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🧵 Character being worked on.

Anonymous No. 905958

Working on this goblin girl. Would love some feedback ^^

Anonymous No. 905962

Thicker. Stackeder. Jacked. Hunger.

Anonymous No. 905969

Ha ha! not taking requests :P

Anonymous No. 905973


..99% of people would not see anything wrong with it!

Anonymous No. 905976

That's encouraging. I usually get torn a new ass when I post on this site ^^

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Anonymous No. 905977

coomers won't mind but you are honestly delusional if you think this is a proper torso

Anonymous No. 905981

Anything specific. Or just the whole thing?

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Anonymous No. 905982

No real person has this curvature
If you want to improve, just torrent Scott Eaton's Anatomy for Artists, but as I said - your customers, in this case coomers, probably won't care

Anonymous No. 905983

Thank you for the feedback!
That is a good point.
It is way to pinched there will have a look.

I try to hold myself to a high standard. Going to really refine the anatomy while keeping her a bit stylized.

And I have no customers XD

Anonymous No. 905985

>And I have no customers XD
If you are doing this for money, just start shilling your work on social media. It's good enough. Learn rigging & animation (torrent QuickRig Pro and both p2design courses if you are using blender instead of maya) and you'll be able to make it financially pretty soon. Godspeed.

Anonymous No. 905988

>No real person has this curvature
>1% is kickin in

Anonymous No. 905992

>no real person has this curvature
No duh faggot, it's not a real person.

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Anonymous No. 905995

Ha ha thank you for the tip. I am a rigger by trade so got my own custom setup planed for her. But thank you for the suggestions ^^

Tweaked her proportions a bit, need to grab some ref and work more on the anatomy now.

Anonymous No. 906001

Her tusks are growing from her lower lip instead of jaw. The lip should curve around teeth, but it looks like an afterthought now. The shape is too impractical, she will brake them after first bite. The hair is unnaturally mirrored. There is earwax dripping from her ears, or maybe it is fantasy airpods.

Anonymous No. 906009


Bro, you are already in the top category of /3/ just gotta make 3dlets seethe and cope harder.


Any tips on weight painting seems buggy as fuck in Maya? And would I need to know IK/FK for simple posing?

Anonymous No. 906012

Really nice

Not a fan of the abs - too condensed and small, and not enough fat on the belt line and mons pubis

Top of ears attach to the head too low and earbuds/implants are confusing and unclear

Big toe too big and close to second toe, and smaller toes too uniform heights and rounded (they’re actually a little triangular in front profile)

Fringe too tentacle like, even for greasy orc hair. Symmetry bad.

Latissimus attached too low, makes it look like rib cage is tilted forward

Just personal taste but I really don’t like the eye makeup, looks like little spider hands reaching up. Try a fluffier, less uniform eyelash or gradient, or imagine she used charcoal or black paste to do her kohl
Also, maxilla and jaw is too long, I get that you want a jaw

Tusks aren’t convincing at all. Where is the lip displacement? She’d snap these off the first time she got too enthusiastic when pegging you

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Anonymous No. 906028

my two bits are the abdomen being oddly pinched, and as one other anon said, the tusks are odd. almost all tusks in nature are at the edge of the mouth since it would get in the way of using lips for food manipulation.

Anonymous No. 906046

Looks more like an orc.

Anonymous No. 906068

Have you ever heard of stylization? You should look into it if you want to be an artist.

Anonymous No. 906071

Liked the original proportions better desu. Also >>906057

Anonymous No. 906073

its not stylized, its awful objectification as well as lazy caricature of an orc

Anonymous No. 906076


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Anonymous No. 906077

not that based orc anon but where else would you post art for the sole purpose of jacking off? Most official art groups are run by women or against objectifying women.

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Anonymous No. 906079

Thank you for the feedback!

Ben working on tweaking likeness to my concept.

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Anonymous No. 906080

Agreed, think I need to properly model her teeth now. collected some ref ^^

Anonymous No. 906081

excuse me?

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Anonymous No. 906085

Yun yum!

