
images - 2022-06-....jpg

๐Ÿงต How can I fix this?

Anonymous No. 906075

So, long story short. I spent the better half of this month working on a project that I was contracted to. It involved mostly hard surface modeling, creating props, texturing stuff. No rigging or animating things.

I wrapped it all up last weekend and took a well deserved break. This week, I sat myself down to sculpt a character because I had nothing else to do. What followed was depressing and bugs me out.

I spent the whole week so far trying to sculpt and rig but everything has been off. The anatomy was shit, my retopo is absolute garbage and the subsequent rigging was shit. I kinda feel burnt out that not practicing stuff for a month sort of messed me up this bad. I messed up the retopo too like normal stuff that I'd remember like connecting the arm to the shoulders or the webbing between fingers.

Do I have to relearn the basics all over again? It's like my mind is blank and I cant even blockout a normal character without my brain saying it looks shit now. I keep finding these imperfections and get discouraged. How can I fix this?

Anonymous No. 906083

Learn ziva dynamics or houdini 19 muscle rigging, create your bones and muscles _once_ and warp them in to fit similar characters. Also, it sounds like you are just new.

Anonymous No. 906093

Fuck off zivafag, your shilling isnt even remotely relevant to his problem



Anonymous No. 906098

I'm kind of in a similar situation. I'm a beginner tho so I put it in the back of my lack of experience. But yeah, I was working and sculpting and my anatomy skills and took a break of two months getting into learning hard surface modeling, Unreal programing, Marvelous Designer and a few other stuff. Recently, I re-opened Zbrush and realised I fell off pretty hard. I tried doing a simple face and this shit got me sad too man. I don't think we have to re-learn the basics but I think going trough some stuff might not hurt.
Personally it's the eyelids part that got me fucked up so I'm gonna rewatch some stuff on that. But maybe this will disappear with experience. I don't really know tho.

Anonymous No. 906104

It's normal, just push forward.

Anonymous No. 906105

it is hugely relevant; he says he doesnt understand anatomy, rigging, or retopo. Heres an actual protip:

>study some anatomy
>learn how to script
>read the docs and absorb the forums
>model the bones and muscles
>place them and simulate them so you dont have to continuinously sculpt surface level (will never be right)
>warp into similar species
>wa-la, you now have an anatomically correct skeleton, muscles, fat, and skin that react well to animation and show properties such as muscle / bone sliding which are impossible to sculpt blendshapes for.

Anonymous No. 906113

Post your work. Maybe you are being too hard on yourself.

Anonymous No. 906121

This, but instead of practicing anything at all I just coom.

Anonymous No. 906143

Just refresh from the bottom up. Re-study anatomy, re-build using more fine construction that you maybe would otherwise skip, and force yourself to approach it like you did when you were first learning, and you'll get back into it. You're probably just burned out in general.

No, seriously man, fuck off. The right answer to every single artistic plight is not a physics simulation. That shit is cool and very useful, but fucking hell, shut up about it in every single goddamn thread, you autistic shill. Do you do this when somebody is asking for 2D help?
> Man, I'm trying to draw this person, but the anatomy of the pelvis is hard to reconcile.
>> What you need to do is create bones and muscle dynamics, script them, and do realistic soft body physics simulations, then just trace it! Wa-lah!

It's a good answer when somebody wants to know how to push things to the next level and get more realistic body deformation, not for literally any "how do I get better" question. Fuck off.

Whether you're being retarded on purpose or not: https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/voil%C3%A0#English

Anonymous No. 906145

It's normal. Remember when you went to school and how after 2-3 months of not using your hands to write because of summer vacation your handwriting would get worse? Same thing.

Anonymous No. 906151

>The right answer to every single artistic plight is not a physics simulation. That shit is cool and very useful, but fucking hell, shut up about it in every single goddamn thread, you autistic shill.

Do you want to get better or not? The answer is simulation. You have to learn anatomy and sculpt the bones and muscles, as well as rigging and scripting, numbnuts. Getting better in 2022 is not surface level sculpting. Again - do you want to improve?

