming"""

Anonymous No. 907191

DId you consider asking other people but pay them. Using Fiverr for example?

Anonymous No. 907252

Honey Select has shit and obvious lighting though

Anonymous No. 907262

that hand looks fucky, still need some touch ups

Anonymous No. 908784

The flaky derelicts with depression issues that makes them catatonic for months?

Anonymous No. 911961


Anonymous No. 912009

dunno where you got this idea
people with good ratings deliver, its their livelihood

Anonymous No. 913633

You mean reading other VNs and watching anime, right? You're not actually writing words

Anonymous No. 913635

fatty glands and organs are too toxic in the 21st century to not be used. every excretion is toxic today. sorry dude but nofap isn't viable any more.

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3DGuy !!XhQDOznbDw3 No. 913639

Intredasting. Doesn´t work with multiple characters on scene, tough.

Anonymous No. 913685

god damn do I love jpg artifact ridden to shit portraits

Anonymous No. 913912

>p go in v look super realistic really easy. Id never figure that out in blender

haha, youre a loser!

Anonymous No. 913914

>and selling it on steam.
Well, there's your fucking problem. Just make it and release it for free, you greedy Jew.

Anonymous No. 914960

Completely edit the models, people found out that that space porn game used Honey Select models.