


Anonymous No. 906194

The compile now completes.
And links.
Thanks to linux user help from the SDL Discord.
The binary runs.
The menu shows up.
The maps are listed.
The 2d gfx are there.

Once you try to load a map the application crashes and Apple gets sent a report: which they have to read.

So all it can do is annoy indians from india right now; and show you what maps you could play if the opengl wouldn't crash.

What do?
Then there is a huge error I pasted to pastebin.
But I cannot find it as pastbin isn't searchable even with google (would have to turn the mac back on as I saved it there).

I then installed gdb, and had to run through hoops to get "ggdb" signed and allowed to control other proccesses.

I didn't trace the error yet tho: I stopped.
The thing compiles and runs.
Won't let you not crash doing anything 3d yet.
The error talks about coca or something like that? A drug apple users used to do until they joined FAGMAN corps and cut their dick and balls off? Did the drugs make them open to that?

Anyway: Anyone know what to do now?
How do I get it not to crash when I load a 3d map? Once it has to render OpenGL it crashes. Even the loading screen to load a map (ie you say : load this map; crash immediatly)

The Linux SDL user Petruska helped me get to this stage: no relation to Putin's 3rd in command.



Anonymous No. 906195




Anonymous No. 906197

I like the Yotsuba 404 image where she's looking into her shorts. 404. Nothing there. Little girl child anime girl cute.

That really shows what this site was about.
Before white faggots took over.
It was about Anime.

Anonymous No. 906198

>Have you still not learned your lesson to stick to a real operating system, anon?
I use linux, not mac.
I'm compiling for mac because a mac user here on /g/ asked me specifically for a binary of the updated engine work I did (wolfenstine:enemy territory map and shader loading, 4 million entity networking netcode).

I compiled for linux and windows first.
And the source is on the ISO.

I do not like mac or osx. I am doing this because I was asked to do so and because there was a working old osx port that showed it could be done (it's on the iso ofcourse and still works, but doesn't have the new features).

I'm at the point where the compile compiles, links, and runs; showing the menu and images of the maps etc and sound works and music is playing; but when you tell it to load a map ; which then invokes OpenGL etc; it crashes.

If you know what to do please tell.

I don't want your help transfaggot.
I do not use new darkplaces because it has a fake name on it for the dev ("Ashley Hale" 'Lady Havoc' rather than the proper Lord "Forest Hale" )

I am not going to use whatever you give either.
Trans faggot woman believer.

I figured cross compiling would never work: so I got the 69 dollar 8gb mac. But even compiling on the platform itself is very difficult vs Linux and Windows.

How did you cross compile for win? Using wine libs etc?



Anonymous No. 906209

>Anyway: Anyone know what to do now?
I'll share the forbidden knowledge if you tell me your favorite pony.