

๐Ÿงต Bforartists

Anonymous No. 905881

Any opinions on this?
i'm getting used to it
the Interface and hotkeys are better than blender's default


Anonymous No. 905994

I don't get it, it's just blender with a slightly uglier UI? I don't see what they've added that wouldn't work as a plugin

Also good luck if you encounter bugs and need support lol

Anonymous No. 906002


... when you are already into the keyboard shit, it makes you slower, when you start as a newbee, its like any other sw ...

Anonymous No. 906011

They fix stuff blender developers refuse to fix, example: actual documentation that explains everything, no more youtubers telling you outdated stuff, the doc has the answers.

When you click on something like adding text, it adds text. Blender requires you to use shortcut, no program does this, blender's way to add text is dumb.

and many more things that are fixed.

Anonymous No. 906066

>Blender requires you to use shortcut, no program does this
You are a fucking retard.

Anonymous No. 906084

you are the stupid one to have to learn useless things. No one is going to hire blender 3d artist when common, faster methods exist in maya, 3dmax and others. Blender developers are ruining 3d modeling for millions and you are just supporting it.



Anonymous No. 906368

>blender 3d artist
>maya 3d artist
>3d max 3d artist

Anonymous No. 906375

blender users just want to be part of the c0mMunItY if they care about 3d modeling they would be using the tools used to produce the movies and anime they watch.
when people download blender is the same thing as someone creating an instagram account.

Anonymous No. 906391

the old days are behind us, now anyone can make anime characters in Vroid in seconds. I never in my life though we would come close to seeing a program that makes anime characters but here we are.

Blender is a old software made by old people who have no experience in modern day 3d software.

Anonymous No. 906432

>Blender developers are ruining 3d modeling for millions and you are just supporting it.

muh gatekeeping reeeeeee
how about you git gud instead? because despite having to use shortcuts, blender's learning curve is somehow much less steep than maya's. hmmmm I wonder why that is.

i can't believe there are people retarded enough to claim gatekeeping because a piece of software ISN'T easy enough to learn holy fuck my sides



Anonymous No. 906437

>good luck if you encounter bugs and need support lol
So just like blender .....

Anonymous No. 906438

There is no gategating, no one claims that. We have 10 free 3d software all in different ways that support the development of gaming and film. Only Blender out of the free options gives the people the will to give up.

No other program has this problem, a will to give up means something is wrong with the program ways of learning. Don't blame students, they are just as you expect students. Why should you go around breaking their happiness because you think a dumb old way is better.

Your dumb old ways is not better, we can make things better. You need to leave behind the old ways, not us.

Anonymous No. 906454

Blender that advertises itself as better

>fucked up all my work
>had to reset all of them

Anonymous No. 906455

tell that to the Maya devs when it comes to poly modeling

Anonymous No. 906558

this must be bait lol, can't use F2 or something?

Anonymous No. 906561

No one does spider-script and the more i looked into it the more useless it feels because we can auto fill it like other normal programs offer it.

Anonymous No. 906562

>common, faster methods exist
>not using shortcuts
Boy, short-cut must mean something entirely different in your part of the world.
Even those people using "maya, 3dmax and others" are using shortcuts, bub. The ones that know what they're doing. That's what those "faster methods" entail.

Anonymous No. 906606

We use our mouse not barbaric keyboard typing and remembering 20 types of compilations. Blender developers refuse to add a simple feature in their program that it cost people to even come close to Maya, 3ds max and others standards.

Anonymous No. 906622

>blender requires you to use shortcut
If you are not going to use shortcuts you should use another software, it's one of blenders main advantages and without that workflow it's straight up inferior

Anonymous No. 906625

You don't have to remember or memorize all the shortcuts. Otherwise they're not shortcuts, retard.
If it's something you do all the time, use a shortcut. If it's something you do occasionally, do it normally. If it's something you do never, don't even bother learning the shortcut or remembering where it even is on the menu, just search for it. Shortcuts are time savers, if it's an operation you do all of once every few months, you're not saving time by using it or memorizing it. If it's something you press almost every hour (or more), you make huge gains by using a shortcut. On ANY software.

This is also completely ignoring the fact that a quick menu exists in Blender (if you press "q"), where you can put all of your most-used operations on it, completely removing any reason to learn any shortcuts apart from pressing q.

Anonymous No. 906628

The only good thing it does is replace the 2.8 monochrome icons.