>Do you do this when somebody is asking for 2D help?
This is /3/. If you want to talk /2/ I suggest you take it somewhere else.

Anonymous No. 906152

That's not "getting better", that's "getting better results".

It's the equivalent of somebody asking
> How do I get better at the piano? I'm having trouble hitting these chords in realtime.
and you responding
> Get a DAW, record the piano sounds, and add some procedural delay to make it sound good, and wa-la, you have music. Sounds like you are new.
What would you say to a physical sculptor who is asking the exact same question? That their art is completely outmoded by Ziva and Houdini and they should abandon their craft and learn Ziva instead?

It's not actually an answer to the question. Until somebody asks "How do I procedurally achieve physically realistic soft body deformation", your bullshit isn't actually relevant.

Anonymous No. 906153

what a terrible analogy. You have to arrange and write the music even if you stamp in chords in FL or Cubase just like you have to actually create your animated skeleton that you apply your simulation to and then edit it and add sound effects.

You don't know what the hell you are talking about and i would bet my life you are making some terrible last-gen looking real time crap in somebody else's engine such as unreal engine.

Anonymous No. 906165

It's a fine analogy. You come in every time somebody says anything about sculpting to tell them to use some physics system to automate understanding of soft materials. It's irrelevant and not what anybody asked about. Your advice to a digital sculptor asking about digital sculpting shouldn't be such a fucking far cry from what you'd suggest to a physical sculptor.

You can make all the assumptions about my work you want. You can't base it on anything, because unlike you, I'm not spamming the same easily-identifiable shit in every single goddamn thread.

Anonymous No. 906166

heres a protip that ive every single time i post : you have to learn anatomy to be able to sculpt the bones and the muscles. You literally _sculpt_ the bones, and the muscles, and the outer fascia (which gets shrinkwrapped)

Are you dense? Do I care about being easily identifiable if I'm the only one actually using the software i talk about? Dont answer that, kid.

Anonymous No. 906167

So you're skipping the part people are actually fucking asking about to shill your software? "I am having trouble figuring out how to sculpt this anatomy", "lol can't help you bro, but when you get through that, totally buy Ziva!"
At least you're self-aware about your off-topic bullshit, I guess.

Anonymous No. 906172

heres another free protip : muscles, bones, and fascia ARE anatomy.

I thought you had to be above high school age to post here.

Anonymous No. 906179

If you have to learn all of that anatomy before you use Ziva, then how the fuck is it a relevant answer to somebody having trouble sculpting anatomy? How are you missing the basic gap in your logic?

Anonymous No. 906182

again, reading comprehension. Heres an analogy for you : humans invented motors for their boats so they didnt have to manually row everywhere each time.



Anonymous No. 906324

Any of you use Anki to keep art lectures or 3D terms in your head? I use anki for maintaining a 2nd language and it works wonders. My med student friends swear by it.

Anonymous No. 906340

Solo gamedev requires doing a bit of everything every day. Even if it's just 10 minutes.

Anonymous No. 906341

I use it for programming languages.

Anonymous No. 906350

If you're grinding terminology on /3/ you're doing it very, very wrong.

Anonymous No. 906528

you can use it, but you'll remember it if you apply it into personal projects



Anonymous No. 907850


Anonymous No. 907872

same thing here, not a beginner, but this would only stop being a problem if i kept doing the same shit over and over again
solution: keep notes, i use hackmd.io and i have my own notes/tutorials there about software/task specific things that save me from major fuckups

Anonymous No. 907901

It's called Dunning Kreuger. At some point because of the harsh criticism you give others on 4chan you somehow convinced yourself you're a 3d modeler and an artist (you've obviously got an eye for good art). But when actually start putting your skills to the test you realize you're shit and you don't know anything.
Don't worry you can learn to do it just like everybody else with the skill had to. Time to put your shoulder to the wheel.