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Anonymous No. 906494

I'm starting out on 3D but I want to reach the level of Killer7, it's definitely not low poly but checking the models, it's not hyper high poly.
How can I get good at this quickly? Sculpting?

Anonymous No. 906497

>inb4 OP is doomfaggot

Anonymous No. 906512

i think that shot is from tsa but k7 used poly modelling for sure. just find character sheet and extrude and vertex pull a cube

Anonymous No. 906542

I would go for poly modeling instead of sculpting, it allows you to have direct control on your topology which is important when working with not many vertices.
Whatever you do be sure to understand what makes a good topology especially if you plan to animate your model.

Anonymous No. 906550

this style is all about lighting, vertex normal manipulation and cell shading, it can be done with high poly or low poly models, Killer7 was probably all poly/box modeled with hand painted and/or flat colors
Look at the arc system works GDC guilty gear talk, the genshin impact one too.
Lightning boy studio also has a good shader workflow for this style.

Anonymous No. 907677

Absolutely based dude, i'm trying to pull off a similar aesthetic with my models.

I'm still fairly new to it so can't offer any tips, but hope it turns out well for you