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Anonymous No. 905915

blender or maya for
ples help

Anonymous No. 905920

You use torrent?
pirate Maya

download Blender

Anonymous No. 905923

>you use torrent
yeah, I'm just wondering if blender + plugins can compete with maya

Anonymous No. 905924


I'm saying this as someone who uses blender for everything becuase I'm too lazy to pirate these days.

Anonymous No. 905925

>I'm just wondering

Anonymous No. 905932

I know both and for me it depends on what im doing because some workflows I just do it faster in maya since I have been using that more, for modeling these days I use Blender both for hard surface and organic modeling, for doing shape keys, animations etc I use maya but have started using Blender more and more for that aswell. Use Blender with addons.

Anonymous No. 905935


Anonymous No. 905945

Pirate Maya. Download Blender. Use both for a bit, then stick with what you like for each workflow. Also try Zbrush and whatever elese you can get your hands on.

I just use Blender because I'm a freetard, but there's no reason to not just try everything and gain the experience to decide yourself.

Anonymous No. 905952

This tells me nobody works in blender for it's full suite other for its modelling or rendering capabilities. The ones that do are typical european and third world blendlets.

Anonymous No. 905954

>This tells me nobody works in blender for it's full suite other for its modelling or rendering capabilities.
Sasuga, ESL-kun.

Anonymous No. 906373

It's rendering capabilities is trash lol

It lacks so many useful features for rendering and the quality is utter garbage.

Anonymous No. 906514

blender + retopoflow is better than maya imo, the rest I wholeheartedly agree.

Anonymous No. 906515

Make your own 3D editor.

Anonymous No. 906520

>nobody works in blender for it's full suite
No shit. Every competent blendlet criticizes the lackluster texturing, sculpting and animation tools.
Animation/rigging is sort of salvageable for indie purposes, but texturing is utter trash, and sculpting anything more detailed than an animu girl is a nightmare.

Anonymous No. 906521

Maya if you´re on a large team.
3dsMax if you´re alone.
Blender if you´re broke.

Anonymous No. 906522


Anonymous No. 906525

bro yore a genius

Anonymous No. 906551

Fuck no. spent 15 years in that hell program and it's ONLY good toolset is it's UVmapping and Graphite tools (which Blender can do everything already or with tiny addons like 'Set Edge Flow' and 'Make Corners')

Don't even suggest Max as a joke. it's absolutely not worth it.

Anonymous No. 906631

shrinkwrap master race

Anonymous No. 906884

I like it for it's sculpting cause zbrush doesnt work in linux

Anonymous No. 906923

Am I crazy or Blender's UV is hot trash?



Anonymous No. 906924

>pirating maya

I just give them the same old university transcript to get Maya for free every year. Why haven't you done this yet? They literally don't fucking care to look at it manually.

Anonymous No. 906962

Did the same with C4D. Graduated in 2009, worked till 2019, then suddenly stopped. Now I use Blender and miss C4D UI daily.