Anonymous No. 906086

Ooo I like those wrist wraps. Might give her some ^^

Anonymous No. 906112

Much better execution on these

But speaking as someone who has snapped the tips of both my canines off while having rough sex (please pay attention to how your teeth are aligned if you're clenching your jaw), I'd opt for the thicker tooth, those smaller ones would be broken immediately in any combat. Look at any canine (not feline which hunts with claws) and you'll see incredibly robust, thick and wide canine teeth with a lot of support, which is what allows a dog to drag, roll and rip and even resist forces several times more than its body weight with its teeth

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Anonymous No. 906117

Cute design but you rely on liquify too much and your drawing isn't volumetric enough to really understand the design "in the round" aka in its entirety, only a flat 2D interpretation which is probably why you needed to liquify the eye a lot.

This artist, koki_mantarou, is really good at volumetric drawing, and this frees them to conceive really interesting forms and focus on how the model's anatomy flows, and gives them really really precise control over the proportions and posing. Koki's art is like sculpting on a 2D page, their mind is running a 3D engine at all times and imagining in 3D, seeing all sides of the shape in the same perspective (camera angle, vanishing points and lens distortion) then drawing the visible parts.

If you focus on improving your volumetric drawing you'll have a much easier time transferring 2D to 3D, and improve your 3D at the same time by "sculpting" with a pencil on a page. It will allow you to iterate quickly and get more and more confident and bold when playing with proportions and designing pleasing shapes and gesture(rhythm, flow) into your characters, as well as improving composition for renders, and let you test out wacky ideas without even booting up blender. Your orc girl is cute but it's also safe and generic, I bet you have some really creative and unique ideas up in your noggin but your imagination is sometimes limited by what you can get down on a page and feel happy with. This is why imaginative and observational drawing and sculpting went hand in hand for so many of the great sculptors - they're training the same parts of the brain.

I recommend Peter Han's Dynamic Drawing course as a quick and fun introduction, then Tonko House's light and colour - both will give you tools to really improve your 3D/volumetric drawing

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Anonymous No. 906118

More Koki art. See how, even though it's loose and sketchy and has simple light, this would be really easy for you to sculpt?

Anonymous No. 906123


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Anonymous No. 906193

Not who you were talking to before, but wow, you weren't kidding about Koki. I really fucking suck and I was able to bang this out in about 30 minutes. I know it's not "good" by any means, but this is way better than any other attempt at an anime sculpt I've ever done.
Can you please give more examples of artists who capture volume this well? I obviously need a lot more practice and I'd love to have other good references to work off.

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Anonymous No. 906708

Thanks for the tip ^^


Anonymous No. 906726

Just a random anon but I think your new nose is a bit too flat on the underside, prefer the original because of that

Anonymous No. 906820

She looks like a backup singer for an amateur vegan rock group insted of a goblin. Just my opinion.

Anonymous No. 906826

Good point.


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Anonymous No. 906895

>it's not stylized
>It's a caricature

Anonymous No. 906902

But there's not really a point in stylizing 3d art. Stylization was created for 2d animation since having to draw everything realistically for each frame would take up too much time. With 3d modeling, things can be rigged, which means the character only needs to be made once, and can be reused again and again. Stylization in this context is just an excuse for laziness of lack of talent.

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Anonymous No. 906905

Either this is some tasty bait i just hooked onto, or you are legitimately autistic if you think only reason stylization exists is for efficiency in 2d workflow.

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Anonymous No. 906907


Oh jeez, blech. All the changes you made since that first wip at the beginning of the post? Not improvements. What you had at the beginning was great and needed only minor tweaking of details, but this new version?

Legit, I hope you saved an older backup you can revert to. Honestly, the only thing I dislike about your original version is the little hair tendrils above her forehead. I can't put my finger on what it is about them, but they just don't look quite like hair tendrils. I would say just scrap 'em. If you wanna keep 'em, maybe lean into the anime style (see attached pic), but getting ride of them entirely would also be fine.

But definitely revert the changes to made to the face and body. What you had before was much better.

Anonymous No. 906919

Why does she look like she has a micro dick?

