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Anonymous No. 906560

...how hard would it be to make a model like this in blender with hops vs doing the same in 3ds?

Anonymous No. 906563

Not very hard, just time consuming.
90% of it is literally just a variation of square / circle + use curve for the pipe, then get some brushed metal textures online, you can probably legit not even UV anything besides logos.

Unironically these blocky sci fi weapons are good beginner projects because they're just a bunch of simple shapes mushed together, just pick whichever software you like and try it, it honestly doesn't matter if you're just starting out, though ofc it'll be faster if you're already familiar with one over the other.

Anonymous No. 906564

how can you say this is a beginner project when senior hands made this?

Anonymous No. 906566

Because, like I said, there's nothing complicated in it. It's all just simple shapes + high resolution textures.

It's easy to just put a bunch of shapes together into a decent looking sci fi weapon, compared to for example a dragon where shapes get a lot more complicated and you have to blend organic / hard-surface elements.
It's a well done weapon but if you think it's complicated to make you're ngmi.

Anonymous No. 906567

It's not, it's easier said than done.

What he means is that people are willing to suspend their belief on the design aspect of the weapon since it is not based on anything real

Anonymous No. 906568

>It's a well done weapon but if you think it's complicated to make you're ngmi.
I'm already established in the industry with over 10 years of work history dude, but not as a modeller which is why i asked the question of blender vs max

Anonymous No. 906613

3 days for good quality, 1 day if u dont care about topology.

Anonymous No. 906668

If you really have 10 years in this industry then you should pretty easily see that this model isn't difficult (but time consuming)

It's all hard surface, the shapes are very uniform, the textures are very simple

But there's a lot of detail, so it would still take a lot of time, but on a technical scale this is very simple

Anonymous No. 906674

You can learn hard surface modeling off youtube.
This guy Josh is pretty good at teaching I think"

The problem I find with HSM is depending on how good you are at using booleans and bevels, you'll end up with a lot of artifacts .

I did this gun from District 9 when I was learning "regular" , take-primitives-and-shape-them kinda modeling in about a week



Anonymous No. 906676


Anonymous No. 906679

I wanna give hard ops + sci fi guns and models a try but I'm literally too fucking retarded to make cool guns. I wouldn't which pipe goes where or where the dial should be or anything like that. I'm literally too stupid to make sci fi guns ;__;



Anonymous No. 906682

Do it like the OG doom devs
>buy random toy gun (or literally google for images)
>take pictures from different sides
>take / blend random elements in photoshop
>mirror down middle
>wabam most iconic high tech gaming gun
pic related is the actual toy they used to make BFG and some high tech looking wall textures from

Anonymous No. 906734

the concept is flat out terrible.

Anonymous No. 906737

hops...or max? I try hops boolean and my results are terrible