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🧵 How and where do I sell assets?

Anonymous No. 906495

So, I've made a bunch of game assets for my game. Includes modular walls, dining room, bedroom etc etc.

Didn't want other people using my assets at first but now I change my mind. I'd like to make some money selling this off. The question is I'm a clueless hobbyist so I'd appreciate it if you guys helped me out.

Should I import all of it into unity and sell it as a package on their store? Same way with unreal's marketplace too?


Do I sell it on blendermarket, with just exporting the blendfile? What would be the right price range for a bunch of dining/kitchen/living room assets with tons of stuff In it because I'm an autistic fuck that over does the details.

Anonymous No. 906510

In order to sell it on engine marketplaces, you will have to import everything in that engine and follow specific technical requirements. It’s a good option, but honestly, it seems like you’re not ready for it yet if you have to ask such questions.

Anonymous No. 906518

>you’re not ready for it yet if you have to ask such questions.
Then will he be ready? Asshole

Anonymous No. 906519

I would have answered you if you had enough self control to withold the insults.

Anonymous No. 906552

In short you didn't have the answer like everyone but are falling over yourself to be condescendingf or get an own in.