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Anonymous No. 906612

This is a bucket

Anonymous No. 906624

based, high polys are the future

Anonymous No. 906629

Ok but paper mario has no polys since everything is a fucking piece of paper anyways. They can afford to burn the rendering budget on this.

Anonymous No. 906632

Dear God.

Anonymous No. 906642

does it deform in a way where all the tris on the body are necessary, or is this an example of genius nipponese engineering?

Anonymous No. 906644

what's the point when you have smooth shading?

Anonymous No. 906647

...should we tell him?

Anonymous No. 906649

he's right though

Anonymous No. 906739

yandere toothbrush tier

Anonymous No. 906782

Poly count rarely matters these days
I've made Nintendo switch mods on real hardware with millions of polygons per model that don't seem to impact framerate at all
draw calls > shader logic > texture size > random bullshit like number of uv islands > poly count

Anonymous No. 906786

ITT retards who don't do 3d

this thing is entirely round, the cleanliness of silhouette is directly tied to the polycount.

Anonymous No. 906805

I've worked on various client projects for Switch (and AR/VR) and they always required a heavy optimization. Switch is weaker than a smartphone these days.

Anonymous No. 906808

>heavy optimization
Any tips for good performance?

Anonymous No. 906830

oh sure, models are optimized on nearly any commercial game. That's just reality.
But again, you really don't require low polycounts for the Switch or any other hardware since the Wii era.
Don't believe me? Go bust out Switch Toolbox and swap out some random model on any game (note that first party games have a strict filsize-based resource management system, but it's always fairly easy to reverse engineer and set to some ludicrous number for your model).
You will find that the limit for polycount to start affecting framerate is in the tens of millions, if that.

Anonymous No. 906845

Maybe, I haven't tested it myself, I only got specs from clients, tri counts were a few thousand tris at most, usually around 1k from what I remember. Also it depends on tech, there's one project I'm working on that requires even heavier optimization due to their specific gameplay mechanics, and that one is for PC. The point is, polycount (unfortunately) still do matter these days, at least for some projects, but it's not rare.

I only worked on assets and had no info about the rest, for polycounts it had to be kept at minimum, everything has to affect the silhouette, otherwise you should usually remove it. Also, LODs are important, e.g. it could be 50% for LOD1 and 10% for LOD2 or something like that.

Anonymous No. 907014

>extremely complex


Anonymous No. 907344

Which is completely ruined by the aliasing.
Honestly seems like a shitty model "enhanced" by 7 level subsurf.

Anonymous No. 907372

But wait, there's more.

Anonymous No. 907398

It does deform.

Anonymous No. 907459

then there's nothing wrong with this model

Anonymous No. 907475

What's the point of this thread?

Anonymous No. 907476

It's a bucket

Anonymous No. 907637

Damn that's a fine ass bucket

Anonymous No. 907709


Anonymous No. 907711

If they had Nanite it wouldn't have even been an issue

Anonymous No. 907828

Only newfags find this impressive

Anonymous No. 908063

Dear god...

Anonymous No. 908077

please show us more

Anonymous No. 908080

isnt this a summon with sem-complex animations that fills most of the screen?
Polycount is a non-issue in this case

Anonymous No. 908466

Strangers of Paradise had an 8m straight out of Zbrush import model and it caused massive amounts of lag, crushing framerates down to the teens even on a 3090. You're telling me Nintendo somehow magically solved this problem on dogshit hardware? Think you're retarded, or Cris.

Anonymous No. 908918

Glad you mentioned SoP. It is the perfect example for why polycount doesn't matter on current hardware.
The only slowdowns from the geometry are loading times because minor enemies are 50 mb a piece.
Don't get me wrong, there are major issues with the SoP's optimization. But polycount is a minor, almost inconsequential symptom of a much larger problem.
The biggest performance hits in SoP are actually the hair/fur shaders, the reflection shaders, and the particle system in general. Mods that disable these features turn the game silky smooth despite the absurd polycounts.
Go ahead, look up the fixes people have made, they're all shader related.

Anonymous No. 911382

Probably in an attempt to get people to talk about model optimization even though the reason the model has a shitload of polygons is so it can deform smoother in-game (which it does)