Anonymous No. 906640

Sperm gay following each to other.
Or something very kind almost gay

Anonymous No. 906648

F2 is an inbuilt blender addon that allows you to search for any option within seconds

You put more effort into learning blender forks than blender software

Anonymous No. 906659

Not one of blenders advantage, everyone hates it, everyone complains when something bad happens or when changes to it happens, Blender shortcuts are not accuracy recorded in doc unlike bforartist and remembering all of them should not be your goal in 3d modeling, your art is more important.

Pressing Q doesn't fix the issue, it also seems from blender users that Q will not save any data as well as glitch issues because blender program hates it.

Lastly, we should not be looking for something, we should have the tools ready in our eyes or expected within the normal location. Stop trying to justify your wrongful ways to others, you can't win with maya, 3dmax and other methods.

Anonymous No. 906669

Your complaints are nothing more than cope for your failures, dressed up as criticism.

Anonymous No. 906684

you're retarded. Blender can give you the same results as Maya and Cinema 4D, just with more manual work and an extra hour for every time you just press a button in paid software. Plus the export compatibility Blender has is insane.

Anonymous No. 906715

export sucks, FBX is a 50% chance of breaking, bones become corrupted, models even in OBJ become unrecognized in the game engine or program, etc.

These problems don't exist in paid or free programs like wings3d. Blender is ancient program made by old people who no longer have experience in modern technology.

So no matter what you try to falsely judged, it will never become better with the old developers still clinging to it.



Anonymous No. 906792

OP Here
i gave up
this shit is trash

Anonymous No. 906810

I guess we could say you got BTFOartist.
Just pirate Maya/max or learn blender. Either way, you are a quitter NGMI.
JK wagmi....

Anonymous No. 906815

nah, it was almost ok, just some defaults are really weird compared to blender
but i would like to have the theme and icons on Blender

Anonymous No. 906817

Call me crazy but I liked blender's pre 2.8 build your own ui setup

Anonymous No. 906899

get the betterfbx addon

Anonymous No. 906901

>Pressing Q doesn't fix the issue, it also seems from blender users that Q will not save any data as well as glitch issues because blender program hates it.
My Q menu has been consistent since the moment it was implemented. I've never lost anything in there, and I've never had a glitch with it. It even transfers effortlessly between versions.
I don't even know why I'm still taking the obvious b8.

You got filtered by the watered down baby version that's for so-called "artists", then you're gonna spout off about how you know how the industry works and shortcuts?
Unless that's been a different anon this whole time, then I really took the b8.

Anonymous No. 906904

same here

Anonymous No. 906909

You can't just keep using add-ons as an excuse for your program lack of features. You claim blender can do everything but everytime it is someone else fixing the problem, not blender.

Clearly you are lying because even now it still a bug under blender issue ticket system: https://developer.blender.org/T90727

Again bforartist is way better, they fix blender issues and any new ones that happens. Blender official developers do not do anything, they let you the community fix it while you give them money.

Anonymous No. 906912

What the fuck were you on about " the will to give up " ?

Anonymous No. 906921

This is why --> >>906792

I told you so


Q MENU.jpg

Anonymous No. 906947

I'm clearly not, because that's not at all what I was fucking talking about.
>Right click anything you can click on, "add to quick menu"
>Press "q" (NOT alt+q), and it'll bring up a list of those things you clicked "add to quick menu" on, pic related
No need to memorize anything. Find it once, right click it. Can't find it? Search for it and right click it. Never need to do anything but press q.
Might I suggest you add "kill self" to yours.

>You can't just keep using add-ons as an excuse for your program lack of features
Literally every other 3d program also has addons for features they lack, what the fuck do you think "plugins" are?

Anonymous No. 907029

You still have not address the issues, just stop it is making you look crazy.

Also, no we dont have add-ons for maya, 3ds and other 3d programs. Sure there is a maya store that offers 149, removing the sales, you are left with 24 useless plugins. Online plugins outside of maya are super minor or outdated. There is no reason to buy or download maya unless your boss says so (or working on a game for unreal). Everything autodesk and other company have made is already made in the program.

Anonymous No. 907143

Oh yeah what about zplugins.. sugma balls homo

Anonymous No. 907159

Guess what, they are all free unlike blender scammers who making you pay for a simple function that has been in every program for 20 years.