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I'm sick of ....jpg

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Anonymous No. 906207

I'm sick of being shit at /3/ anon-kuns... So here's my .blend file + obj. Criticized me. Call me a fag. Dab on me with your superior skills. Just help me get through this shit.

>le blender, that's your problem!
I can use maya, 3ds max, zbrush, mudbox and others, I'm just shit at all of them. I only use blender here since everyone can access it.

> Go learn to draw!
Tried. Failed. Got a D from art class to prove it.

Anonymous No. 906214

Looks alright good job.

Anonymous No. 906218

ye thats honestly not to bad anon. youre doing well

Anonymous No. 906236

Ugh, is this the /3/ equivalent of Facebook THOTs going AAAA I'M SO UGLY just to fish for compliments? Fuck off

Anonymous No. 906239

If I wanted that I wouldn't come to 4chan of all places. I wanna get ass blasted till I'm forced to get good.

Anonymous No. 906244

go to a gay bar anon they can probably help you with that, aside from that the render looks okay apart from the hair looks like whipped cream

Anonymous No. 906257

Really not bad. Work on your materials now.
At this point, it looks like all the little bits you could work up just need you to put in more hours of practice while looking at references and anatomy. Your rib shape is a little off, and your clavicles are a little more simplistic than the rest of the mesh , but they look good enough for the model at hand.
Stop nit picking and finish what you started. You'll never get anywhere if you don't ever say "good enough" and move on to the next step. Materials, clothes, hair, eyes, environment, etc. You're done with the body. You have improvement to do, but save that improvement for later, lest you become amazing at sculpting human anatomy but still completely unable to finish a project. It's always better to finish.

Anonymous No. 906259

>I'm sick of being shit at /3/ anon-kuns
If that was really true, you'd be searching for help and critique on actually decent 3D communites on Discord, and not this shithole.

Anonymous No. 906263

OP's model is a nice sculpt, but it lacks good topology. If what you say is true OP could have just posted one with good topo, you are just NGMI

Anonymous No. 906266

How can you even tell the topology? It looks like a sculpt, probably all tris at this point. There's no discernible topology at all.

Anonymous No. 906267

>lacks good topology
the sky is blue and water can make you wet

Anonymous No. 906272

There's no way you could have possibly made that in Blender without knowing how to draw. Blender quite simply isn't powerful enough to make anything good, and you would have to master every art fundamental to make anything nearly as good as that, not that that's actually good or that I couldn't do better.

Anonymous No. 906278

To be perfectly honest, that looks like a decent job, anon. Your model only lacks decent hair, but I assume you are already working on it.

Anonymous No. 906281

Why are you self deprecating yourself? Are you fucking larping? You clearly know what you are doing, retard. gtfo, only schizos like Cris hang out here.

Anonymous No. 906283

Can relate anon

Anonymous No. 906306

that's not bad anon, looks good so far, i actually like how you did the tits.

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Anonymous No. 906462

the real criticism is you haven't finished anything
even a posed coom render that's only a little past this point can be touted as a finished product, but you've decided to stop for whatever reason because you're "not getting through it" instead of finishing it.
if you don't have any finished product in mind, you should have thought of that before setting yourself up for failure.

Anonymous No. 906680

Just finish this anon. Texture it. Render it.

Anonymous No. 906716

Low quality bait, FUD.

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Anonymous No. 906732

I'm stuck at the retopo, Anon-kuns. Legs can't maintain volume at all and ear is a mess. Any good learning resources?

Anonymous No. 906748

What do you use for retopology?

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Anonymous No. 906754


Anonymous No. 906771

uh duuuuh!
What about addons?

Anonymous No. 906774

Nothing. I just enable auto mirror and that's it.

Anonymous No. 906775

OK, you could add a displacement modifier that affects only the legs so it is adjusted a bit, the rest is just manual work.

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Anonymous No. 906776

I'm trying to get the topology to follow the muscles so it could maintain detail with subdiv. But so far legs still look like sausages.

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Anonymous No. 906778

I recently saw some topology pictures out there making the vertical loops go this way on the legs, try that out maybe?

Anonymous No. 906791

Im interested in what YOU think is wrong with it. You seem to have a self-critical mind which is good. You just need to focus on improvement rather than self-pity. Identify what you dislike about your work and keep working on it until you find it acceptable.

Anonymous No. 906818

op, try retop flow

Anonymous No. 907058

shit, better than me. How do you deal with voxel remesher bridging over close together creases like buttcrack / between legs? sharp remesh seems to do ok but its not as smooth or good looking overall and I wish I could just use the voxel remesher but even if I chop the mesh in half the remesher fucks up.

Anonymous No. 908384

It looks alright anon, now make some goddamned porn with it! I wanna fap to it and cooooom!

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Anonymous No. 908470

How to hair?
How to clothes?
How to rig and animate?
I want to make it, so bad, /3/bros.

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3DGuy !!XhQDOznbDw3 No. 908497

...are you sure of it?

Anonymous No. 908734

>Imagine licking her head bald.

Anonymous No. 908737

You made what is ostensibly a woman, however the hands and feet are objectively a man's
Stop using yourself for reference

Anonymous No. 909095

How do you get the contours line topological on models

Anonymous No. 909126

Bruh, u really need to get better at retopo. I see so many wasted polys... Like why u need all the loops around the nipples?

Anonymous No. 909132

Boobs and ass have to have rounded (radial is a better word) topo in order to make them move naturally.

Anonymous No. 910076

as much as I hate your shitpost shading style you still put in more work in a shitpost than some people put into paid projects so I will always kneel and laugh.

Anonymous No. 910122

Is this porn?

Anonymous No. 910129

That's some seriously cringe topology.

Anonymous No. 910146

Quality is okay but I wouldn't fap to it.

Anonymous No. 910181

Bones stretch out in pose mode and the mesh model won't bend at the knees or elbows in blender: Why blenderbros, WHYY?? All the tutorials on this are convoluted as hell

Anonymous No. 910192


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Anonymous No. 910193


Anonymous No. 910216

In terms of just raw quality, the primary issue I see is a lack of sharp anatomical and volumetric definition (just sharp deliniation of forms in general). Yes, it is a woman, and women are very soft, but to me, one of the things that separates professional quality work from not so professional work is a strategic use of sharp edges in key locations. Doing this well just makes the image just "pop." It is a very, very common tendency to make everything super smooth looking, but in my opinion and experience, doing so makes the image look a little blurry and actually detracts from the quality of the end product. I believe that this is a big part of what you're dissatisfied with when you look at your work.

Anonymous No. 910220

That's literally all media is nowadays is just porn
Thanks trannies

Anonymous No. 910966

I dont like the boob shape and the pus need a 'stash.
And give er a good haircut

Anonymous No. 911938

>> Go learn to draw!
>Tried. Failed.
You most likely weren't told the truth about art: it happens in your mind, not on the paper. That's perhaps the most important part of learning how to draw, it's learning how to see things in your mind, and hold 3d shapes in there, and translating those things onto the paper.

Or you can just do the same uninspired naked human models again and again and again, or those classic zbrush "aliens", I guess. You do you.

Anonymous No. 912908

Please turn her around.

Anonymous No. 915181

>Bones stretch out in pose
Disable ik stretching.
>mesh model won't bend at the knees or elbows

This is you being a retard. Learn topo, learn rigging, learn to learn.

Anonymous No. 915223

Your topology is disgusting to look at.