Anonymous No. 907023

I can tell you are not an artist ^^

Wishful thinking or projection?
I don't know how your mind works XD

Anonymous No. 907043


Anonymous No. 907067

It looks like shit to be honest. Everything about it is amateur-esque. The same vacant expression that any cuck makes for their female models, stupid multi-colored hair style that doesn't fit a goblin aesthetic. It's pathetic, it looks like shit and why would they wear modern style clothing? This is a fucking goblin you moron. Not some dumb starbucks bitch.

You fucking suck.

Anonymous No. 907077

Except I am an artist, and I can imagine I make much more money than you do because I can actually sculpt things accurately. You can go on ahead and keep using "stylization" as an excuse for poor anatomy knowledge.

Anonymous No. 907114

You sir are peanut butter and jelly!

Are you a sniper to?

Managed do do some more work, next I'll make the hair. Then I will go over and refine and clean up the body.

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Anonymous No. 907116


Anonymous No. 907118


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Anonymous No. 907148

Too good for /3/ tbqh senpai.

With my limited knowledge, I can point out these:
side of the pelvis, as well as its front edge (ASIS) is too boxy, there should be some muscles/fat covering most of it afaik.
Also, the lower part of the upper arm is not resolved, it's just a box (seen from the rightmost).
The calf is curving out maybe a bit too much, try drawing the bones inside to see whether it's a functional anatomy.
Also, the armpit area is a bit weird, looks like it was modeled with a reference where the arm was raised more (picrel), the deltoid should cover the pectoralis, which needs to go all the way into its insertion on the humerus.

Btw, could you please recommend some good tuts for ZBrush? Something concise for a beginner?

Anonymous No. 907161

Thank you for the great feedback!
I will make sure to fix these areas, the anatomy in general is in need of some refining. I'm ben changing her proportions so much certain areas get messed up ^^

This is a great playlist if you are a beginner!

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Anonymous No. 907170

Working on environment to.

Anonymous No. 907193

Thank you for the tip, good luck with the sculpt!

Anonymous No. 907218

The point of stylizing is to make things look better than they do irl.

Anonymous No. 907220

Reminds me of a leisure suit larry game.

Anonymous No. 907254

Not far from the type of game I am making ^^

Anonymous No. 907255

You will be replaced by AI and people will always use base meshes + ref.

Anonymous No. 907258


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Anonymous No. 907284

Testing her in motion.
Slapped an auto rig and some mocap on her.

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Anonymous No. 907595

honestly looks perfect, cant seem to find any uncanny mistakes, heres my sculpt, but im not sure if im going in the right direction, i wish theres a decent place to ask for advice that i can take seriously

Anonymous No. 907647

lol just ask on the Zbrush discord. Some pro might actually respond to you.

Anonymous No. 907674

Good Discords to post:
Outgang, Polycount,DiNusty Empire and The Club are filled with industry pros that help out people and there are frequently people in voice chat chatting while working on high end models.
Zbrush, Flipped Normals have a lot more variance in the skill level of people that post there but its still a good place for feedback.

Anonymous No. 907682

thanks for the suggestion, as for the zbrush discords i already posted a few sculpts but i always ended up getting ignored, that probably means my sculpt is just bad, i dont think theres a worse feeling than that

Anonymous No. 907687


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Anonymous No. 907743

in terms of animation it definitely was a matter of necessity at first, now we have stylized 3d movies catering to the unwashed masses

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Anonymous No. 907760

I'm a fan of this, keep up the good work!

Anonymous No. 907768

thanks anon

Anonymous No. 907776

Anon you need to have the confidence of Cris. While he is shit literally, he is persistent and confident. You can learn something from Cris anon.....

Anonymous No. 907800

gmi. Love her hands, nice and feminine.

Anonymous No. 907802

Nah dude, sometimes you just post at the wrong time, your work is of good quality.
Some discords actively ignore giving high quality work critique either because they dont think they can give actually useful feedback or sometimes because of jealousy/imposter syndrome.

Anonymous No. 907809

thanks alot i apperciate that

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Anonymous No. 907827

I used to post on the blender discord when I was new and you got the very blunt and outspoken ones like pic related giving anatomy critiques like candy. I was curious about the quality of work these blender gurus have but I lol'd the moment I saw his work recently. If I were to compare him to kda anon I'd take advice from kda anon instantly but kda anon needs to stop being dunning kruger if he wants to make it.

Anonymous No. 907839

It's sad that Pixar has been reduced to having nothing but grubhub-level character models.

Anonymous No. 907924

holy shit these people piss me off so much, these nu critics try so hard to sound sophisticated, only for them to be absolute amaturs, avoid at all costs

Anonymous No. 907975

These were perhaps the worst and most gaslit changes.

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Anonymous No. 907981


Lol, you wonder why blendlets are the way they are and he is significant proof of it. I pretty much learned to never take critique at face value unless they are professional themselves.

Anonymous No. 908034

cute and hot, good work

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Anonymous No. 908261

the fact that you keep working on this, asking for feedback and trying experimental tweaks shows me you WILL make it

My advice? Move on from this project. You'll improve much faster spending 10 hours on 10 projects vs polishing 1 for 100 hours, and the skills and taste refinement you pick up will help you come back and tweak the design

Stylisation and appeal are muscles you have to train and keep in good condition, just like learning anatomy, posing and storytelling

Anonymous No. 909448

I fucking adore this, she's cute! CUTE!

Anonymous No. 909457

>worse after texturing

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Anonymous No. 909479

Thats pretty nice work!
Let me know if you want to chat ^^

Thank you ^^

Truth be told I worked on more then 11 feature films. I just never developed my skills with character modeling and that's what I am working on fixing now ^^
I worked a ton on the anatomy for the next update.

Got a whole bunch of chars to make ^^

Thank you :3

These are the other chars I am planning on making. Designs are not final ^^

Anonymous No. 909480

Post artstation so I can follow (you)

Anonymous No. 909489

Since my day job is only SFW stuff I have made a new persona for this project to separate it from my work.
I've made have not set up an art station yet but my twitter is up and running ^^

Anonymous No. 909555

Down bad for this globussy, you better upload this to sfmlab or some similar repository

Anonymous No. 910124

What's with all the sexualized monsters?

Anonymous No. 910125

I just noticed my reply number, fuck yeah, lol

Anonymous No. 910127

is this a bait? you even said "monsters" so i shouldnt be surprised if you knew what monster girls are
although those arent good examples of them

Anonymous No. 910348

I don't know man, just tough they looked sort of neat you know.

Ha ha posting on twitter mainly now ^^

Anonymous No. 910678

There are canonically no female goblins so this is a man

Anonymous No. 910679

There's no such a thing as canon in folklore, if you wanna be pedantic about it they are also wisps and can shapeshift

Anonymous No. 910681

Apart from recent catering to monsterfag coomers there hasn't been depiction or mention of female goblins in any vidyas I've played or animu I watched or folklore I heard of. Even if they can shapeshift they're still men

Anonymous No. 910825

As far as I know goblins are fiction. They are also in the public domain. So in conclusion your a poopy butt.

Anonymous No. 913308

Ask me how I know you're german.

Anonymous No. 913806

On the side view her tummy looks too "blocky", maybe give it a small curve near the bellybutton, as for the rest, its looking pretty good ngl, maybe you could make her thighs wider considering the model has an athletic body, and women mostly train their leg muscles.
Also considering its a "3DHentai" game, I would have given her BOOBA tier tits, but that's just me how I like my goblin shortstacks lol. If you want to get lots of people noticing your game, make sure to have a wide variety of body types for your audience though, dont focus on the ones you like only!

Anonymous No. 913888

the space between the nose and the mouth is a bit too long
the eyes could be bigger, but that's more of a stylization option i suppose
waist is too thin, maybe try moving the bottom angle up?
the neck would look better if it wasn't curved outwards towards the head.

These are just nitpicks, the model looks very nice and you should be proud.

Anonymous No. 915204

play/read more there are always mentions you never heard of because you are a fag that doesnt look hard enough
also that you dont see female dwarfs in movies and games doesnt mean, that canonically they dont have women

Anonymous No. 915205

It's stylized anyway, all the preparations are whack

Anonymous No. 915319

Let me rephrase that, why do you think I'm German?

There are characters with Titanic boobs in this project worry not my perverted pal ;)

Going to give the model a new pass soon, ben taking a break since crunch time at work drained me a bit on 3D work ^^